If you’ve ever experienced the loss of a pet, you’ve maybe also experienced the “feeling” that they’re still around.
Some instances are very clear - like days after when our beloved Rottweiler Petey died, the bedroom door barged open like he used to open it. I instantly thought: Petey’s here. When I left the bedroom I could hear something and Tilly was rolling around on the carpet celebrating… “by herself”…
But as time goes on, and our Angel Pets are off doing whatever it is they’re doing, we can lose that feeling. We get busy with life, less sensitive to it as our grief evolves, and less “I swear I just seen them out the corner of my eye…”
This is where pet mediumship is amazing. By being able to ask your pet “what will you send when you’re around?” it gives us humans something tangible and of this earth to recognize.
Moira (our old Irish Wolfhound) will send our oldest skunks and our youngest stars. What’s so great about it is it’s not always literal animals/plants/things; our oldest will see skunks in photos, statues, book covers, whatever. Our youngest will notice stars in the sky one evening, or a star balloon, stars on pants etc.
When they see their sign they give a happy “Hi Moira!” and carry on. If they notice each others they’ll point it out and say “Moira’s here for you!”
I have a hard time putting into words what these pet readings do for people so I asked our girls:
“When I see a star, I feel so happy because then I know that Moira is still watching out for me.” - M, 8 years old
“I feel happy because I don’t get to see Moira anymore so to know she’s checking up on me - I like that. When I started at the new school, I was really nervous so when I turned around to see a girls shirt with Bambi, Flower, and a butterfly on it, I felt way better knowing Petey, Rudy, and Moira were all there with me in that moment.” C, 11 years old
If you’re ready to receive those hellos too, I’m here to help 🤍