We just celebrated 15 years in business. Well, I, did. And my wife. I told my kids and they were like…”cool, remember when we used to have to live off those big packs of granola bars."
When I think about what I knew when I started (nothing) and what I know now (some things) I feel grateful that Lush is still open. Most small businesses are dead after 10 years. To not be dead is a remarkable feeling, one that I don’t take for granted.
So, what is it we do? Lawns? Yup! Well, kinda. I mean, that’s how we got our start. Made our name, so to speak. You want a nice lawn with no chemicals? Call Lush. And tons of people did. And still do. But lawns aren’t exactly as sexy as they used to be. Climate. Water restrictions. I get it. But we still do it so let us know if you need help!
It didn’t take long for people to start asking me to deal with their plants. Shrubs. Trees. Hedges. And due to my lack of experience, time and general knowledge about anything other than grass, I hired people that were smarter than me. They weren’t hard too find. Justin (13 years). Zach (10 years). Taylor (7 years). Patti (5 years). And so on. My son Ethan, 15 years!. Wait, your son has worked for you for 15 years? Yes sir. Child labour is actually how Lush got it’s star….sorry my lawyers have asked me to stop speaking. But yeah, Lush is more known for its gardening services now than its lawn services. I’m very proud of that. And of my outstanding team.
I lasted one winter without revenue before my wife said, “you know how much I Iove you… (nothing wonderful has ever followed this sentence) but would you mind turning off Rudy and maybe…” So I decided Lush needed a winter business. Snow removal was the low- hanging fruit but I decided to go bigger and offer a premium holiday lighting service instead. I was terrified of heights and didn’t own a stapler. Or ladder. Or knowledge of how lighting worked. But I’ve tried to never let ignorance get in the way of cash flow so I launched our holiday lighting program the next winter. We now light up hundreds of houses a year. And have included landscape lighting as part of our service offerings. So if you’re still living in the dark ages… give us a call.
Do you deal with roof moss? Wash windows? Houses? Power wash? Gutters? We must have been asked that 974 times before we finally said… we sure do! And for the last 3 years we have made houses look as lush as the lawns and gardens that surround them. What’s a lush house look like? Reach out and we’ll show you!
15 years flies by but I’m still running with wheelbarrows, answering my phone and secure in the knowledge that what makes a successful business is one where everybody wins. Clients, Employees and Lush. Value abounds at Lush and we have much to share. So shoot us an email! We’d love to cultivate your peace of mind.
Much love from the Bossman,