Want to know the biggest problem young groomers are facing today?
Hint: It's all not about how to groom
It is how to schedule your grooming days .
You see too many groomers make the mistake of only scheduling one dog at a time.
Here is how you can make almost double the revenue everyday by scheduling your day
This is a struggle many of my students were facing before taking my advice, and if you are also struggling then this post is for you.
You see, many groomers do this, they schedule their days without consideration of the breeds they are bringing in that day.
This results in spending all your time and all your shop’s time on just one dog at a time, which leads to losing out on incredible revenue.
Here is what you should do instead.
#1, know your breeds beforehand, the type of grooming that needs to be done and decide which breed to book first.
#2, this will allow you to utilize your time so you can groom another dog simultaneously
So at the end of the day, you will have more clients served and more revenue in your pocket.
Now I understand as being a groomer myself how difficult it was to schedule my day at the beginning of my grooming career.
That’s why I created The Perfect Grooming Business course, Where I teach my students how to schedule their day right with 40 years of my own experience.
Sincerely Cheryl