Backyard Manners
You don’t need a large space or a lot of expensive equipment. If it fits you and them that’s all they need. Read a book while your dog chews a bone or something. It’s just one piece of the puzzle.
Fearful Dogs vs The bears
To create a curious dog instead of a fearful one we need to reward small acts of bravery.
Behaviour modification vs obedience.
I hate squeaky toys so much. My dog becomes unrecognizable with one. I could use obedience to ask for the out but that would validate his fear that I will take it. Behaviour modification is about changing emotions surrounding a behaviour for long term results.
Obstacles for your Dog!
You don’t need elaborate equipment. Make it up with what you have…boxes as tunnels, tables to jump on, hockey sticks or brooms to jump over etc. get them used to their bodies, to following cues. It’s great fun for their bodies and their minds.
Parkour for agile dogs
Start small and build on it. Sometimes steps back are needed and that’s ok. If your dog fails lower the board and try again.
Pet Geek
Bash knows this game but today he forgot lol.
Cat vs Dog
Why do dogs make it so hard lol.
Problematic Play Behaviours
If any of these things are preventing you from playing with your dog I encourage you to start addressing them one by one.
Safe play with high energy dogs.
Now he plays with us instead of vs us. If your play looks like a battlefield and you’re losing it’s time to work on it.
Quiet play skills
How can your dog play nicely and safely if you’ve never taught them how? Be proactive instead of reactive. Give them the skills then layer in the energy and play becomes fun for everyone.
Play skills are taught
Not all can play nicely. There are rules to playing safely so everyone has fun. Start small and quiet. Get your dog used to the rules and grow it from there.
Mitts and scarves are NOT toys puppies.
Stop it before it becomes a problem and your freezing your hands off. If your dog does get a mitt don’t make it a game of chase…just trade them for some food and take that as a sign you need to train it some more. 🥶🥶
Loose leash
No cues are given. We just ask that the dog is aware of our movements and matches them. I use a long leash for this so the choice is his. Remember you may have to match your dogs energy in the beginning and increase rewards then slowly bring them down to your level. Good luck.
Puppy Socializing
Take advantage of the 8-16 week mark and get your puppy used to our crazy human world. Lots of food, lots of play and they will learn to function in chaos.
Puppy Skills
Our puppies are always learning. It’s up to us to make sure they are learning the world is a great place.
Adding in the orbit. He’s almost got it. Thanks Susanne😍
Cleared the high jump!
I wasn’t sure his fluffy butt would make it….he’s awesome.
Teaching puppies play skills.
Bash has lovely adaptive play skills so here he is teaching 2 littermates how to play and building their confidence (separately) around other dogs.