Mood today because it’s Friday! I hope everyone has a good weekend! ☀️ 🤩 ✨
With this cold weather the past couple weeks, I’m really missing golden summer rides ☀️🐴
Train your eye! I took this video to document my in-depth biomechanical assessment of Princess, last April. Where does your eye first go after watching this video? What kinds of things do you think I noted during Princess’ assessment? #equinemassage #equinemassagepractitioner #biomechanics #equineassessment #biomechanicalassessment
It’s supposed to feel like -42 today, which means Chili gets to put her Carharts on to do chores! How are you, and your pets, staying warm in this cold snap?!
Have you ever seen this plant? Why might I be picking it out of my horses hay? … Because this is a type of foxtail plant! Foxtail is harmful to horses, and dogs, if they try to eat it! We have had a couple bales this winter that had small patches of foxtail in them. We have to be watchful, before we throw the hay to the horses, that there isn’t any foxtail. Have you had to deal with foxtail in your feed before? Did you know this was a harmful plant to your horses? #equinefeed #equinenutrition #horsefeedsafety #ToxicPlants #harmfulplants
The blankets came off the horses this morning. It was -38 with a wind chill yesterday morning and it’s going to feel like -11 today! ☀️🧊 The temperatures have been all over the place lately!! #coldweatherhorsecare #horseblanket
To blanket or not to blanket? This is Chico, he is 25 yrs old! Chico has struggled to maintain a healthy body weight, and also does not have a thick winter coat. Because of his age, weight, and body condition, Chico has been blanketed at all temperatures below -10 (ish). He is on free choice hay, gets extra soaked feed per day, has multiple choices for shelter, and two areas for water. #coldweatherhorsecare #horseblankets #equinecare #horsehealth
Happy New Years Eve! What are your plans for this evening? Are you going to be shooting off fireworks?
Before setting up your fireworks tonight, consider how they will affect your livestock and pets. Animals do not understand what fireworks are, and why they are so loud and bright! If your horses or dogs are not accustomed to loud noises (gunfire, highway noise, etc.) then setting off fireworks this evening could cause them to panic, or go into shock.
We have set fireworks off around our farm in the past. We know to take precautions beforehand to ensure our animals can be as comfortable as possible; setting the fireworks off far out in our field away from our livestock, and putting our dogs inside, away from the noise and lights.
Take time to consider how your festivities might affect your pets tonight! Stay safe, and Happy New Year!
#NewYearsEve #fireworksafety #horsesafety #LivestockSafety
In-hand walking. Just 15-20 minutes of hand walking per day can benefit your horse so much. And it’s easy for you! Some of the benefits include: better communication between you and your horse, improvement of their balance and proprioception (body awareness), improvement of their core strength (abdominal muscles), and helping aid in recovery! Hand walking your horse can be a great option, especially in the winter, when you aren’t able to ride outside, and/or don’t have the time to work with all of your horses in an arena. #handwalking #inhandwalking #equineproprioception #EquineRecovery #equinemassage #equinemassagepractitioner
To blanket or not to blanket? That’s one of the most controversial/talked about things this time of year! These three girls have healthy and thick winter coats! They are all young (under the age of 6), and have access to forage and water all day. I only blanket them when it is -30 and colder (with a wind chill), or if it is a wet snow and they are not able to create a layer of thick snow on their backs to insulate themselves. #coldweatherhorsecare #horseblankets #HorseCare #equihealthcanada
It’s feeling like almost -40 today ☃️🥶All of the horses got their blankets put on them last night, and they will stay on today until some nicer weather rolls in. #coldweatherhorsecare #horseblanket #coldweather
My gelding, Sonnee, underwent surgery on his left front carpal bone (“knee”) two winters ago. After a recent suggestion from another equine professional, I researched kinesiology taping applications that would support his “knee”. Even though we have undergone several months of rehab and recovery since his surgery, it is important to continue supporting him through various modalities, including massage therapy, proper trimming, and kinesiology taping.
The video below is an example of one of the applications I found - “knee” support taping. I chose to apply the tape bilaterally (on both knees) so he would feel balanced in his everyday movement.
The tape above his eyes covers his TMJ (temporomandibular joint, a.k.a. the jaw joint); the purpose of this application is to offload his TMJ and relieve pain.
Sonnee stood great for me while I taped him up!