Urban Coyote in Edmonton
If you need another reason to keep your dog on a leash or your cat indoors, here is one. Take a look at this video of a coyote making it's way though the neighbourhood of Belle Rive right here in Edmonton!
Coyotes usually won't normally approach a person or look at them in a threatening manner, but they may attack a small to medium-sized pet on or off leash.
Coyotes can also spread tapeworm (Eccinococcus Multilocularis) to your dog, and that parasite can be passed onto you. This tapeworm is capable of causing cysts in your lungs, brain and other organs. Thankfully, there are dewormers that treat tapeworm, roundworm, hookworm and whipworm infections in dogs.
Ear mites under a microscope
Take a look at this patient's ear mite scuttling its way through waxy ear debris on a microscope slide. EW!
Ear mites are tiny infectious organisms that can just barely be seen as a small white dot with the naked eye. Viewing them under a microscope can help confirm ear mites so proper treatment can ensue. Infection usually produces a characteristic dry black ear discharge that is commonly said to resemble coffee grounds. Ear mites can transmit by physical contact, and treatment for ear mites often includes all house hold pets.
Ultrasonic Scaling
A somewhat satisying video of an ultrasonic scaler removing tartar build up on a dog's incisors. Since your dog doesn't know how to hold their mouth open and say "AAAAW", this can only be done while the pet is under a full general anesthetic. An ultrasonic scaler or hand scaling are the only safe and effective ways to remove tartar build up. Dental foods and treats can be effective in preventing tartar from forming on the teeth, but they cannot remove existing tartar.
*crunch* 🍉 *slurp* 🍉 *lick* 🍉*nom* 🍉
Seedless Watermelon is a refreshing and cooling treat for your pups! Just skip giving them the rind. You can also try freezing cubes of it on a hot summer day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Just a reminder we will be closed on Monday, February 19th. We will re-open again on Tuesday, February 20th at 8:30am. For more information on our hours, click here: http://bellerivepethospital.com/hours1.pml