Perfect Pastures Animal Sanctuary

Perfect Pastures Animal Sanctuary We also collect and ship quality animal rescue food to our Northern BC communities. Interested in meeting our rescues?

Perfect Pastures Animal Sanctuary located in Delta BC rescues all kinds of animals from Dogs to Goats and gives them the opportunity for a happy and healthy life. We are a completely volunteer, not for profit, private animal rescue, We give second chances to unwanted BC animals. Please fill out an application and if approved we will set up a time to meet and greet.


Research shows pigs are more intelligent than dogs — and even many children:

Pigs are highly intelligent animals with remarkable cognitive abilities that rival some of the smartest species on Earth. Recent studies highlighted by researchers from Emory University show that they possess excellent long-term and spatial memory, problem-solving skills, and the ability to navigate complex mazes and distinguish between objects.

Beyond problem-solving, researchers found that pigs demonstrate emotional intelligence, experiencing a wide range of emotions and empathizing with others.

Ultimately, scientists rank pigs as the fifth most intelligent animal in the world. In fact, they are smarter than many young children. For example, while understanding a reflection in a mirror takes a child years to grasp, piglets tested in the same vein mastered it in just a few hours.

Despite being overlooked in discussions of animal intelligence, their capabilities are gaining recognition from researchers and animal behaviorists.


SHRED-A-THON Fundraiser to STOP POLIO by Donation


Horses may not require as much sleep as humans, but quality sleep is still vital for your equine's overall health and well-being. Although horses can sleep standing up thanks to their unique stay apparatus, REM sleep is only possible when they are lying down, and their muscles can relax. Many


With Christmas here and cost of living out of control, I want you to know. If you run out of food or necessities, or times are just tough, please don’t let you or your kids or furry family go to sleep on an empty stomach. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to send me a private message. I will do anything I can to help. It may simply be a case of dropping off a food parcel and leaving. No one has to know and where others are concerned it never happened.


Combien de temps un cheval peut passer sans foin❓

Un vrai sujet sensible.... Surtout de nos jours avec les réductions de budgets dans les écuries et la frénésie du gaspillage ! J’avais envie de vous faire un article avec mes mots, de façon clair et sans chichi. ⬇️
De plus en plus, je vois des chevaux passer de longues heures sans foin. Soit disant au régime, ou trop gaspillant... Et je me rends compte de l’ignorance des gens, sur un sujet aussi dangereux et populaire ! Combien de temps un cheval peut-il rester sans mastiquer avant que sa santé en pâtisse ? ⚠️4 HEURES MAXIMUN.⚠️

❓Pourquoi ❓Les chevaux sont fait pour brouter constamment. Ce sont des herbivores, ils sont fait pour manger en petites quantités 18 heures par jour, de ce fait, ils n'ont pas de vésicule biliaire pour stocker la bile et leurs estomacs libèrent constamment de l'acide gastrique. La quantité minimum pour un cheval adulte de taille standard est de min 10 kilos par jour !
L'estomac des chevaux est de petite taille, il a une capacité de 8 à 15 litres pour un cheval adulte. Il faut en moyenne 4 à 6 heures pour que l'estomac soit complètement vide. Après, les acides commencent à attaquer l'intérieur de l’estomac et ensuite les intestins. C’est ça qui créer les fameux ulcères. On estime que 70 à 95 % des chevaux adultes a l’entraînement souffrent d’ulcères. Rajoutons à ce manque de fourrage les aliments concentrés et on a un combo explosif aux dommages énormes... 🤕

Mais les ulcères sont la cause physique et « visible » du problème de la non alimentation continue...
Car avoir le ventre vide est une situation de stress énorme pour un cheval. Plus longtemps ils sont maintenus sans fourrage, plus ils libèrent des hormones de stress, cortisol par exemple. Le cortisol bloque l'insuline et cause un taux de glycémie élevé. Cela stimule l'organisme à libérer de l’insuline, ce qui entraîne à son tour le dépôt des tissus gras et la résistance à la leptine. Au fil du temps, cela provoque une insulinorésistance (syndrome métabolique équin - SME). Vous l’aurez compris, la privation fait GROSSIR le cheval. On a jamais fais maigrir durablement un équidé en le laissant sans foin ! Jamais !! C’est dangereux ⚠️
On parle de cette réaction de stress comme si c'était juste interne et biologique mais le cheval est conscient de ce stress. L’énervement au nourrissage, les tics, l’agressivité, les chevaux « con » en écuries ou violents au pansage.... sont des démonstrations de stress en raison de privations alimentaires !
Donc, si vous mettez du foin à votre cheval à 18:00 et qu’à 21:00 il n’a plus rien son ventre est vide jusqu’au lendemain 7:00, heure du prochain nourrissage.... Soit 10 HEURES ! Alors qu’en 4 heures, il entre en mode famine.
Un cheval avec un approvisionnement constant en foin mangera beaucoup moins qu’un cheval qui est affamé par intermittence. Ils ne mangent pas dans la frénésie ! Vous pouvez par exemple installer des filets à foin, ou des râteliers pour faciliter l’ingestion continue sans gaspillage.
Soyons vigilants sur la quantité de foin et le nombre/moyen de distribution pour la santé de nos chevaux ✅

Texte par : L’Care - Bit & Bridle Fitting, préparation physique et soins du Cheval



We get calls every week from dog owners that have purchased a dog from the Amish, only to find out that their new best friend has significant issues to overcome. Unfortunately, dogs that come from the Amish do tend to have significant, lifelong behavioral problems.

For a quick background, the overwhelming majority of Amish “breeders” are not properly breeding dogs. They don’t breed for health, temperament, or the betterment of the breed, they breed exclusively for money. They are PUPPY MILLS.

Let’s say for example that they are breeding French bulldogs. They find a male and a female, regardless of health or behavioral concerns, and make the breeding happen. No thought was put into the health or quality of life of the puppies that will come out. No health testing the parents, no behavioral/temperament testing of the parents, etc.

Once the puppies are born, they are essentially left in a room with the mother until they are ready to be sold. No enrichment, no health testing, no socialization, nothing. When a prospective buyer comes along and sees the dogs in these conditions, they either feel sorry for them, or they have no clue that this isn’t normal.

Because these puppies were never socialized or cared for properly, they develop significant fear and anxiety issues, as well as difficulty potty training and crate training. We are dealing with several cases of aggression towards people and dogs, and these dogs all came from the Amish.

This is textbook backyard breeding, but on a huge scale, and it has only grown and grown in recent years.

If you are looking to get a deal on a purebred dog, there is no such thing. If you don’t want to spend thousands on a well bred puppy from a reputable and ethical breeder, that’s totally fine. But buying a dog for a discounted rate from the Amish (in our experience) comes with significant baggage.

If you must have a certain breed of dog but can’t afford to go to a reputable and ethical breeder, do your research and find a rescue or shelter that has that breed of dog. They are still an unknown quantity because you don’t know anything about their history, but you won’t be perpetuating inhumane breeding practices.

‼️🆘PLEASE SUPPORT THE BILL🙏 They are killing Canadian Horses💔 GREED it’s all about the money

‼️🆘PLEASE SUPPORT THE BILL🙏 They are killing Canadian Horses💔 GREED it’s all about the money



Hello animal lovers!
BC is currently in the middle of a major avian flu outbreak, with Abbotsford and Chilliwack being hit especially hard. The avian flu is spreading rapidly through the Canada Goose, Cackling Goose and other waterfowl populations, it has also been seen in Crows and birds of prey that feed on the deceased birds. The virus is highly pathogenic, if you come across a goose or other water fowl that appears sick we advise you to stay away, and to not let pets close to sick or deceased waterfowl. There is a number to call when you happen across dead or dying waterfowl:
If you would like more information regarding the avian flu you can reference our webpage at:



‘He was full of life’: firefighters urge public to think after veteran horse terrified by fireworks had to be put down

Read more via link below


Ferrier lovin 👅


Delta, BC



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