Bill Boesterd : President
Jim Paradis : CFO
Paul N Cross: GM
About GreenScene AgriTek Inc. GreenScene Agritek Inc. (GSA) of Chilliwack, BC provides a proprietary recycling process that transforms used horse bedding, consisting of wood chips or shavings, waste hay and organics back into high quality, recycled horse bedding. GSA's patented process is designed to provide a reduced cost soluti
on to the growing waste management problem while creating a sustainable agricultural business model for the worldwide horse Industry. GSA technology can eliminating many of the industry’s environmental concerns; such as, landfill disposal, contaminant leaching, odor control and methane off-gassing. Other benefits include: a recycled product that is virtually pathogen and mold spore-free; has a lower moisture content, higher absorbency than standard wood fibre bedding; while significantly reducing the smell of ammonia and black fly populations in the stables resulting in improved horse and human health. Each GSA-2000 can process the used wood bedding supply from between 1,500 and 3,000 horses and can produce up to 495,000 bales of recycled horse bedding for resale. Currently there are an estimated 10,000,000 horses in North America and 59,000,000 horses worldwide and when stabled indoors, each horse produces up to 1 tonne per month of used bedding. GSA markets their technology in a strategic manner and is actively talking to large equestrian centers, racetracks, haulers and entrepreneurs to co-own GSA plants across North America. For more information call 1.877.556.8492 x107
Solving the equine waste problem, Producing a better process and a better bedding, Recyling horse bedding thats cleaner than the original wood fibre, Co -ownership opportunities for plant ownership