Who’s missing being on the back of a horse? These horrible temperature drops overnight are making everyone unhappy, but next week is looking like there’s some hope. If you have time to make up a class cancelled due to weather let us know! Spring is on its way!
Mounted games play day this Friday November 15th from 6:30-8:30. Don’t know how to play? Don’t worry we’ll teach you! Mounted games are relay races played on horseback as a team. The beginning of the ride will be learning some games and practising and then a fun competition to end the night off!
$15 for boarders
$20 for haul ins
*Equi9 students interested in participating that don’t have their own horse must first talk to Karen about horse availability, be able to confidently walk/trot independently, must be currently enrolled in lessons been a regular students for at least 6 consecutive months. Additional fees will apply
Thank you to everyone who hosted the Scott’s Barn Halloween Gymkhana! We had over a dozen students competing and it was great to be able to watch them achieve personal goals, win prizes and have a ton of fun! If you have any photos or videos from the day you’d like to share we’d love to see them! Happy Halloween!
Facebook has limited what I can put on one post so we’ll see what I can add to comments! We had a Blast at this years mounted games competition! All our competitors this year have practised lots and come a long way! One even trained her own pony for this years games! There was tons of laughs, and phenomenal demonstrations of team work! Can’t wait for the next one!
The second new-to us- game hosted at this years Mounted Games Competition might just be the one we are Most excited about watching people participate in- Hula Hoop. Hop off your horse and put yourself completely through the hoop while your partner holds your horse and then leave the hoop inside the pylons and remount so you can cross the changeover line- turn back and your partner can have their turn through the hoop while you hold their horse. A true challenge of teamwork, athleticism and cooperation! There’s still time to grab a partner and the forecast for Saturday looks to be in our favour! See you then!
Happy Canada Day!!!
We hope everyone has a great day dancing in the rain!
A reminder that there is no classes today due to the holiday or Friday July 5 due to the Southern Alberta Summer Games
Bill is doing much better, he is working his way off of mush and back on to solid foods. Thank you everyone for your concern, every available eye has been on him and he’s had some little visitors come out to tell him to not be sick anymore. He got a chance to stretch his legs in the arena today and he had lots to tell us about how he feels
Keeping track of horses ages is difficult. Unless your horse has registration papers that miraculously travel with them through the duration of their lives or their previous owners managed to pass on the details of their birth consistently, most horses end up with a rough estimate of age never mind a birth date. When our horses come home we are usually given an age; which a look at their teeth may be able to give a rough estimate on accuracy. This leaves us ageing them up a year on New Years Day. Instead we prefer to honour their Gotcha Days, the day they blessed our lives by becoming part of our Equi9 family.
Happy Gotcha day Myster E, we’ve been blessed to have you as part of our family for 6 years, which makes you roughly 29 years old. In good news, ponies like little dogs often experience a longer life span than their larger counterparts, we look forward to many more years with the Myster Man blessing the lives of all sorts of riders.
*Myster E is the taller buckskin pony (tan and black) in the video with his friends Jack the dark bay, Sparrow the light bay, Bill the silver pony with a ton of hair and little Petrie.
With the small reprieve in weather we made sure to bring in the horses for a chance to get out of the snow and blankets for a chance to roll, move around and socialize. These three are some of our older horses, the sorrel and Appaloosa that are together - Phillip and Bree- have been herd mates in various homes for roughly 25 years from what we have been able to find of their history. They are very bonded and are rarely seen apart if they can help it. The other sorrel is Paddington, he has been a bit fussy about companions but seems to feel less threatened and more companionable to the quiet nature of Phillip and Bree.