Midtown Animal Hospital

Midtown Animal Hospital At Midtown Animal Hospital we seek to deliver the best possible veterinary care to our patients and clients.

We are a full service companion animal hospital offering a wide range of medical, surgical and diagnostic services. Midtown Animal Hospital is conveniently located on Division Street in Cobourg, directly across from the new Midtown plaza.


☔️❄️ March is National Tick Awareness Month! ❄️☔️

Though it is still winter, ticks can pose a risk to pets (and their people!).

Ticks can be active even when there is still snow on the ground - and the risk in Canada continues to increase. Did you know that once temperatures start to rise above zero degrees Celsius (at around 4 degrees), ticks can start to make their appearance? 🌡

Fear not! You can take action! Over the month 📅 we will be walking you through the three layers of tick protection to help keep ticks out and your furry friends safe!



Closure announcement! ⬇️ (Wednesday, February 12th)

Oof! That ball flew right by everyone!!!!! 🙈

Based on the video, you’d think Sylvie and Jimmy Kibble need a bit more coordination and communication 🤭 in order to really retrieve and fetch that ball!! 😂😂 Normally, they are all-stars at this game but clearly, are having a bit of an off moment in this video! 🙃

And this is a great example of why we have regular meetings, check ins, and even mini conferences for the whole team to attend 📆. It’s a great way to get us out of the clinic in a relaxed setting, out of the work-mindset. We can be casual and social while learning new skills and the most up to date information ✅. We also learn about teamwork, equality and ensuring that no role goes unnoticed in our practice.

That being said, we are going to be CLOSED on Wednesday, February 12th. We will be attending a full day of guest speakers aimed at helping us so that we can help you and your furry friends better. 🐾

Note: there will be no fetch played at this event. 🤣🎾

Deke is excited for the holiday season but NOT for this weather!! ❄️ In an effort to keep everyone safe, we have decided...

Deke is excited for the holiday season but NOT for this weather!! ❄️

In an effort to keep everyone safe, we have decided it would be best to close the clinic early today. We will be closed as of 5pm today but back in tomorrow morning at 8am. 🚘

Stay safe and warm out there!

Should your pet need care urgently after hours, please contact one of the following emergency clinics:

Port Hope Veterinary Emergency Clinic
6597 Dale Road, Port Hope, ON
Phone: 905-885-5321

Kawartha Veterinary Emergency Clinic
1840 Lansdowne St, Peterborough
Phone: (705) 741-5832

Animal Emergency Clinic of Durham Region
1910 Dundas St E b101, Whitby, ON
Phone: (905) 576-3031

Cavan Hills Veterinary Services
303 ON-7A, Cavan, ON
Phone: (289) 278-6001

Has everyone heard of Tammie’s Jammies?! If not, you need to check out the 2024 kick off video in the comments section! ...

Has everyone heard of Tammie’s Jammies?! If not, you need to check out the 2024 kick off video in the comments section! 🎥 You can also follow them on Facebook for the most up to date information!

We want to continue to support our local community in any way that we can so, we’ve signed up as a drop off location for any *new* children’s pajamas (sizes newborn to adult). If you’d prefer to support with a monetary donation, you can stop by the clinic and get your name on a paw print 🐾 or you can send an e-transfer directly to the cause at: [email protected]

Let’s keep everyone feeling warm and safe this holiday season!! ❄️ 🎁

Don't Miss Out! Sign Up for My Vet Store's Black Friday Specials Today!!  Log in and start shopping to take advantage of...

Don't Miss Out! Sign Up for My Vet Store's Black Friday Specials Today!!

Log in and start shopping to take advantage of these awesome savings! My Vet Store has food, toys and treats for all of your furry family member's needs this holiday!


Is your pet current on their tick prevention❓If not, be sure to give us a call because one of the worst times of the yea...

Is your pet current on their tick prevention❓

If not, be sure to give us a call because one of the worst times of the year for is well upon us.

Check out this little guy in the photos below. He presented to us for a surgical procedure and upon rolling him over on to his back, we immediately saw several small black marks on his belly. It was determined rather quickly that these were not just dots - these dots had legs!🦵

TICKS! Ick!! They were promptly removed with a tick twister and he was thoroughly checked all over the remainder of his body for more of them. Guess how many we found in total?? See the comments for the answer! 🤔

Was this pup on tick prevention? YES.

So, why did he have ticks on him? The product he takes needs the ticks to bite him in order to get the medication into them and die. So even though he had a large burden of ticks, most were either dead, walking freely (hadn’t found a spot to attach/bite yet) or very newly attached (soon to be dead). Notice that all of the ticks were very small - if they had been allowed to feed for multiple days (if the pet wasn’t on prevention), the ticks would become engorged and be much easier to find. The longer a tick is attached, the more likely it will be that tick borne diseases can be transmitted to our pets which is why we always recommend tick prevention as a first line of defence and the Lyme Disease vaccination as a second line of defence.

HELPFUL TIP: For short coated animals (or even for yourself), when the ticks are as bad as they are right now, we recommend using a sticky lint roller over their coat just before they come back inside to try and collect any wandering ticks from them that they may have collected.

Some ✨ magic ✨ happened over the past few days and our second box of donations got all filled up - so much so that we ha...

Some ✨ magic ✨ happened over the past few days and our second box of donations got all filled up - so much so that we have had to pack up a THIRD box!!! 😮 📦 📬

We couldn’t be more proud of the community for coming through once again this year to support ❤️ Heart to Paws 🐾

With 3 boxes en route to pets in need, we have far surpassed our personal goal of sending more than 2 boxes this year. ☺️

We’ll definitely be supporting this fantastic cause again next October so if you missed out this year, don’t fret, it will be back!

Special shout out to Justin's Pet Store for bringing over a last minute pile of goodies (some of which were handmade blankets! 🥹) and for lending us a box big enough to pack up the third shipment! 🙌

The Fab Four didn’t disappoint this year and once again, have blessed us with their truly wicked presence!  All that’s m...

The Fab Four didn’t disappoint this year and once again, have blessed us with their truly wicked presence! All that’s missing is a little Toto! 🐕

From the Fab Four and all of us here at Midtown, have a safe and happy Halloween! 🎃

Remember to keep the sweets away from your pets. Make sure they have a secure and safe place to hang out while all of the activity is taking place and if you are out walking, please make sure everyone is wearing reflective clothing or accessories! 💡

Happy Halloween!!! 👻 Boo!

🐕 Fundraise for Farley Month 🐕 is still going strong through October 31st and we’ve brought in something special for you...

🐕 Fundraise for Farley Month 🐕 is still going strong through October 31st and we’ve brought in something special for you to enjoy! Baby plants! 🪴🥹 With a minimum donation of $10 to The Farley Foundation, one of these cute little wee plants will be yours!

Who Does The Farley Foundation Help?
1. Seniors receiving the Federal Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS).
2. Disabled individuals receiving the Ontario Disability Support Payment (ODSP) or the Canada Pension Plan Disability Payment (CPP Disability).
3. Individuals receiving assistance through the Ontario Works Program.
4. Persons with an annual household income of less than $25,000.
5. Supportive housing for seniors, retirement homes or long-term care facilities with live-in pets.

Other donations will score you some Farley Foundation swag like stickers, key chains or reusable sealable bags! 🎁 Stop by and get your name on a paw print 🐾 for our window display!

We are so impressed! Look at our overflowing bin of donations for Heart to Paws! ❤️🐾 We’ve packaged up a box 📦 and it is...

We are so impressed! Look at our overflowing bin of donations for Heart to Paws! ❤️🐾 We’ve packaged up a box 📦 and it is ready for shipment but we still have another one to fill if we are going to match what we did in 2023! 😄 You are the best clients!! Let’s keep it up!!

What do we need? Gently used or new…
1. Leashes, collars and harnesses
2. Pet coats and jackets
3. Pet booties
4. Beds and blankets

You know that bed you bought for Fido that they never used (but they simply adored the box it arrived in 🤣)? How about those booties that your pup refuses to walk in? Bring it all over!! There’s a pet out there that will thank you for providing comfort, warmth and safety this season! ❤️

October is a jam-packed month but we can’t get through it without making serious mention of our incredibly talented and ...

October is a jam-packed month but we can’t get through it without making serious mention of our incredibly talented and hard working ⭐️ Registered Veterinary Technicians (RVTs). ⭐️ They wear many hats in this profession - aside from all of their MANY technical skills (drawing blood 💉, placing catheters, monitoring anesthesia, doing drug calculations 🧮, various lab testing and diagnostics 🧪, taking X-rays (body or dental) 🩻, cleaning teeth while under anesthetic 🦷, assisting with and performing various procedures, practicing aseptic technique whenever possible, and so much more), they also possess some other great skills that are absolutely critical in this field. Compassion. Empathy. Understanding. Ability to perform under pressure and in emergent situations. Just like all of the other roles in this clinic, we all play a pivotal part and our RVT’s are no exception! 🩺

Pictured below (in clockwise direction) we have Ashley, Carley, Dawn, Rennie, Amanda and Emma.

Dropping by sometime in the next few weeks? Please do a little shout out to our RVT’s. Give them some thanks and appreciation for all that they do!! 🗣️🙏

And don’t forget to bring by any gently used or new sweaters, leashes, collars or beds for our donation bin ( , ). While you are here, consider a donation. Just $2 gets your name up on window. Make it $5 and you get a free gift of your choosing (while supplies last)!

🦃 Holiday Closure! We will be out of the office this coming Monday, October 14th but will return at 8am Tuesday the 15th...

🦃 Holiday Closure! We will be out of the office this coming Monday, October 14th but will return at 8am Tuesday the 15th. 🦃

Desna, the 9y old Husky is very keen to tell you about some of the risks associated with pets and the holiday season. Did you know that all of these things can cause serious health risks for your pet?

- High Fat Foods: Turkey trimmings, gravy, bacon, butter, grease from cooking, nuts – fatty foods put your pet at risk for developing an uncomfortable condition called pancreatitis. 🍖🧈🥜
- Raisins, currants and grapes – sometimes just 1 grape can be toxic to your pet! 🍇
- Chocolate: The darker the chocolate, the higher the risk of toxicity in your pet. 🍫
- Onions, garlic, chives, scallions, leeks: Often included in food preparation so we don’t think about how much can actually be in a meal or in one bite. 🥘
- Baker’s yeast/dough: Goes down in one nice small portion but left unattended, the yeast or dough can expand in a pet’s stomach. Not to mention, our doughs are often filled with yummy additives like nuts, chocolate, etc. 🥖 🍞 🥯
- Food garbage/Compost: This is anything you put in your garbage that is food material or has had direct contact with food (thus, has a nice food smell and taste to it). Bones are a huge concern for foreign bodies and gastrointestinal tract perforations in our pets. Another common cause of obstruction are corn cobs. The string that you use to tie your turkey up or the wire scrub brush you use to clean the grease out of your pans – both can cause obstructions or damage to internal organs. 🦴 🍖 🌽
- Xylitol: A common sweetener used in MANY food products that is very harmful to the liver of pets and can cause their blood sugar levels to drop dangerously low. 🧁 🍨
- Holiday décor: Unattended candles, various plants (Lilies are extremely toxic to cats). 🕯️💐


If you are concerned about toxin ingestion over the holiday weekend (or any pet health problem), please contact one of our local emergency clinics immediately.

1. Port Hope Veterinary Emergency Clinic
6597 Dale Road, Port Hope, ON
Phone: 905-885-5321

2. Kawartha Veterinary Emergency Clinic
1840 Lansdowne St, Peterborough
Phone: (705) 741-5832

3. Animal Emergency Clinic of Durham Region 1910 Dundas St E b101, Whitby, ON
Phone: (905) 576-3031

4. Cavan Hills Veterinary Services
303 ON-7A, Cavan, ON
Phone: (289) 278-6001

***Further information about holiday pet toxins (or any poisons or toxins at any time of the year), we encourage you to seek out the Pet Poison Helpline that can be reached at: (855) 764-7661*
*Note: there is a fee from Pet Poison Helpline for contacting them with an active case of possible poisoning or toxin ingestion

Cheese, Murphy and Nitro want all of their four-legged friends to stay warm this Winter. 🥰 Help support animals in need ...

Cheese, Murphy and Nitro want all of their four-legged friends to stay warm this Winter. 🥰

Help support animals in need by contributing to the Merck Animal Health Heart to Paws campaign: come and donate new or gently used pet care items such as pet sweaters, dog booties, collars, blankets and leashes. Your generosity will warm up the heart displayed in our clinic, as well as the hearts of pets who will keep warm this winter thanks to you!

🐾 Special shout out to Justin's Pet Store () and All Creatures Great and Small Cobourg () for their contributions to the bin!! 🐾

This message was prepared with the support of Merck Animal Health

Help us  ! For the month of October, we’ll be collecting donations for the Farley Foundation, a charity that subsidizes ...

Help us ! For the month of October, we’ll be collecting donations for the Farley Foundation, a charity that subsidizes the cost of necessary veterinary care for pets of low-income families in Ontario. Help people and pets in need by stopping by the clinic to make a donation (and receive a free gift, while supplies last) or by visiting: farleyfoundation.org/donate

Back this year is one of our favourite causes and we need your help again to support the community and our pets! 🫵Come l...

Back this year is one of our favourite causes and we need your help again to support the community and our pets! 🫵

Come lend a paw! 🐶 🐾 🐈 This upcoming October, we will be collecting both used and new pet accessories as part of the Merck Animal Health HEART TO PAWS campaign to help keep pets cozy and warm this winter. A gift from the heart! ❤️

They are accepting leashes, collars, jackets/coats/sweaters and pet bedding (gently used or new). Stay posted for more updates! Item drop off begins October 1st!

This message was prepared with the support of Merck Animal Health.

Check this out!!!! New baby kitten, Fredrick, getting up close and personal with one of his new big brothers! 🥰🥹We want ...

Check this out!!!! New baby kitten, Fredrick, getting up close and personal with one of his new big brothers! 🥰🥹

We want to let everyone know we will be CLOSED this coming Friday the 6th at NOON for a staff function. We will be back in the office at 9am Saturday and 8am on Monday.

Should you need care urgently during that time, please contact one of the following emergency clinics:

Port Hope Veterinary Emergency Clinic
6597 Dale Road, Port Hope, ON
Phone: 905-885-5321

Kawartha Veterinary Emergency Clinic
1840 Lansdowne St, Peterborough
Phone: (705) 741-5832

Animal Emergency Clinic of Durham Region
1910 Dundas St E b101, Whitby, ON
Phone: (905) 576-3031

Cavan Hills Veterinary Services
303 ON-7A, Cavan, ON
Phone: (289) 278-6001

Cute puppy alert!!! Meet Coco! 🥹 She is a 7 week old Boston Terrier that we had the pleasure of meeting yesterday! She w...

Cute puppy alert!!! Meet Coco! 🥹
She is a 7 week old Boston Terrier that we had the pleasure of meeting yesterday! She was napping just prior to the appointment so she looks a little sleepy here but still absolutely adorable! 💤😴

Also, we want to remind every one of the upcoming long weekend. We will be CLOSED on Monday, September 2nd for Labour Day. We are back in Tuesday the 3rd at 8am.

Should you need care urgently during that time, please contact one of the following emergency clinics:

Port Hope Veterinary Emergency Clinic
6597 Dale Road, Port Hope, ON
Phone: 905-885-5321

Kawartha Veterinary Emergency Clinic
1840 Lansdowne St, Peterborough
Phone: (705) 741-5832

Animal Emergency Clinic of Durham Region
1910 Dundas St E b101, Whitby, ON
Phone: (905) 576-3031

Cavan Hills Veterinary Services
303 ON-7A, Cavan, ON
Phone: (289) 278-6001


483 Division Street
Cobourg, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm




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Our Story

We are a full service companion animal hospital offering a wide range of medical, surgical and diagnostic services. Midtown Animal Hospital is conveniently located on Division Street in Cobourg, directly across from the new Midtown plaza. WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS!