This was a great challenge for Declan! He had difficulty focusing on anything but the toy so we used that to our advantage and now he's able to do the tunnel on cue with the toy toss as reinforcement! 👌🏻
These beautiful days have the puppers feeling frisky ☀️🐾 🎉
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Our Unique Pager Training System
FLASHBACK: This video was the first time Lacie's owners had let her off of the leash since their training program with Pager Training System add-on for amazing, clear communication at any distance. It took 4 people and 2 dogs almost an hour to catch this girlie in a fenced baseball field prior to training with Refined Canines! Look at that beautiful motivation and Lacie's snappy, joyful response to being paged to come back! 💯
Lovely little video from @petharmonytraining
You can absolutely coddle your dog in an attempt to comfort them but in the process, if you're unsure how to properly support your individual dog, it can make them feel MORE insecure. That said, it is true that you absolutely CANNOT reinforce an emotional state like fear - fear is a primal emotion that's in the lowest, most ancient part of the mammalian brain. When your dog is in a state of fear or reactivity, they've done what trauma-informed therapists & practicioners call "flipping the lid" of the brain. Essentially, this means that all functions of the prefrontal cortex (decision making, presence in the moment, problem solving, planning, etc) go offline & become irrelevant when the amygdala pops off with the hormones of fight/flight/freeze/fawn.
This is also why your dog is physically unable to take food during these times when they're overaroused emotionally or overcome by fear/anxiety - the rest & digest (parasympathetic nervous system) is no longer available meaning digestive action & acid production STOPS, adrenaline & cortisol start pumping, fast-twitch muscle fibres perk up, blood rushes to the heart, lungs & limbs so that your can run or fight for your life, and reactivity becomes the only option available because that lid has flipped!
Advocate for and support your dog. Learn how to do this is a way that helps your dog recover rather than a way that makes them feel more vulnerable. Your relationship and bond, clarity and communication, trust and respect for each other are the MOST CRUCIAL aspects in the way that your dog feels and behaves. Need help? Let us know, specializing in positive behaviour change - it's what we do!
#dogsofhalifax #halifaxdogs #dogsofhrm #dogdaily #dogdaycaredoneright #dogbehaviour #dogemotionandcognition #affectivedogbehavior #dogshelpingdogs #supportyourdog #advocateforyourdog #behavioriscommunication #trainingbetweentheears #pagertrainingfreedom #refinedcanineshfx #refineyourcanin
Harold is boarding with us this weekend and he has found a new favourite toy. It was love at first bite.
Every dog seems to love these Tuffy Tugs!
#dogboarding #playwithyourdog #tugofwar #dogstagram #dogsofcanada #dogsofhalifax #dogsofdartmouth #dogtoys #tuffytoys
Edited to add - no idea what happened to the audio of the video, apologies! 😂
Happy Howl-o-ween! We're all about treats, so enjoy this little video of Scout and Bailey playing yesterday 💕 AND an exciting announcement below 📢 😁
We are currently in the process of a transition and some service changes, and I am SO HAPPY to announce that my partner, Norman, who has assisted with the dogs since day 1 is leaving his current job in the New Year to join Refined Canines full-time! 🎉 🎉🎉
We will be expanding our services to offer a unique and educational daycare experience (Monday through Friday) to the general public, starting in February 🐶
The Refined Canines Difference:
Managed and run by a professional dog trainer, excellent handler:dog ratio (bookings will be required so we can maintain this), great indoor and outdoor spaces, structured days with learning and enrichment, rest time, snuggles, play, and more! Our daycare will not be run as your average free-for-all, warehouse-style service; we offer a home environment where the group as a whole and each dog as an individual will receive the guidance and support they need proactively, where and when they need it, so that they can develop their skills and learn new ways of feeling and behaving rather than being managed reactively while continuing to pattern unwanted behaviours commonly seen in group play and typical daycare environments. Our daycare service is designed for dogs who are already comfortable and social with dogs and people and is not a training service (it just includes fantastic training perks!), so we will also be continuing our Day Camp training programs to assist those humans and their dogs with behavioural challenges that may make daycare too much at this point in time. We are also looking toward offering Group Classes (currently looking at starting these in the Spring - we'll keep you updated)! We will continue to offer overnight boarding, too 😊
We will be starting pre-re
Playing inside today, none of these pups are much a fan of this rain and wind 😂
Syd and Tandy having some fun 💕🐾
Featuring a recall away from the other dogs! His awkward trot is kind of hilarious, he doesn't like the leash in his feet, but it's the first time he has been off leash on this trail so I let it drag for this trip. Awesome job, Tandy! 👏👏
Bailey got the party started by rolling around like a twit 😂
This is Tandy's FIRST recall off leash (we did a handful before this with leash dragging before unclipping) and this is the beauty of the Pager System 👌 Tandy already knows exactly what to do and is more than pleased with himself to be able to do it! With the Pager System we bypass the need for weeks or months of long line work and get the dog to a point of understanding their new freedom much more efficiently. This is Tandy's 8th day of training (I think - they've not been consecutive days so don't mind my math 😂) and we have this awesome conditioning built already (along with all of the other things we're working on with the TBTE /Training Between the Ears/ training system).
People often ask me where they can buy the collar but it is vital to understand that the collar is really only a tool - the structure of the training itself that we attach to this tool is what is truly important. The real difference with this system of ecollar training is not because of the collar itself or even necessarily because of the pager (vibration), but rather the way it is utilized... I'm sure many of us have seen enough poor ecollar training to know that 😔 A super common related example is a dog slogging toward their handler like they're moving through quick sand when recalled because they've been compelled to respond to the command through increasing levels of discomfort applied by the ecollar (often called Low Level Stimulation training, easily the most common type of conditioning used with ecollars). That is not how I want any dog I work with to look or feel! 💕 🐾
This little video is a good example of what I believe a recall should look like - a motivated, optimistic, precise response from a dog in free behaviour. Just like any other tool (take a hammer, for example) there are many ways which it can be misused, abused, or used much less efficiently than it is capable of being. Can you blame the hammer for being used incorrectly? No. But we can educate people on