This weekend on call:
We recognize that on some occasions after-hours veterinary care will not be readily available in Cranbrook, and we want to ensure clients have the opportunity to seek care before it becomes an emergency. We ask that if you have difficulty travelling with your pet outside of Cranbrook, please consider developing an emergency preparedness plan for travel on weekends when veterinary care is not local.
*Please note that for large animal emergencies, call 250-489-1655 and follow the telephone prompts for LARGE ANIMAL care. Large animal after-hours service may differ from the above posted clinic, and you will be directed accordingly.
At Tanglefoot, we reserve a limited number of urgent care appointments every day, including Saturdays, for critical cases. Please be aware that these appointments, especially on Saturdays, fill quickly and we may not be able to accommodate all appointments.
Partner with us to PLAN AHEAD for a SAFE and HAPPY winter season!