⏰ Hey friends! We just wanted to put out a reminder for everyone about the importance of showing up to your scheduled appointments.
📅 We have a full appointment book every day and lately, we have been seeing a few more no-shows in our schedule. We cannot stress enough how much this impacts the people around you! Since we take emergencies through the day, our scheduling is super important in order to ensure we can do our best to see everyone in a timely manner. So, when an appointment is scheduled and nobody comes, this means another medical case could have been seen at that time. We just ask that if you cannot make it, please let us know and it would help us and our other patients very much! Even if you have to cancel your appointment on the same day - No worries, it doesn't take long to fill up that spot! However, we can't fill that spot if the appointment time is already passed!
Thank you for hearing us out! Enjoy the sunny weather! ☀️