Sorry I am late on these!!
Year End Scores!
Apollo 1407 (so close to that Gold next year!)
Arrow 604 (earned his Bronze!)
Ayla 263 (earned her 200 points this season!)
Clover 973 (so close to her Silver next season!)
Delilah 1949 (on track to earn her Platinum next year!)
Gunne 1013 (earned his Silver!)
Indygo 1033 (earned her Silver!)
Rip 1120 (earned his Silver!)
Scarlet 1582 (earned her Gold!)
Bodie 156 ( so close to his 200! Next Year!)
Congrats everyone!
Hopefully mother nature will be kinder next season and we will get out to play more!!
I will work on getting Tabs and Ribbons ready this weekend and get them given out to everyone!
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