Snow shoeing fun!
#gktrainingcentre #roscoeandslider #kendraandlulu #jennaanddolly
Hers Crush En It aka Soda.
This handsome horse has a solid foundation with Gary. Soda is very good minded and eager to please. He does pretty circles and shows he's going to be a big stopper. Soda is now with Sam Flarida and starting on the reining maneuvers.
Sometimes you have to wait on the horse. Sometimes you have to let them grow up and mature. It's not always about their 3 year old year. It's about have a solid horse both mentally and physically. This handsome boy is 4 and we are real excited for his 5 year old year. Be patient. Be consistent. Be Gary.
#gktrainingcentre #bepatientbeconsistentbegary #hercscrushenit #kendraandlulu
Thank you to our friend and catch rider for stepping up when we can't.
#gktrainingcentre #bepatientbeconsistentbegary #orhagrandfinale #kendraandlulu #newnhamperformancehorses
KB has been working hard and ready to take you on a magic carpet ride ✨️
#gktrainingcentre #bepatientbeconsistentbegary #kendraandlulu
Day 2 and we are in the saddle. This is what a good training foundation looks like. This is what a good temperament looks like. 8 years in the field and here we go. Yes, she's rusty but it's there. What will she be like after 2 weeks of riding? Be patient. Be consistent. Be Gary.
#gktrainingcentre #wallofpatience #bepatientbeconsistentbegary #kendraandlulu
It was a busy day for Dale. Early morning of training then outside for some sun and green grass. Who knew fresh air could be so exhausting 😴
#gktrainingcentre #bepatientbeconsistentbegary #kendraandlulu
A serene morning filled with sunshine and green grass provides Berry the perfect setting for unwinding. Be patient. Be consistent. Be Gary.
#gktrainingcentre #bepatientbeconsistentbegary #wallofpatience #kendraandlulu
Another beauty 😍 Continental C86 Penni Gerardi with upgraded Chestique colour and a brown nubuc seat
#gktrainingcentre #ContinentalSaddlery #kendraandlulu
We are not the greatest at taking a video while we ride 😀! But we sure love this horse, KB
#gktraìningcentre #bepatientbeconsistentbegary #kbwimpysgunnrunner #kendraandlulu