Plaisir complet dans la première neige!
Fun in the snow!
Meilleur achat tellement drôle!
Je suis un amour de gros toutous parfait pour une famille avec des enfants car je suis un clown
Maman dit c’est impossible de pas être en amour quand ont me rencontre.
Beaux garçons disponibles à qui la chance
Pour un effets spéciaux voici ma gangs disponible
Wow comme c’est grand, je ne suis pas trop sûr de moi.
Stryker and I would like to congratulate all the winners it was well deserved it was a beautiful lineup so glad to have had the honors to participate in this great show.
The peoples and dogs were all wonderful. Thank you to Melanie Primeau for her time and dedication in handling my boy. Thank you to Barbara West for the nice gift
Thanks to all the love and support from everyone especially Kathy Scott that came down to see her 2 Great Scott babies and thanks to Katrina from Rose Creek for
Making this great looking bow.
I’m so proud of Great Scott Strike it Rich At BabyLove, his baby boy first show at 5 months get groupe 1 baby puppy handle by Janet Anderson
Owned now by Kathy Scott. Hope he follows Dad’s footsteps. So happy to give her back a puppy full of potential. Thank you to both of them for
Taking and loving him.
5-6-9 semaines mes petits coco d’amour
Pourquoi il viennent pas jouer eux?
Why they don’t come and play them?