Does your horse know what you’re asking?
So many times you watch a rider work there horse and you tilt
Your head and ask yourself “what is happening here?” (not judging just truly wondering)
I always wonder if I can’t figure out what the rider is asking, is the horse sure of what the rider is asking.
It’s so important that our horses understand our communication. And I’m not talking about our baby talk during morning feedings.
Is your horse locked on to you? Are you watching them and there cues of understanding? Horses learn from pressure and release. But it’s the release that is key! Letting the pressure off regardless of it being a pull or leg pressure or even a voice command, is how your horse will learn they have done the right thing. Then repeating the process and baby steps.
It seems simple but I can tell you that we get horses is a lot that have been trained but not communicated with and boy it takes so much more time and work to get them to understand that we need to be a team. I need my
Horses to want to work with me not for me. I want to create winners who love there job. And it starts at the very beginning of your contact with that horse. I’m by no means bashing other trainers. Often times just switching trainers may cause this in your horse. When I get a horse from Brian that he has really honed in on it takes a bit for them to accept me. Hope this sheds a little insight on our horses and our program.