Afternoon fun with Lolo, and Rudy, and Virgil ❤️
We introduced Lolo to both Virgil and Rudy today. She did fantastically! We are excited to move onto the next steps and try Lolo offleash with a small crew. One step closer to being permanent a crew member! 🐾❤️
Pretty impressive when you can get Rudy to play 💕
#doglifestyle #professionaldogwalking #dogswhowalk #dogswhoplay #greatjob #excellentwork #walkandtrain #dartmouth #902 #902dogs #coleharbour
🐾🧼✨️Dog toys can be the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, and mold. When cleaning your dog's toys always use unscented cleaning products such as- baking soda, vinegar, or castile soap.
Cleaning schedule:
Plush toys- every 2 weeks
Ball pit balls- every 2-3 uses
Snuffle mats- every 2-3 uses
Happy cleaning! ✨️🧼🐾
#enrichment #canineenrichment #dogswhoplay #cleantok #dogtoys #doglifestyle #dogmom #dogpawrent #playfulpups #nsdogs #dogtok #dogtoys #washingmachine #ballpitballs #canineenrichmentcoach
Wednesday solos- Wall-e, Lolo, Pickle and Virgil
We knew it was a Timbit day when we picked her up 😂
#dartmouth #doggo #dogswholiketimbits #icanreadyourmind
Canine Enrichment Idea #021 (inspired by our frens )
COST 🦴 1/5
SET UP 🦴 1/5
Pickle enjoyed a mid-walk enrichment session in the leaves today. When I noticed a dog Pickle isn’t particularly fond of approaching across the road, I quickly kicked through the leaves to check for any hidden hazards - (cannabis) roaches, cigarette butts, glass, etc... Once the area was clear, I scattered some treats and told Pickle to “FIND THEM.” Pickle was too busy snuffling to even notice the other dog passing by, and got to enjoy foraging for treats. 🐾🦴❤️
#doglifestyle #dogswhowalk #professionaldogwalking #rplus #doggos #dogs #Dartmouth #coleharbour
Canine Enrichment Acitivity-
COST 🦴 1/5
SET UP 🦴 1/5
Grab an old stuffed toy and tuck kibble and/or treats inside. Nestle smaller stuffies into the larger ones for layers of fun!
To make this more challenging, tie knots or add additional stuffing. This simple enrichment activity is wallet friendly and reuses toys that would otherwise head to the landfill.
Happy enrichment session!
#doglifestyle #canineenrichmentactivity #dogs #doggos #dartmouth #coleharbour #canineenrichment #enrichmentfordogs #dogcoach #doggos #doglife #dogmom #dogdad #dogpawrents #professionaldogwalker
It's more than ok to let them play with their food. In fact, it's highly encouraged.
Allowing dogs to forage for their food engages their natural instincts and provides them with mental stimulation which can reduce boredom and anxiety.
Follow us for more ideas on how to enrich your dog's life. 🐾
#doglifestyle #foraging #foragingforfood #kibble #doglife #doggos #enrichment #canineenrichment #dogswhoeat #professionaldogwalker #canineenrichmentcoach #canine #dogs #doglife #902 #novascotia
Do you let your dog just be a dog? As humans in this crazy world, we sometimes forget that it's ok for dogs to be themselves.
Dogs don't have to be these well-behaved robots every minute of every day. Give your dog some choices. Let them choose your walking route. Let them decide which toy they wish to play with. Let them sniff just a little bit longer. Slow down. There is no rush.
#professionaldogwalker #canineharmony #canineenrichment #canineenrichmentcoach #dogs #dogpeople #dogmoms #dartmouth #novascotia #nsdogs #902 #doglossgrief #doggos #dogswhoplay #dogswhosniff #letthem
Thursday walk with Cam, Ducky, Edith, Penelope, and Wall-e
#doglifestyle #doggos #groupwalk #dartmouth #coleharbour #902 #hrm #ns #nsdogs #novascotia #professionaldogwalking #dogswhowalk
Giving your puppy simple puzzles encourages mental stimulation and helps develop problem-solving skills from an early age. These activities prevent boredom, promote cognitive growth, and teach the puppy to focus on tasks. Basic puzzles such as lick mats, Kongs, and snuffle mats help build confidence by providing a sense of accomplishment and can reduce destructive behaviours by directing their energy toward productive play.
Have you tried canine enrichment puzzles with your puppy?
Lulu, 12 weeks old enjoying a lick mat with Greek yogurt, straight from the freezer.
#doggos #dogswhoplay #puzzlesfordogs #canineenrichment #coleharbour #dogswhoplay #dogs
It's a good thing she's cute!
#professionaldogwalking #Dartmouth #coleharbour #doglifestyle #lilthief