i know i have not been posting took winter off .now looks like spring too. but on the real every one here if there is items you cant find or get including food . every one is in this group local and we know each other .So saying that. ia gonna encourage every one too post on here if you need too trade butter for milk in a week or 2 or need a item you wont be able to get at some where. like save on or walmart. they my be sold out of this is the start of a really rough month maybe 2 here . you can use my page too trade anything if you need too trade milk for eggs or flour for sugar or ect . these times are here and we should all support every one in these times !!!!!!! you can avoid contact by leaving item at front door cleaning and as well as cleaning when picking up !!!!!! stay safe every one and indoors . i hope you all our prepared for long new way of life the effects of this could be 6 to 8 months we love ya all and are here too help if we can !!!!!!!