A competition trail horse is one that is being judged on their ability to handle natural and simulated terrain that may be encountered in today's world in an environment such as would be found on a trail ride, hunting trip, on working ranch or any other similar use of our horses. One could expect to encounter normal natural terrain such as steep inclines and declines, rocks, logs, trees, water an
d more. One would also find man-made objects such as bridges, tarps, tents, backpackers, bikers and such other items in our world today. In addition to these, competition trail horses may encounter "live" obstacles such as other horses, mules, donkey's, Llamas, cattle, sheep and more. While being judged the competition trail horse will be presented with specific tasks to be accomplished as part of a judging criterion. These tasks are designed to showcase the horse and rider's ability to perform maneuvers that may be encountered on a ride in today's world. These can include opening/closing gates, dragging a log or tree branch, carry a tarp or backpack, putting on and taking off a slicker, and may other such tasks. The competition trail horse may also be asked to exhibit certain maneuvers to show they are willing to accept the rider's guidance. These may include side-pass, haunch turns, forehand turns, gait changes, backing through obstacles and more. A competition trail horse should travel through and between obstacles exhibiting confidence and purpose. He should have an inquisitive, intent look that shows awareness of his surroundings and enjoyment of job he is performing. He should have his head low enough to maintain the ability to see his path but not lose the awareness of the rest of his surroundings. Once over the obstacle he should raise his head enough to be noting what is around him while not being distracted to the extent that he loses focus of what is under his feet and in his immediate surroundings. He should be able to accept guidance and instruction from his rider softly and willingly with no signs of resistance or loss of focus on the task at hand. The rider should be able to guide his horse with both rein, and leg aides The horse should be showing instant and willing response to the smallest signal from the rider between and within obstacles and within any gait changes. He should show curiosity and willingness to be guided, having confidence in placement of his feet at all times. He should not only show the ability to take care of himself, but should also have an ability and awareness of taking care of his rider. The should maintain his headset and body frame in his natural way of movement, according to his breed and conformation, yet will lower his head as necessary to look where he is going an be drawn into and over obstacles in a quiet safe manner.