Would you believe us if we said this cat only has three legs?
This is Sugar, our success story we are proud to share with you all on this Feel Good Friday. 💕
He was having ongoing issues with his back leg and limping for a while. His pain was being managed with medication, but over time it started to lose its effectiveness. His owners were worried because he eventually stopped bearing weight on that leg at all, so they brought him back for another check.
It turns out he had a tumour on his stifle (knee) joint. It was suggested that amputation surgery be performed, and was the best option of relieveing him of his pain. His owners were unsure what to do, because being a 13 year old cat it’s hard to say how his recovery would go.
They decided to give it a chance and go ahead with the surgery. Everything went according to plan, and after having a sleepover here at the clinic he was on his way back home with his family.
Shown here is a video of him 3 weeks post-op and as you can tell his family made the right decision to get the amputation. We’ve been told that before his surgery he had stopped using the stairs, and they are amazed at the difference in him in such a short amount of time.
*picture of the x-ray in the comments*
This Monday morning entertainment brought to you by Blue and Fergie 😹
~ s l o w m o t i o n s a t u r d a y ~
Lots of new booties available in our pet store! Your pets will love them, we promise 😹
The two winners of our like and share contest 😊
Found this old video of Blue in his basket 💙💕
And the winner is..........
We will be calling everyone on our list tomorrow, but for now here is a cute video of Blue playing with a cricket to let everyone know that we have live feed back in stock!!
👉🏽(We open at 9 am tomorrow for anyone who needs some ASAP)👈🏽
Our entertainment for today