After some much needed time to recover, Uri is feeling like himself again! Thank you to everyone who followed his story over the last week. 💚
Spot doing cute things. 💚
Freya’s babies started the messy transition from milk to solids. Make sure your volume is all the way up so you can hear them eating.
Some of us at CFC love it while the others aren’t so keen. Tell us if you find this sound endearing or not. We’d love the hear what you guys think!
Pepper made the most of the leftover event balloons!
We are looking forward to our upcoming visit to Seasons Retirement Community next week. 🐱
We have just admitted 10 kittens! 🐱
They are stoked to be in their new set up with so much room to play (and make a mess). While these little ones are not yet ready for visitors or adoption, we’ll keep you updated on their progress.
✳️ New kittens cost our organization about $500- $600. This doesn’t include costs if there are complications, special requirements, or if the cat ends up staying with us for an extended time. So, with their arrival is the reality of some hefty bills coming our way. If you’d like to help with the cost of their medical expenses (spays/neuters, microchips, vaccinations, anti-parasitics, probiotics, health checks), litter, food, toys, and everything else, you can send an e-transfer to [email protected] or donate in person during our open hours! 🐾