Training aids are simply a very clear indication that the rider / trainer / coach has zero concept of how to correctly train a horse OR doesn't care or have the patience to take the time to develop a horse correctly.
Training aids rely on applying painful pressure that the horse can only escape by tucking their nose in for relief. This is NOT working correctly this is NOT self carriage, this IS a horse trying to escape pain that is being forced on them.
Horses like this end up super upside down in terms of muscling and develop a very toxic association (rightfully so) with rein contact. The amount of physical and psychological damage that follows along side these aids is devestating. And unfortunately the average horse person doesn't notice because these horses have become so normalized.
Anyone who uses training aids is an immediate red flag. Immediate.
And that includes riders / trainers who ride with low bracing hands.
People get so caught up with the idea of a "frame" in the neck that they forget that a frame is supposed to be a frame of the WHOLE horse.
The back end comes first, the head will naturally follow (with self carriage) when the body is engaged and working correctly.
And this takes time. A lot of time. Picture strength training at the gym. You don't rush it, you build up gradually
Typically it takes 6months to YEARS to truly strength train and condition a horse to safely, soundly, and painlessly carry themselves. This is why training aids are so popular, everybody wants instant gratification. And trainers that pop horses out on a conveyor belt can't afford to take that time- and it doesn't matter to them since they aren't the ones who have to deal with the broken down horse in the future.
Focus on what's happening underneath you and behind you. Not what's in front of you.
The moment you start fixating on the front end, you've already failed
Training aids belong in the garbage. And anyone who approves of them can be tossed right in there with them.
I would really recommend finding yourself a *dressage coach that studies, understands, and teaches correctly Biomechanics. Even if dressage isn't your goal, this is crucial for ALL horses.
Feel free to PM me if you need any guidance. I am (clearly) Very passionate about this topic and it's what I promote at my place
*modern dressage doesn't count. Put that in the trash too.
(Here's a collection of all the things I consider training aids that belong in the garbage. If this list offends you, then you need to start doing some reflection.
This list is not conclusive.
Draw reins
Lunging systems
Side reins with contact
Gag bits
Leverage bits
Curb bits (yes this includes western riders. You are not magically excluded from this just because it's traditional. Almost ALL western riders I have experienced ride in curb bits completely inappropriately. If you require contact/direct rein for steering you *do not ride in a Curb bit PERIOD!!* Both horse AND rider need to be properly trained and educated to ride with zero contact to use these bits.)
Any bit with a harsh mouth piece (including single joints)
Flash nosebands
Figure 8 nose bands
Drop nose bands
Normal nosebands that are tight/not used for just looks
Standing martingales
And martingale / thing that holds the head down
Training forks
Patience poles
Low hands
Seesawing hands
Any rider/trainer that is constantly fixated on holding the head in)
Again. This list is not conclusive
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk