“Repeat after me. Muzzled dogs are NOT BAD DOGS.
Muzzled dogs have good humans.
Muzzled dogs can have more experiences because they are managed. Their quality of life is INCREASED because of the muzzle.
Muzzled dogs can still have treats.
Muzzled dogs are not miserable.
Muzzled dogs are muzzled for ALL KINDS OF REASONS. Not just aggression. Maybe they eat too much stuff off the ground and get sick. Maybe they play too rough. Maybe they over react when startled. Maybe they want to eat squirrels. Maybe they need to learn better social skills. Not all dogs in a muzzle have a bite history, some have them on to prevent that in the first place. Sometimes the muzzle is more for the HUMAN than the DOG because it allows them to feel more confident. Big dogs, small dogs, and all breeds and sizes need muzzles sometimes. It is not a breed specific tool.
Muzzled dogs are GOOD DOGS WITH GREAT HUMANS who are setting their dog up to not fail. Judging a dog in a muzzle and their owner is the same as judging someone for wearing a helmet. They are choosing safety and being proactive and it takes WORK to get your dog to a level that they are happily working and walking around in a muzzle so kudos to the humans and dogs I work with who put that time in to better their dogs lives.
If you see a dog in a muzzle, don’t stare, don’t ask rude questions, just say “nice job, great looking dog!” And carry on. Believe me, you will have just made that humans day.”
Credit for this information goes to
Helen St. Pierre
No Monkey Business Dog Training