Causeway and Brooke Wheatley having a dressage lesson today in the snow! 🤩❄️
We do have an indoor, but because it's small I do try to keep riding outside year round as long as the footing permits 😁
#windfallacres #bayhorses #Thoroughbred #thoroughbreds #dressage
Causeway and Brooke Wheatley having a dressage lesson today in the snow! 🤩❄️
We do have an indoor, but because it's small I do try to keep riding outside year round as long as the footing permits 😁
#windfallacres #bayhorses #Thoroughbred #thoroughbreds #dressage
Bending line with a technical turn to the diagonal- well done! Making it look easy 🤩
So nice when the hard work pays off!
Barn manager Taylor Spicer has been working hard with her quirky thoroughbred not only on dressage, but also over fences. This mare has overcome several career-ending injuries that have been meticulously rehabbed by her owner. Due to these injuries, her education had been majorly set back which is why she is still so green despite not being a young horse. She is a funny, challenging mare with a very bold personality- kudos to Taylor's hard work and commitment.
Bright things ahead for this pair!
3 year old Iberian warmblood learning to park for mounting 😊
This was after one, 5min session. I believe within only a couple more she will be able to do it without any guidance!
I think parking is such an important skill for all horses to learn for a few reasons (if done with R+):
1. Gets the horse in the mindset of offering themselves to the rider willingly vs feeling trapped or held to mount
2. Positive associations with mounting
3. Once the cue is solidified, you can use it to mount anywhere from anything
This is a very easy and basic skill that anyone can teach to their horse! If there is interest, I would be happy to do a short tutorial.
#maresofinstagram #horsesofinstagram #mazzikin #horse #warmbloodsofinstagram #iberianwarmblood #windfallacres
#Spanishhorse #andalusian #bayhorses #baysfordays #baysfordaze #horsesoffacebook #horsesoftiktok
Murphy loves being an assistant during lessons.
His specialties?
1. Getting in the way
2. Adding surprise impulsion
3. Receiving treats
4. Looking cute
5. Putting a smile on your face!
#donkeys #donkeysofinstagram #donkeysoftiktok #horses #horsesofinstagram #horsesoftiktok #jumping #ridinglessons #windfallacres
Little Twyla and Arwen having a play tonight!
Isaiah rehabbing nicely from his check ligament injury 🥰
#isaiahtheirishwb #warmbloodsofinstagram #baysfordaze #horse #royalaffair #horsesofinstagram #dressage #irishwarmblood #showjumping #jumpers #stadium #eventing #windfallacres #windfallacresholistichorseboarding
Chicken says that trotting under saddle is very exciting!! 😂
Fortunately other than this one little "wooohoo" moment, his first trots under saddle were very positive and successful 😊
Well ridden Sydney Burns !
#chickenthequarterhorse #horsereels #horsesofinstagram #horsesoffacebook #quarterhorse #palomino #dunhorse #horsetraining #rpositive #windfallacres #windfallacresholistichorseboarding
Penelope Vamos and Bear making it look easy at Angelstone this weekend! Super proud of this young rider and the hard work she puts in 💪
Such a good way to unwind from the week 🥰