On A Claire Day Petsitting and More

On A Claire Day Petsitting and More Please note:
I am now retired, so
I am no longer booking appointments. I am grateful for all the wonderful memories.

And I want you to know that every animal I have ever cared for will remain in my heart forever. :)


Happy moments:)


Lots of fun. :)


Such fun! :)


Those eyes! :)


Cats and dogs and evenn a hermit crab! :)


More beautiful memories. :)
Every animal, and their humans as well, have taught me so much. I am so grateful for every experience! :)


Dear Moms and Dads and pets and friends,
It's hard to believe, but it has already been OVER TEN YEARS since I started petsitting! My mind is full of memories and my heart is full of gratitude for all the wonderful pets and people that I have come to know in that time. I have enjoyed every minute. I wish it could go on forever, but I know in my heart that it's time for this petsitting chapter of my life to come to an end. As of today, I will no longer be booking any new appointments. But I will be leaving this page up for a while, and I will be going through old posts and pics from the last decade, and posting some favorite pics and memories. I hope you enjoy!

Dear Mom and Dad, I had lots of fun with Nanny Claire today! First,  we played a great game of Catch the Blue and Orange...

Dear Mom and Dad,
I had lots of fun with Nanny Claire today! First, we played a great game of Catch the Blue and Orange Toy (I won!). Then we played a rousing game of Catch the Green Mouse (I won again!), followed by a challenging game of Hide and Seek, also know in this house as Find the Spice kitty. Needless to say, since I live here and know all the good hiding spots, I won that game too!
It was great fun! And you know what? Nanny Claire said she's not sure, but I might be the only cat in the whole history of the world to actually win 3 whole games in a row!
That made me happy!

Dear Mom and Dad, We played three whole games today, and it was FUN! Chase won the Catch the Blue Feathery Thing game, a...

Dear Mom and Dad,
We played three whole games today, and it was FUN! Chase won the Catch the Blue Feathery Thing game, and I won Catch the Yellow Stringy Thing game. Then Chase won the game of Catch the Blue Feathered Thing with what can only be described as an astoundingly difficult maneuver. Nanny Claire said and I were both impressed! But then playtime was over, and I felt a little dejected because Chase had won two games, but I only won one. So Nanny Claire and I had a little chat. And I'm glad we did, because she explained that even though I only won one game, I actually got double points! Yup! I got points for flair AND pizzaz, because I didn't just catch the Yellow Stringy Thing with my teeth or my claws (which is the normal kitty way to catch things), but I actually jumped up and caught it right on the top of my head, which she said was both very inventive AND ALSO might just launch me into a career as a trendsetting fashionista! That made me happy!

Dear Mom and Dad, As soon as Nanny Claire got here today we both gave her lots of head bumps and nose touches to show ho...

Dear Mom and Dad,
As soon as Nanny Claire got here today we both gave her lots of head bumps and nose touches to show how glad we were to see her. We said, "Thank goodness you're here, Nanny Claire! We're STARVING!" And Nanny Claire said "I can fix that!" And she set about right away fixing us a yummy supper.
After supper, she went into the living room and said, "Calling all kitties... it's PLAYTIME!" And we both said "YAAYYY!", and came running at once. Then Nanny Claire said "Let's try something new today, kitties! Let's play the Magic Wand game! " "What's so magical about wands?", we asked. And Nanny Claire said, "Wands are magic because they have the ability to bring so much joy!" And suddenly we understood. So we said, "LET'S PLAY!"
And we did! And it was great!
Chase and Joules.

Dear Mom and Dad, Today  after my meds and a yummy supper, Nanny Claire said,  "Hey Chase... What game would you like to...

Dear Mom and Dad,
Today after my meds and a yummy supper, Nanny Claire said, "Hey Chase... What game would you like to play today?" And you know what? I was kinda stumped! I mean, we've already played quite a few really fun games this week, so it took me a moment to think of a new one. So finally I decided on Statue Cat. It's a bit like Strike A Pose, but harder in that you gotta stay still as a statue for more than just a few seconds. I thought it was a good challenge, but Joules was feeling way too rambunctious. And whiny! She started saying things like, "Awww... This is BORING! Can't we play Catch the Yellow Fuzzy Thing?" So after Statue Cat ( which I won), we played a game of Catch the Yellow Fuzzy Thing. And being the awesome brother that I am, I totally let Joules win that one. And you know what? As soon as she felt the joy of winning, she stopped whining! That made me happy!

Dear Mom and Dad, We had lots of fun with Nanny Claire today!  Of course we wanted to play as soon as she got here,  but...

Dear Mom and Dad,
We had lots of fun with Nanny Claire today! Of course we wanted to play as soon as she got here, but that just wasn't in the plan. Instead, Nanny Claire said, "First things first! Follow me!" So we followed her into the kitchen, and she gave us a yummy supper and made sure Chase got his medicine. And while we were eating, she made sure our litter boxes were nice and clean. Then, once all that was finished, Nanny Claire called out, "Calling all kitties...it's PLAYTIME!" And of course we came running! We played 4 different games, and we ended in a tie, because Chase won Strike a Pose and Who's Got the Most Toys, and I won Catch the Pink Mouse and Hide and Seek. I wanted to play 7 more games of Catch The Pink Mouse, but Nanny Claire said maybe we better save some of the fun for tomorrow. So we made her promise she'd come back again tomorrow, and she said SURE! That made us happy!

Dear Mom and Dad, Today Nanny Claire and I played three  whole games of Catch The Feathery Thing, and it was FUN! After ...

Dear Mom and Dad,
Today Nanny Claire and I played three whole games of Catch The Feathery Thing, and it was FUN! After that, Joules challenged Nanny Claire to a game of Follow My Gaze, but in my opinion, Nanny Claire clearly needs more practice if she's ever gonna master that one!. I mean, she did manage to get her head pointing in the right direction, but try as she might, she could just not get her eyes to totally match Joules. She just couldn't get the angle of the gaze right at all! So I gave her only half points on that one. After that, we all went into the kitchen and Nanny Claire made us a yummy supper. It was great!

Dear Mom and Dad,  Today I was thinking about how unfair it is to have freezing cold winters. I told Nanny Claire, "This...

Dear Mom and Dad,
Today I was thinking about how unfair it is to have freezing cold winters. I told Nanny Claire, "This is totally unacceptable! There's no dog in the world that is OK with COLD COLD TEMPERATURES!" And Nanny Claire said, "Siberian Husky". I said "OK, maybe ONE, but..." And Nanny Claire said, "Bernese Mountain Dog." I said, OK, TWO then", and Nanny Claire said, "Alaskan Malamute, Norwegian Elkhound, Tibetan Mastiff..." I said "NO FAIR! YOU'RE USING GOOGLE!" And Nanny Claire said, "Yup! That's the advantage of fingers over paws. And it pretty much explains why dogs don't run the world. Though, I have to say, if dogs did run the world, it would probably be a lot more fun, and filled with lots more love." I said "I agree! But I gotta p*e... and it's cold outside, and the snow is way up past my knees! " Nanny Claire said "I can't change the weather, but I CAN change the path you take. So I tell you what. You stay here where it's nice and warm for a minute, and I'll shovel you a nice path so the snow will only be up to your ankles. Deal?" I said "DEAL! Thanks Nanny Claire! You're the best!"

Dear Mom and Dad,Today Nanny Claire and I had a surprise visit from my good friend Elle! It was a really short visit and...

Dear Mom and Dad,
Today Nanny Claire and I had a surprise visit from my good friend Elle! It was a really short visit and I was so excited to see her, (and so busy giving her puppy kisses!) that I totally forgot to ask Nanny Claire to take a picture of us! Gosh darn, eh? But I can tell you that even though Nanny Claire and I did lots of fun things today, that short little surprise visit from Elle was the highlight of the day. Besides supper, that is. I really really LOVED supper today!

Dear Mom and Dad, It SNOWED today...LOTS!  At first it was just a little bit of snow,  and not too cold out, so I had lo...

Dear Mom and Dad,
It SNOWED today...LOTS! At first it was just a little bit of snow, and not too cold out, so I had lots of fun romping around and catching snowflakes on my face. But even after I went back inside, the snowflakes just kept falling and falling, and the temperature was falling, too! Luckily, I knew just what to do! I said, "C'mon, Nanny Claire! We've got work to do! Come help me get my warm jacket on, please! " Nanny Claire was surprised. She knows how I feel about that jacket. She said, " OK, but... What's the plan, Daphne?" And I said, "Why, shoveling, of course! You and me are gonna play a game called Shovel Patrol! You can be the shoveler, and I'll be the supervisor!" Nanny Claire said, "Great idea, Daphne! " So out we went, braving the elements and shoveling like mad. Every now and then I would bark a few orders to help Nanny Claire shovel more efficiently, but she basically had it all under control. Once the walk was cleared, we still had time for two more games: Nose To The Ground, and Sniff That Fence. (Of course, I won both games, mainly because my Little Long Dog nose happens to be perfectly suited to those tasks!) It was great!

Dear Mom and Dad, It was WARMER today! So Nanny Claire let me go outside for a quick walk without my jacket! That made m...

Dear Mom and Dad,
It was WARMER today! So Nanny Claire let me go outside for a quick walk without my jacket! That made me happy! When we got home, I said, "LET'S PLAY GAMES! And Nanny Claire said, "SURE! Which game would you like to play first?" And I said, " I kinda worked up an appetite on that walk... how about a quick round of Refillable Carrot?" Nanny Claire said, "SURE!" But maybe we'll save that one till after supper. I said, " OK... And speaking of supper... can I have it in my bone-shaped puzzle dish this time?" And once again Nanny Claire said "SURE!" I was feeling kinda lucky! So I said, "I have one more game I'd like to play." And she said, "Oh? What's that?" And I said, "Hide and Seek! I'll hide, and then you come find me!" And I ran off down the hall and hid myself really well. I heard Nanny Claire's footsteps here and there, and I even heard her call out my name a couple of but I stayed ever so quiet. Finally I heard her say "YOU WIN, Daphne! I've looked everywhere, and I just can't find you!" Can you imagine? She never even thought to look in your closet! I'm gonna remember that hiding place for the next time we play!


Dear Mom and Dad,It is COLD today. I do NOT like it. I DO NOT LIKE IT. Not even one little bit!  I did NOT want to put m...

Dear Mom and Dad,
It is COLD today.
I do NOT like it.
I DO NOT LIKE IT. Not even one little bit!
I did NOT want to put my jacket on today, but Nanny Claire said that since she can't change the weather, I need to put my stupid jacket on.
(She didn't actually use the word STUPID ... she used the word WARM. But I think it's a stupid jacket.)
Needless to say, we had a very short walk today. I made sure of that.
When you come back from your trip to Far Away, could you please bring some summer with you? PLEASE ????

Dear Mom and Dad, Today Nanny  Claire said,  "Hey, Daphne... wanna play a fun game?"  Of course my reply, which I barked...

Dear Mom and Dad,
Today Nanny Claire said, "Hey, Daphne... wanna play a fun game?" Of course my reply, which I barked loud enough for half the block to hear, was a resounding "YES! YES! YES!"
Nanny Claire said, "This game is called Zen Quiet Dog, and it will help you sharpen your skills immensly! It's very challenging, and it will help you build some new skills, too! "
"WHAT SKILLS?", I barked. Nanny Claire laughed. "Well for one thing, it will help you be a little quieter!" Now, that was something I had not even considered before! So I barked,"GO ON, TELL ME MORE!".
And Nanny Claire said, "It's all about kindness and gentleness and patience and also, more importantly, consideration for others. These things take practice. Quite a lot of quiet practice. And ingenuity as well. Would you like to try it?" I said "SURE! " And immediately I began to think of ways to demonstrate the skills. As I was thinking, I grew very quiet. And as I was being quiet, I realized that even being quiet could be a way of showing consideration for others. Later, while Nanny Claire was in the other room, I decided to share my water with Mr. Squirrel to show kindness and compassion, because even squirrels need a drink sometimes. Then I went very quietly over to Nanny Claire and waited patiently for her to finish her chore. Then I showed her Mr. Squirrel. Nanny Claire said, "Good job, Daphne! Sharing shows kindness and compassion!" By this time, Mr. Squirrel was finished drinking, so I helped him back to his place in the corner. I said, "Nanny Claire, there might be other squirrels outside... wanna take me for a walk to see if we can spot some? And Nanny Claire said, "SURE!"
That made me happy!

Dear Mom and Dad, When Nanny Claire got here today,  I was soooo happy to see her that I immediately started the best Ha...

Dear Mom and Dad,
When Nanny Claire got here today, I was soooo happy to see her that I immediately started the best Happy Puppy Dance EVER! For a whole 30 minutes, I became the best tail wagging, kissy- snuggling, wiggle-waggling example of endless puppy joy the world has ever seen!
Nanny Claire was impressed!
When I finally settled down, I told her all the news. Especially the part about my operation on my back and all the new rules about how somebody's gotta carry me down the stairs now, and how I have to be careful with jumping,
"What about sidewalks?", she asked. And I said, "Oh, I'm fine with sidewalks. And floors." "Whew!" , she said. " OK, I think I've got it...
stairs and jumping BAD, sidewalks GOOD!"
And I said, "YUP! " She smiled. Then I said, "OH! AND... I have new medicine, too... YUCK! I mean, it DOES good... but... it TASTES bad!" And Nanny Claire said, "Hmmm... Howsabout I give you a little treat after you take your medicine? Would that help?" And I said, "That sounds like a great idea!" So then Nanny Claire said, "OK, Daphne... Now that we have that settled, how about I carry you down the stairs, and we both go for a walk on the very flat sidewalk?" And I said, :SURE!"
So that's what we did.

Dear Mom and Dad Nanny Claire and I had lots of fun playing games today! First we played Catch the Green Toy and I won! ...

Dear Mom and Dad
Nanny Claire and I had lots of fun playing games today! First we played Catch the Green Toy and I won! Then we played Hide and Seek, and Nanny Claire gave me points for trying... but she explained that while a table leg probably might have worked well to hide behind when I was a kitten, it probably isn't the best thing to hide behind now that I'm a big grown-up cat. (Duly noted.) Then it was lunch time and she served me a scrumptious lunch! After that, there was still enough time for one more game, so we had a rousing game of Catch the Blue and Orange Toy, which I won, paws down! That made me happy!

Dear Mom and Dad, Today Nanny Claire made me a yummy breakfast,  and then it was PLAYTIME! Nanny Claire said,  Are we st...

Dear Mom and Dad,
Today Nanny Claire made me a yummy breakfast, and then it was PLAYTIME! Nanny Claire said, Are we still going green today, Spice?" And I said, "Nope! I'm bored with that now! Give me a game with a bit of CHALLENGE, please!"
Nanny Claire thought about that. Then she smiled. "OK", she said, "Let's play ... Red Or Purple!" "Hmmm... ", I said, "I don't think I've ever played that game before. How does it work?" Nanny Claire said, "I throw TWO toys at the same time, but I only call out ONE color. It's up to you to pick the toy that matches the color I call out." I thought about that. "But Nanny Claire!", I said, "My eyes don't see red OR purple the way yours do... how am I supposed to pick the right one?"
"Well", she said, "There's a bit of telepathy involved, so you have to use the Powers of your Kitty Mind. I'll help by holding the picture of the right one in my mind. That way you'll be able to tell what one to choose! ""GOODNESS!", I said "That DOES sound like a challenge! Let the game begin!"
So Nanny Claire threw the pair of toys over and over, sometimes calling out RED, and sometimes calling out PURPLE, and each time I used the Powers of my Kitty Mind to try to pick the right one. When we were done, Nanny Claire tallied up the score, and she was very surprised. "Spice!", she said, You're way above the 50 percent I was expecting! You picked the correct toy with an accuracy of 88.5 percent! That means you have one of the most powerful Kitty Minds I've ever encountered! BRAVO!"

Needless to say, I'm feeling pretty darned happy right now!

Dear Mom and Dad, When Nanny Claire asked me what I wanted to do today,  I said told her, "Today we're going green!" Tha...

Dear Mom and Dad,
When Nanny Claire asked me what I wanted to do today, I said told her, "Today we're going green!" That kinda stumped her for a moment. She said, "So... we're trying to be eco-friendly?" I said, "Not a bad idea, but definitely NOT what I was thinking of."
Nanny Claire looked puzzled. "Ok", she said, "What DOES going green mean to you, Spice?" I thought she'd never ask. I said, "Well, it's all about the COLOR! Like, we can play any game, as long as it has GREEN in the title! And we can use any toy, as long as it's GREEN! " Nanny Claire thought about that. Then she smiled. "I think I understand!", she said. "How's about we play Catch the Shiny Green Mouse?" And I said, "Now you're catching on!"
So we played three whole games of Catch the Shiny Green Mouse, and I won every single one! Oh, and then we played Who Can Fit in the Nifty Green Box. That was fun, too! (And if you're wondering who won that one, well... Spoiler Alert... Nanny Claire did NOT fit!)
So, I am pleased to say... I won EVERY game we played today! Every. Single. One!
Needless to say, I'm pretty happy right now!

Dear Mom and Dad,  I'm already missing you like crazy, but I have to say, I'm really glad you asked Nanny Claire to come...

Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm already missing you like crazy, but I have to say, I'm really glad you asked Nanny Claire to come visit me while you're on your Journey to Far Away!
So far, Nanny Claire has saved me from certain starvation (there was only a handful of morsels left in my dish when she arrived!) ...
And I've noticed that she seems to be pretty good at playing games, too! We played Catch That Red Mouse and also Who's Got the Crazy Orange-Purple Thing. We had FUN!
Oh, and another thing I like... she is an absolute expert at making sure my litter box is clean! That makes me happy!

Dear Mom and Dad,Today is my last day with Nanny Claire before you come home. It's a kind of mixed emotions thing for me...

Dear Mom and Dad,
Today is my last day with Nanny Claire before you come home. It's a kind of mixed emotions thing for me. On one hand, I love spending time with Nanny Claire. But on the other hand, you're my real family and I miss you terribly when you go away. Nanny Claire and I decided that the best way to spend today (and most of life, actually) was to do the things we love for as long as we can before our time is over. So when Nanny Claire asked what the perfect parting visit would be for me I told her food comes first, followed by lots and lots of cuddles, and chin scratches, and belly rubs and back scratches, too.
Nanny Claire said, "Your wish is my command!" And we spent the rest of the visit having lots and lots of cuddles, and then she gave me chin scratches, and belly rubs and back scratches, too. It was great!

Dear Mom and Dad, I've been having fun with Nanny Claire while you're away,  and I hope you've been having fun on your B...

Dear Mom and Dad,
I've been having fun with Nanny Claire while you're away, and I hope you've been having fun on your Big Adventure too!
Today when Nanny Claire got here I said, "Hey, Nanny Claire! I really liked that restaurant game we played... maybe can we play it again today?"
Nanny Claire said, "SURE! Let me guess... I'm still the server, and you're still the discerning feline?" And I said "YES!"
So she put on her server uniform and her French accent and then she said, "Welcome to Bistro 'Chez Niko', Monsieur! We have a special surprise for you today! Our Soup of the Day is sure to satisfy your taste buds, and it is simply magnifique! "
And I said, "Hmmm...What kind of soup is it?"
Nanny Claire said, "It is called Fishyssoise, and it is our own creation, which pays homage to the classic French soup, Vichyssoise. With only a few minor changes, we have fine-tuned the recipe in a way that is sure to please even the most discerning felines.
I was intrigued. "What kind of changes did you make?", I asked.
"Well", she said, "For instance, instead of cooked and pureed leeks, we use cooked and pureed seafood."
"Ahhh... ", I said, "I can definitely see that could improve flavor! Any other changes?"
And she said, "YES! Instead of potatoes and onions, we use tasty kibble chunks and flakes of tuna. And instead of garnishing with chopped chives, we use a flavorful mix of mini kibble morsels. Finally, because some individuals are lactose intolerant these days, we chose to omit the cream. However, I do think Monsieur will find this soup to be quite flavorful without it."
"Sounds delicious! ", I said, "I'll have a bowl!" So she brought me a bowl, and I have to say... that was absolutely the BEST soup I've ever tasted! It was great!

Dear Mom and Dad,Today at lunchtime, we played a game called At The Restaurant.  We pretended we were in a fancy restaur...

Dear Mom and Dad,
Today at lunchtime, we played a game called At The Restaurant. We pretended we were in a fancy restaurant called Bistro "Chez Niko" that specializes in gourmet seafood for discerning felines. It was FUN!
I was the discerning feline, and Nanny Claire was my server. She said, "Welcome to Bistro 'Chez Niko', Monsieur!" And she handed me an invisible menu. I pretended to read it, then looked up at her and said, "Can you tell me about today's specials, please?" And Nanny Claire said, "But of course! Today, Monsieur will have his choice of paté, either Ocean Whitefish, or Seafood Supreme."
I said, "Wonderful! I'll take the Ocean Whitefish, please!" Nanny Claire said, "Excellent choice! And what will Monsieur be having for dessert?"
I said, "Surprise me!" Nanny Claire said, "Very well...and to drink? We do have water on tap. And it is very fine quality water, too." So I said, "Water would be lovely,"
Quick as a flash, Nanny Claire disappeared into the kitchen, and returned with a delectable dish of the Whitefish for me. It was delicious!
No sooner had I finished the last few bites than Nanny Claire reappeared, and she was holding a bag of Tasty Tuna Tidbits. "WOW!!!", I said, "Tuna is my favorite!" I felt VERY special! And the best part was, she even hand fed me the Tuna Tidbits. It was great!


Edmonton, AB



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