3 yr old
Fancy uphill mover with Domanique Buckland at the helm for a test ride. Just missing a dressage saddle😀
3 yr old
Such a smoky day for Taina Hayes Dear to pick up her horse so a trail ride was the best choice. Video's in comments
Tilly the chestnut Arab stallion is almost ready to go home. Proudly owned by Kaila Celsie
7 yr old
Quite an accomplishment today for this 7 yr old mare. Had a breakthrough on fri and after the wknd off she retained the information and then some. She arrived mar 1 as restart and would bolt as soon as a leg was swung over. Monday's a good day so far🥰
3 yr old
Awesome.job out there today Kat. This big Selle francais gelding Quin and you will be a great team. And i love the fact that i get to make Ron still work. Somewhat🤣🤣🤣video in comments