The Groomery

The Groomery We are Certified Groomers of all breeds with 42 years of experience with your pets and some of Canad


Just a quick note that The Groomery will be closed Monday September 5th labor day. We will reopen on Tuesday September 6th 9am. Rest up this weekend.


Regular Nail cutting $15 and grinding is still a walk-in at The Groomery.

Did you know that regular grooming can improve your dog’s overall health and well-being? ✂️From preventing matting to de...

Did you know that regular grooming can improve your dog’s overall health and well-being? ✂️From preventing matting to detecting potential health issues, it’s essential for their happiness. 🫶🏻

Enjoy the benefits of a clean, happy, and healthy pup.🐶

☎️Call us today! (613 938 8955)


Good Morning

The Groomery will be open Canada Day 2024 as usual, I have a few openings available.
Call me ASAP to book in.

Abby enjoyed her spa day and gets to hang out with her friends.

Abby enjoyed her spa day and gets to hang out with her friends.


Good Morning All.
Hope everyone is well, and getting ready for the festive season. I still have a few grooming appointment's available from here till Christmas, call me for more details.

Hours of Operation for the 2023 season are as follows. (they can very depending on weather, please call for more information.

Dec 24th Closed
Dec 25th Closed
Dec 26th Closed
Dec 27th Open 9am to 3pm
Dec 28th Open 9am to 3pm
Dec 29th Open 9am to 3 pm
Dec 30th Open 9am to till 12 noon
Dec 31th Closed
Jan 1st Closed
Jan 2nd regular hrs.

I would like to take this opportunity, to wish everyone peace tranquility and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024.


Please help, every little bit counts.

Please help, every little bit counts.

Hi, my name is LouBee and I'd like to ask for your help to get Joseph a new pr… Lou Bee needs your support for Please help Joseph to get a new prosthetic leg


We are closed for the long weekend we will see you all Tuesday May 23rd 9 am. Have a great weekend, be safe.


How would customers feel if they showed up for their appointments and we weren't there. They call and say "hey where are you?!?!" And we just go "oh sorry it slipped my mind, OK if I head there now, it'll just be 20 minutes....." or not call or show up at all, and when they want to rebook and you tell them there's a no cancelation fee......... then you hear I've been called into because of that I have to loose money..........just not fair or right.


Why have your dog groomed in the winter?

Perfect hygiene is essential to ensure a good general condition. When it is poorly maintained (dirty coat, tangled) the dog is more prone to infections (itching, skin diseases) and parasites are less easily detected.

It is often during grooming that we discover the small problems mentioned in the overviews by the master (wounds, ear infections, parasites, ...).

A tight coat makes pest treatments almost impossible, which increases skin problems! Such peeling is a risk as if we keep a tight bandage for several months!

In addition to the care side, regular grooming also allows you to keep your dog always perfect as if he just left the salon!

The groomer also carries out essential care (nail cutting, hair removal and ear cleaning, etc.) to avoid many problems!

Finally, grooming refers to aesthetics. The latter makes it possible to highlight the morphology and character of a breed, but also to erase any defects so as to give a perfect silhouette.

How often should he be groomed?

For breeds with long fur (Bichon, Yorkies, Shih tzu, Lhasa...) you should know that the hair grows about 1cm per month. Once it reaches 2cm, it knots very quickly, especially if it is dirty.

If you want him to keep a mid-length coat, grooming every 2 months is necessary in "scissor cut" with possibly a detangling bath in between.

If you wait any longer, the knots will get bigger, tighter, and we'll have to clip it shorter (the clipper blade must pass between the skin and the knots to be able to cut) which increases the risk to your dog.

Is it bad for the dog to wash it frequently?

Often vets advise giving baths as infrequently as possible...well, with all the skin problems we're having these days, it comes down to bath a month is highly recommended with the correct shampoo for your breed!

But you have to use a suitable shampoo.
Above all, do not use a shampoo for humans (even for babies) because it would be too aggressive for your dog's skin (not the same PH) and this could lead to skin problems.

At what age can you start grooming him?

Enjoying being groomed doesn't come naturally!

This is why introducing the puppy to grooming from an early age is essential so that he can get used to noises and being handled.
Many dogs are groomed for the first time when they have already reached adulthood, often in this case they are difficult, move a lot, and sometimes even are aggressive because they do not understand what is expected of them. them ! While those who have been used to it since puppy hood, do not move and sometimes fall asleep on the table! It's quite an education and a bond of trust to build! what are you doing today.

Pourquoi faire toiletter son chien l'hiver?

Une hygiène parfaite est indispensable afin de lui assurer un bon état général. Lorsqu'il est mal entretenu (pelage sale, emmêlé) le chien est plus sujet aux infections (démangeaisons, maladies de peau) et les parasites se détectent moins facilement.

C'est souvent au toilettage que l'on découvre les petits problèmes passés dans les aperçus par le maître (, blessures, otites, parasites, ...).

Un pelage serré rend les traitements antiparasitaires presque impossibles, ce qui accentue les problèmes de peau ! Un tel pelage est un risque comme si nous gardons un pansement serré pendant plusieurs mois !

Outre le coté soin, le toilettage régulier permet aussi de garder votre chien toujours parfait comme s'il sortait du salon !

Le toiletteur procède également aux soins indispensables (coupe des ongles, épilation et nettoyage des oreilles, ...) pour éviter bien des problèmes !

Enfin, le toilettage se réfère à l'esthétisme. Ce dernier permet de mettre en valeur la morphologie et le caractère d'une race, mais aussi de gommer les défauts éventuellement de façon à donner une silhouette parfaite.

A quelle fréquence doit –il se faire toiletter ?
Pour les races à longue fourrure (Bichon, Yorkie, Shih tzu, Lhasa...) il faut savoir que le poil pousse d'environ 1cm par mois. Une fois qu'il atteint 2cm, il se noue très vite, surtout s'il est sale.

Si l'on souhaite qu'il garde un pelage mi-long, un toilettage tous les 2 mois est nécessaire en "coupe ciseaux" avec éventuellement un bain démélâge entre les deux.

Si vous attendez plus longtemps, les nœuds vont augmenter, se resserrer, et nous seront obligés de le tondre plus court (la lame de la tondeuse doit passer entre la peau et les nœuds pour pouvoir couper) ce qui augmente les risques pour votre chien.

Est-ce mauvais pour le chien de le laver fréquemment ?
Souvent, les vétérinaires conseillent de donner le bain le moins souvent bien, avec tous les problèmes de peau que l'on rencontre actuellement, on revient à dire cela...un bain par mois est fortement conseillé ! Mais il faut utiliser un shampoing adapté.
Ne surtout pas utiliser un shampoing pour humain (même pour bébé) car il serait trop agressif pour la peau de votre chien (pas le même PH) et cela pourrait entraîner des problèmes de peau.

A quel âge peut-on commencer à le faire toiletter ?
Apprécier de se faire toiletter ne vient pas naturellement ! C'est pourquoi l'initiation du chiot au toilettage dès son plus jeune âge est primordiale pour qu'il puisse s'habituer aux bruits et à être manipulé.
Beaucoup de chiens se font toiletter pour la première fois alors qu'il ont déjà atteint l'âge adulte, souvent dans ce cas ils sont difficiles, bougent beaucoup, et parfois même sont agressifs car ils ne comprennent pas ce qu'on attend d' eux ! Tandis que ceux qui sont habitués depuis tout petit, ne bougent pas et parfois s'endorment sur la table ! C'est toute une éducation et un lien de confiance à construire ! tu fais aujourd'hui

Pourquoi faire toiletter son chien ?

Une hygiène parfaite est indispensable afin de lui assurer un bon état général. Lorsqu'il est mal entretenu (pelage sale, emmêlé) le chien est plus sujet aux infections (démangeaisons, maladies de peau) et les parasites se détectent moins facilement.

C'est souvent au toilettage que l'on découvre les petits problèmes passés dans les aperçus par le maître (, blessures, otites, parasites, ...).

Un pelage serré rend les traitements antiparasitaires presque impossibles, ce qui accentue les problèmes de peau ! Un tel pelage est un risque comme si nous gardons un pansement serré pendant plusieurs mois !

Outre le coté soin, le toilettage régulier permet aussi de garder votre chien toujours parfait comme s'il sortait du salon !

Le toiletteur procède également aux soins indispensables (coupe des ongles, épilation et nettoyage des oreilles, ...) pour éviter bien des problèmes !

Enfin, le toilettage se réfère à l'esthétisme. Ce dernier permet de mettre en valeur la morphologie et le caractère d'une race, mais aussi de gommer les défauts éventuellement de façon à donner une silhouette parfaite.

A quelle fréquence doit –il se faire toiletter ?
Pour les races à longue fourrure (Bichon, York, Shih tzu, Lhassa...) il faut savoir que le poil pousse d'environ 1cm par mois. Une fois qu'il atteint 2cm, il se noue très vite, surtout s'il est sale.

Si l'on souhaite qu'il garde un pelage mi-long, un toilettage tous les 2 mois est nécessaire en "coupe ciseaux" avec éventuellement un bain démélâge entre les deux.

Si vous attendez plus longtemps, les nœuds vont augmenter, se resserrer, et nous seront obligés de le tondre plus court (la lame de la tondeuse doit passer entre la peau et les nœuds pour pouvoir couper) ce qui augmente les risques pour votre chien.

Est-ce mauvais pour le chien de le laver fréquemment ?
Souvent, les vétérinaires conseillent de donner le bain le moins souvent bien, avec tous les problèmes de peau que l'on rencontre actuellement, on revient à dire cela...un bain par mois est fortement conseillé ! Mais il faut utiliser un shampoing adapté.
Ne surtout pas utiliser un shampoing pour humain (même pour bébé) car il serait trop agressif pour la peau de votre chien (pas le même PH) et cela pourrait entraîner des problèmes de peau.

A quel âge peut-on commencer à le faire toiletter?

Apprécier de se faire toiletter ne vient pas naturellement ! C'est pourquoi l'initiation du chiot au toilettage dès son plus jeune âge est primordiale pour qu'il puisse s'habituer aux bruits et à être manipulé.
Beaucoup de chiens se font toiletter pour la première fois alors qu'il ont déjà atteint l'âge adulte, souvent dans ce cas ils sont difficiles, bougent beaucoup, et parfois même sont agressifs car ils ne comprennent pas ce qu'on attend d' eux ! Tandis que ceux qui sont habitués depuis tout petit, ne bougent pas et parfois s'endorment sur la table.

Public service announcement :February is Skunk breeding season. Before you let your dogs out make a little noise and giv...

Public service announcement :

February is Skunk breeding season. Before you let your dogs out make a little noise and give skunks time to move out of your yard.

If you come face to face with a skunk, stay calm and talk softly to let them know you’re there, skunks have poor eyesight. Skunks are very sweet natured animals and don’t want to spray you. Go about your business and avoid startling them.

Skunks will give you several warnings if they are scared:
1. They will stomp their front feet
2. They turn their backs to you
3. They will do a handstand
4. They will spray

If a skunk DOES spray your dog etc. here is our favorite technique and recipe:

Firstly catch dog ( person etc) as quickly as possible - don’t let them roll or rub on anything.
If you have rubber gloves wear them. BLOT the spray off with paper towels.
Mix a paste from Dawn dish soap, peroxide, and baking soda and spread it on the area. Let it sit for ten minutes then rinse off and repeat.
If this happens to be on a human or hairless animal leave out the baking soda. The baking soda is sort of like an exfoliant and is really abrasive to bare skin.

Don’t touch wild animals with bare hands and some can have parasites or disease.


Well it's 2023 the best year ever.

We at The Groomery would like to thank all our clients new and old.

We are thankful to have your support.

For us 2023 will change very little, our price structure will remain the same for the most part, with the economy where it is, we will do our best to help you all take care of your pets the best we can, with price and service, after all your beloved pet is what matters in the end.

If you need help in anyway reach out to us maybe we can help.

Christmas Groomery HoursDEC 24, 25, 26 CLOSEDDEC 27, 28, 29, 30, OPENDEC 31 JAN 1 & 2 CLOSEDREOPEN JAN 3RD REGULAR HOURS...

Christmas Groomery Hours

DEC 24, 25, 26 CLOSED

DEC 27, 28, 29, 30, OPEN





Not sure what to give a friend or a loved one, why not give the gift of canine beauty!!

Gift certificate available at the The Groomery in any amount you wish to give.


Hey Friends

The Groomery is closed this week I'm off learning.......after 44 years. I'll be back in the shop Dec 6th. You can still call and make you appointments. Take Care

Please vote for The Groomery at the following link. Thank you for taking the time.

Please vote for The Groomery at the following link. Thank you for taking the time.

Official 2022 Community Voting Awards Platform for Cornwall, ON. Where the community votes for their favourites every year.

Hello Groomery FriendsIt's that time again to vote for best grooming shop in Cornwall.Here is the link.Go to

Hello Groomery Friends

It's that time again to vote for best grooming shop in Cornwall.
Here is the link.
Go to and goto pet grooming and vote its that easy.
Thanks for being part of our success.


Good Afternoon All
THE GROOMERY WILL BE CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS July 11th to July 16th. We will re-open July 18th 9 am.
You can still call and book an appointment.
Hope you have a great week,
Thank you 😊


Good Morning All

The Groomery will be closed July 1st Friday and July 2nd Sat this week hope you all have a great long weekend.
Effective next week we will be excepting new clients, so this is your chance to get in and visit us.
Take Care
Marcel and Bonnie


Hey All
Just to clear thinks up,
The Groomery doesn't charged its customers for canceling your appointment prior to 24hr notice, if your sick and can't make your appointment call and cancel with no problems or penalties.
It is better to stay safe and stay home if it's not convenient to make your appointment. Your safety is important to me.


Hi All

The Groomery is closed May 6 and May 7th and will reopen Monday May 9th 9am.
Hope you Have a great weekend.

Interesting read. Hope everyone has a great sunny day.

Interesting read. Hope everyone has a great sunny day.

With the change of seasons, it's possible your pet's allergies can begin again, flare up or start for the first time. Make sure to watch out for the signs and book an appointment with your vet if you ever have any doubts about your pet's condition!

Call us at 450 825 9000 ext 0 (zero) to book today!


Hi All

The Groomery is closed April 13th 3pm till Monday April 18th 9am.
Happy Easter to all. Stay safe.

Time to start looking at flea and tick control.

Time to start looking at flea and tick control.


The Groomery
WILL be closed on Monday, Feb 21st, for family day, enjoy your time off. See you Tuesday Feb 22nd 9 am.

Winter grooming is as important as summer time cuts, matted fur hurts and the snow will keep your dog wet most of the da...

Winter grooming is as important as summer time cuts, matted fur hurts and the snow will keep your dog wet most of the day, shorter hair will dry faster.


Just a small update, we will be closed Dec 24th at 1pm and returning Dec 28th at 9 am, then closing Dec 31st 12 noon and returning January 3rd 9am to regular hours.

You can still call and leave me your name and number and a brief message and I will return your call asap to book your in.

Bonnie and I would love to wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and we appreciate your business.


Hey all

Christmas 🎄 is right around the corner, please ensure you book your December appointment ASAP as we generally fill up fast.

Have a great day and stay safe.


144 Lawrence Avenue
Cornwall, ON



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