Future baby cows! Drs. Bev and Marty were lucky to spend Easter Sunday with a different kind of Easter egg hunt. They spent the day collecting, finding, freezing and transferring embryos from a great group of polled Herefords. A big thanks to Richardson Ranch for having us out for another year and all your hospitality!
Bovine Surgery🐄
In the video, Dr. John explains the layers of skin and muscle that are incised to perform a right sided laparotomy on a cow. This procedure is used to correct a left or right displaced abomasum. Prior to the video, Dr. John has used paravertebral nerve blocks to freeze nerves T13, L1 and L2. These nerves are responsible for sensation to the muscles in the area. When they are blocked she won’t feel any pain and is able to comfortably stand for the procedure.
The first layers are the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The next are the muscles; external abdominal oblique, then the internal abdominal oblique and then transversus abdominus. The white layer is the peritoneum, which lines the abdominal cavity. Dr. John uses scissors on the peritoneum to safely enter the abdominal cavity without damaging any tissue that could be resting against it. The abdomen is normally under a negative pressure so when an incision is made through the peritoneum, you will hear a rush of air being drawn into the abdomen.
Once the abdomen is open, Dr. John is able to correct the LDA on this cow and suture the abomasum back in place. This cow received Metacam after surgery and supportive care with oral fluids and glycol. Great job Dr. John!
Signs of Pneumonia in Adult Dairy Cattle can include:
- reduced milk production
- reduced appetite
- increased respiratory rate
- fever greater than 39.2C
- lethargy
- cough
- increased nasal discharge
This cow has a markedly increased respiratory rate and was diagnosed with pneumonia by Dr. John.
Bonus points if you can name the enlarged lymph node that the video focuses on part way through!
A live healthy baby just never gets old😍
It’s that time of year!🐐🐑
Dr. John delivered this sweet little doeling after her mom was having trouble progressing🎉