We will be at the Native Sons Hall from 9-1 tomorrow for the last Comox Valley Farmers' Market market of 2023. Make sure your dog’s favourite treats are under the tree!
🎄The countdown is on to our last market of 2023.☃️ We will be open this Saturday December 23 from 9-1 at the Native Sons Hall.
We will have loads of food and drink perfect for a holiday feast or for enjoying anytime. You will find salad greens, lettuce, parsnips, potatoes, kale, collards, brussels, kalettes, kohlrabi, carrots, beets, microgreens, rutabaga, winter squash, onions, leeks, garlic, shallots, mushrooms, herbs (fresh and dried), breads (vegan, gluten free and dairy free options), sweet and savory treats, pies, pretzels, shrubs, hot sauce, dips, mustard, honey, jams/jellies, chutney, pickles, eggs, small scale meats (turkey, beef, pork goat, chicken, water buffalo), tuna, chocolate, maple syrup, yogurt, cheese, wine, cider, bone broth and ready to eat foods. We will also have non-food products such as soap and body care products, seeds, wool pellets, charcuterie boards, dog treats and luffa.
Some more seasonal items such as turkey, fresh vegetables, pies may fly out the door. To ensure that you are not disappointed we recommend touching base with your favorite vendor to find out about options such as pre-ordering. All our vendor information can be found on the Vendor tab of our website (cvfm.ca) or comment on this post or email us at [email protected] and we can provide you with the information.
Check out the comment section for vendor specials.
See you on Saturday!