SP Equine & Bovine Services

SP Equine & Bovine Services Temporarily Closed
Quality Equine & Bovine Services available in the Ottawa area. EQUINE- clipping, training & exercising. BOVINE- clipping & relief milking.

Professional Equine & Bovine Services in the Ottawa area. EQUINE- clipping, training & exercising
BOVINE- clipping & relief milking

Happy New Year to all my wonderful clients, friends & family. Thank you for making 2021 such a success for my little bus...

Happy New Year to all my wonderful clients, friends & family. Thank you for making 2021 such a success for my little business and for everyone’s continued support.

Yesterday was my last clip of 2021! I will be taking a much needed, and long overdue, “holiday”. While the ✨panorama✨ has prevented us from going to Texas like we originally had planned, I will still be taking this time to rest and relax. I’ll be back to scheduling those who are waiting for clips starting Jan 15, 2022! I look forward to seeing you & all your horses/ponies in the new year!
Stay safe and stay healthy! 🥂

This article really hits home. After my own struggle in 2021 with a clinical burnout and mental health issues, one of th...

This article really hits home.
After my own struggle in 2021 with a clinical burnout and mental health issues, one of the saving graces (other than a committed doctor, therapist & a supportive work environment) was the barn. The barn was sacred; it was the people, the horses, (the dogs and cats even!), that reminded me to take a beat for myself.

I’m truly blessed to have so many genuine, supportive, and compassionate equine friends, some of which have been my life long best friends. Whether they were old friends or new, all of my horsey pals were there for me. 🥰

While I wasn’t chasing a full time career in the equine industry, or trying to climb the show ranks, I was chasing a balance between life commitments. I have so much gratitude for the people who not only got me to where I am today as a horsewoman, but to those who held my hand during the tough times, especially over the last year.

So I’ll use this as an opportunity to say thank you. Thank you to my friends, my family, my clients, and to all the furry friends we love collectively. Thank you for your love, friendship, support, your business, your understanding, and compassion in this wonderful horse community. You made 2021, and I look forward to 2022.

Some honourable mentions to some wonderful horsey people who helped me through some hard times & filled me with some great memories; Mel & Alicia, Jamie, Sam, Jess, Roxanne, Rachel & Tara, Kayla, Liz, Dianna, and all my wonderful clients (who feel like family!) just to name a few Ros, Joanne, Carlene, the Honey’s, Shannon, Nikki, Mel, Vero, Kass and SO many more! 🦄🖤🐴


BY BELLA NYE The harsh alarm on my phone lights up the room and reminds me that it’s 4:30am. Time to get out of bed. But it’s pitch black and dead silent outside, and I lay in bed for at least 20 more minutes. Staring at the ceiling, I slowly think through my plans for […]

My job is easy when I’ve got nephews this handsome 🦄 💅🏼

My job is easy when I’ve got nephews this handsome 🦄 💅🏼


BY MEREDITH ANN SIMMONS Crack. Pop. Whoosh. The wind was knocked out of me as I hit the ground. I didn’t need a doctor to tell me—I already knew I had broken my ankle. When a Perfect Trip Ends Badly Rewinding the tape to a few minutes before I hit the footing, I had finished […]

When you get the itchy spot 😂 Dar enjoyed herself last night during her clip! Very lucky to have such awesome clients, b...

When you get the itchy spot 😂 Dar enjoyed herself last night during her clip! Very lucky to have such awesome clients, both horse and human 🥰🥰

A long overdue update:Appointments have been filling up fast! 26 fabulous horses have been clipped in the last 4.5 weeks...

A long overdue update:

Appointments have been filling up fast! 26 fabulous horses have been clipped in the last 4.5 weeks. I am so grateful for all my new and returning clients support and business.

I am now booking week nights from November 16th and on, all weekends are booked up to December 12.
If you still need me out please send me a text or fb message so I can confirm you in my schedule!

🦄✂️ Clipping horses like the 4 today at Equinox make me so thankful. I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of you in the next few weeks!

Clip season is upon us! 🦄✂️With the weather expecting to stay relatively warm, now is the perfect time to get your partn...

Clip season is upon us! 🦄✂️

With the weather expecting to stay relatively warm, now is the perfect time to get your partners clipped and ready for fall/winter work, without having to worry much about cold-shock regrowth.

If you haven’t booked yet already, please reach out as soon as possible! Availability is filling up very quickly!

Please note my bio security precautions will be in effect to help eliminate cross-contamination between barns & horses. I look forward to seeing you all this fall! 😊🦄

I had a bit of an impromptu hiatus due to super hot weather and my clippers needing servicing but I’m happy to say we’re...

I had a bit of an impromptu hiatus due to super hot weather and my clippers needing servicing but I’m happy to say we’re back up and running!

This wonderful lady got a blanket clip! Blanket and trace clips are perfect for allowing the sweatier areas to be free of hair while still keeping back and hind warm with the cooler weather approaching! A big thank you to Carlene Snow for having me out again, it is always a pleasure!


Ask yourself, do I need a Whiteboard replacement in my stable? If you know there’s never enough space, that things get messy, you can’t plan remotely and are sick of not being able to record data then why not change that today.

Remember growing up in the barn & everyone made it abundantly clear NOT to stand behind a horse? Yeah, about that.... 🤷🏼...

Remember growing up in the barn & everyone made it abundantly clear NOT to stand behind a horse? Yeah, about that.... 🤷🏼‍♀️

Ps. Don’t actually stand behind horses unless you know them well & always use caution! Gunner is a very good boy & would never outright kick me. He let’s me know if he’s uncomfortable. Do as I say, not as I do 😅


Starting off clipping season with a favourite! Today I clipped off Littleman’s winter wooly mammoth coat for a sweat free transition to spring!😁
This handsome guy basically falls asleep during clips 🥰

A big thank you to Linda Honey for always entrusting her boy to me!

Shoulda been a cowboy - Toby Keith
No copy right infringement intended


Hi all!
With the increasing severity and number of cases of EVH-1 I will be only be providing services to those who absolutely need them for medical/health related reasons.

For now, I have temporarily postponed my upcoming clips to air on the side of caution, thank you to my understanding clients.

If you require a clip and cannot wait, the following precautions are in place:
- singular barns per day
- singular horses per day (no multi horse days, sorry!)
- as always, disposable gloves will be worn during service
- masks will be worn to respect covid protocols
- sanitation of all clippers, blades, oil bottles, and cases
- individual horse brushes to be provided or owner must groom horse pre and post clip. My brushes will not be used
- horses must be in their stall/cross ties ready for their appointment, during this time I will not be retrieving horses from their stalls or fields.

Similar to a “shower in, shower out” procedure at biosecure farms I will also be doing the following:
- hand sanitizer pre and post appointment
- coveralls/outerwear and shoes used during the appointment will be removed and placed in a sealed bag prior to leaving the barn (so I may wash separately at home and avoid contact on other surfaces/clothes etc.)
- new outer clothes and shoes will be worn to leave that I will bring in a separately sealed bag
- I will not be scheduling back-to-back clip days to further support biosecurity.


Most of you by now have heard of the EHV-1 neurologic form outbreak in an equine facility in the Luskville, Quebec area. Below is some general information on the virus and some links for more information. As always, should you have questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact us via phone or e-mail.

WHAT IS EHV-1: A virus of the herpes family, which most often causes respiratory disease but can also cause neurologic symptoms, abortion and neonatal death

HOW IS IT TRANSMITTED/SPREAD: Direct horse-to-horse contact through respiratory secretions and indirectly through contaminated clothing or physical objects.

SYMPTOMS: Respiratory symptoms are most common – fever, nasal discharge, ocular discharge, minimal coughing, lymph node swelling under mandible.

Neurologic form – Rapidly progressive symptoms, minimal respiratory signs, fever, incoordination of hind limbs, loss of tail tone, lethargy, dribbling urine, leaning, recumbency

PREVENTION: BIOSECURITY! Isolate horses with fever, symptoms of respiratory disease or neurologic disease, wash hands and change clothes after handling suspicious horses, do not share tack or equipment, minimize or stop all travelling between barns (with or without a horse)

VACCINATION: There are vaccines to protect against the most common strains of EHV 1 however these do not protect against the neurologic form of the virus. Vaccines do however decrease viral shedding and decreases nasal shedding which minimizes / decreases the spread of the virus.



Hello everyone!
Due to some life hiccups and home renovations I had to take a bit of a hiatus from clipping.

With spring around the corner I am back to scheduling evenings and weekend for clips, with the exception of Monday’s.

As the months of March-May tend to fill up quickly, I highly recommend considering whether or not your equine partner might require a clip and look to book in as early as possible! As always, I’m here should you need any advice or have any concerns!

Looking forward to seeing all my lovely clients and their equally awesome humans again soon 😉😁!

2020 was a trying and difficult year for all. We were locked out of the barns, away from friends and family, and yet we ...

2020 was a trying and difficult year for all. We were locked out of the barns, away from friends and family, and yet we all made it this far! Thank you to my amazing clients who had me out for yet another year of clipping. While Champs and Royal clips didn't highlight my year, I was very fortunate to be able to see so many routine clients and many new.

Thank you all for having included me in your horses' and cows' care during these uncertain times. I look forward to seeing you all again this spring. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and I hope you're all staying safe and healthy!

Jersey Canada


As riders, we control the level of fitness of our horses, and therefore we must also recognise that in this sense we also take on the role of a trainer. As such, it is important to have a basic understanding of how our horses respond to the demands of the exercise regimes we put them through.

Each component of the musculoskeletal system responds to the mechanical stresses created by exercise, by undergoing a remodeling process. This process strengthens the tissues so that they are better adapted to perform the movements we require, and are at a reduced risk of injury. These physiological processes take a long time over a period of repeated exposure to stress - which is what we are aiming to achieve with training/exercising our horses.

As such, we must understand the responsibility of conditioning their musculoskeletal system with care and empathy. As if we push our horses too much, or overtrain them, not only do we risk overexerting tissues and causing injury, but we risk causing training soreness.

Training soreness typically arises in the muscles, and is as a result of temporary changes within the muscles in response to unaccustomed exercise. There are two types of muscle soreness;
🔹 Acute Muscle Soreness or AMS, which is pain felt in muscles during exercise and after up to 24 hours after exercise, and;
🔹 Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness or DOMS, which typically appears 24 hours after exercise and peaks at 24-72 hours after.

AMS appears during exercise, within minutes of the muscles contracting. This soreness typically disappears between 2-3 minutes up to several hours after the muscle relaxes. It is thought that this soreness can stem from strain on the sarcomeres, the functional units within muscle tissue which create muscle contraction. This strain initiates an inflammatory response within the muscle, which stimulates nociceptors (pain receptors) in the muscle's connective tissue and creates acute pain.

DOMS typically appears 24 hours after exercise, and results in soreness persisting in muscles long after exercise has ended. This soreness is often perceived as a dull, aching pain in the affected muscle, often combined with tenderness and stiffness. Many of us have likely felt this dull ache before in our own muscles after a period of intense activity, often a number of days after the event itself.

DOMS is a protective process, which naturally occurs in muscles as a result of the physiological response to exercise. However, certain exercises, such as movements requiring largely eccentric muscle contraction, are thought to place the muscles at a great risk of DOMS.

Eccentric muscle contraction, is a form of contraction which requires the lengthening contraction of muscles usually to stabilise movements. See in the figure below how the lateral muscles of the foreleg contract eccentrically to stabilise to movement of the forelimb crossing in front of the body, in the half-pass movement.

This form of exercise can cause mild muscle strain, as the tissues are stretched to and possibly beyond their maximum contractile lengthen. This creates microscopic scale damage (microtrauma) to the muscle fibres. It is thought that this microtrauma, coupled with the inflammation that accompanies these tears, stimulates nociceptors (pain receptors) within the muscles connective tissue to create a sensation of pain, and therefore DOMS.

It is here that we must realise as a rider, that by training our horses, we are inadvertently subjecting them to a degree of soreness. As such, we must act in a conscientious manner to determine the most empathetic approach to training which weighs the benefits of a particular exercise, with the subsequent strains and soreness we place on the musculoskeletal system.

Horse’s cannot vocalise that they are sore. Instead they may present with stiffness, or may be lethargic in the days following a high intensity work session. They may be less willing to work or just have an “off day”. It is easy at this point to become frustrated, as they understood and performed an exercise the day before, but had seemingly forgotten how or refused to perform it the next day. It is at this moment that we should take a step back, and consider whether our horses are sore, so that we can rethink our training plans for the day and avoid further soreness or injury.

However, as much as we may want to avoid ever creating discomfort in our horses, we must recognise the fact that in order for them to perform the exercises and movements which we require for their discipline or daily activities, their musculoskeletal system must be adequately conditioned to do so. Otherwise, we risk catastrophic injury by pushing the tissues beyond their physiological limits.

This comes through a regime of targeted exercises appropriate to our horses fitness level, level of training and age, among many other factors. As the body is physiologically designed to respond to external stresses (from exercise and training), and in response will readily adapt to prevent further damage from being repeated from the same exercise.

To achieve this, without causing undue soreness, we must appreciate that it takes 14 days for a horse's musculoskeletal system to become adapted to a training load. Therefore, we should allow this time period before increasing the intensity, frequency or duration of our training regime. In fact, the best way to minimise or avoid DOMS is to start any exercise programme, or introduce any new exercises to a current programme, gradually and gently. This allows time for the musculoskeletal system to adapt to the demands of the new or more challenging exercises.

Thus we are left with the responsibility of maintaining a fine balance between applying enough training load to our horses exercise regimes to adequately condition their musculoskeletal systems, and knowing when to back off in consideration of the soreness which comes with this conditioning process 🏇

A warm welcome to the newest addition to my ever growing Jersey collection: Enniskillen Tequila Sue (Tequila x Premier) ...

A warm welcome to the newest addition to my ever growing Jersey collection: Enniskillen Tequila Sue (Tequila x Premier) affectionately now known in barn as “Suzie”

Thank you to Enniskillen Jerseys (Dan Sargent) for consigning such a lovely calf and to Avonlea Genetics Inc. (Andrew & Jen Vander Meulen) for hosting the Gone Global Jersey Auction.
Very happy to have had the opportunity to add another great line to the herd!




BY LAUREN KARDEL It has been impossible to ignore the responses of the horse community to George Floyd’s death and the Black Lives Matter movement. From my home in Eastern Holland, I am broadsided with opinions on social media daily—not least of which were two hotly contested articles in The Chr...


Hope Glynn recently hosted a live Q&A for our Masterclass private Facebook group to impart wisdom she's gained from years as a professional rider, trainer, and judge in the hunter and equitation rings. Members were able to ask for advice in all aspects of riding and training - from marketing a b...

Yup! Doesn’t seem to many kids are spending the same time we did at the barn. Are we pushing the younger generations to ...

Yup! Doesn’t seem to many kids are spending the same time we did at the barn. Are we pushing the younger generations to just do so much more than we did? Or are we not teaching the same level of commitment and dedication in our sport?

BlogsBarn Lounge Where Have All the Barn Rats Gone? February 16, 2020 Photo © Sarah Schuping BY PONYMOMAMMY Lately, I’ve heard a lot of talk about how young riders have changed since when I grew up.  What happened to the good ol’ days where barn rats ran amuck for hours on end? Surely they’r...




BlogsBarn Lounge 3 Things That Won’t Make You a Better Rider (And 3 Things That Will) September 4, 2018 Photo by Lauren Mauldin BY BLOG EDITOR LAUREN MAULDIN Even though I’ve been riding for well over twenty years, nobody would ever consider me an authority on training, equitation, or really an...

Every time someone schedules a clip I do a happy dance (when no one is looking) 😂👌🏼

Every time someone schedules a clip I do a happy dance (when no one is looking) 😂👌🏼


Want the inside scoop on how to get your horse ready to win in the hunter ring? Recently, esteemed hunter trainer and judge Archie Cox stopped by our Masterclass Facebook group to answer members' burning questions about preparing and caring for hunters. Read on for one of Archie's answers from the Q...

Couldn’t have said it any better myself! Check out this great list and support your local businesses!!

Couldn’t have said it any better myself! Check out this great list and support your local businesses!!

It’s time to get a start on your Christmas Shopping! Skip the Christmas Battle Ground and do your shopping online* with some amazing local businesses!

My number one gift idea is of course a gift certificate from Kayla Noël Photography! Available in varying amounts - surprise your loved one with a session to remember. And don’t forget the prints! These gift certificates can be purchased online and delivered via email (for you to print) or can be printed by me.

April Fawnn Metal Works🐴 🐶 🐱 👩🏻
Not only does April create quality stainless steel bridle charms and blanket tags, but she also makes superb pets tags as well! These aren’t the thin kind from the pet store engraving machine that break off in a day. Each tag is hand stamped to order.

But wait! They’re not just for pets! Tag everything from your keys to your kids. Versatile and affordable. Get a name, phone number or phrase on the tag!

Check out her page to see all the other fun creations she makes including horse shoe hooks and art.

Courtney's Custom Woodburning
Courtney makes woodburned signs, cutting boards and what ever else you can wood burn. Check her out if you’re in need of a barn sign or a stall plate!

SRB Equine🐴
Sabrina makes amazing quality rope tack! I have a halter from her for each of my horses and I can assure you that they are WELL MADE and affordable! If you have a horse with a funky sized head Sabrina can adjust the sizing of the halter for a perfect fit.

In addition to rope tack, she also create keepsakes such as necklaces and earrings. Check out her page!

Horsin Around Treats🐴
If you have a spoiled pony you definitely need to check out Horsin Around Treats! Adorable and delicious (accounting to my ponies!) cookies for all seasons and holidays. They also make custom birthday cookies and take custom orders!

Grace Equine Massage🐴
Erin is the best pony masseuse in town! Turn your stiff cranky stale cookie of a pony into a soft, supple and doughy pony.

(mom I know you’re reading this - Your hooved grandchildren take a gift certificate for 3 massages 🥺)

SP Equine & Bovine Services🐴 🐮
Sabrina is the absolute best clipper around. How good is she? My 6 year old falls asleep during his haircut and wakes up looking fabulous and duing a little less from the summer heat. I’m not sure if Sabrina offers any gift certificates but you could make your own to present to your loved one!

Happy Paws Ottawa🐶
If you’re in the East-End check out Happy Paws Ottawa for all your doggy daycare needs! My two boys have been going once a week for over a year now and they are always so excited to play with their friends 🙂

Agnes' Attic
Your souce for custom trailer and car decals!

Shop local this holiday season and remember that when you purchase from a small business owner they do a little “jig” and you’re directly helping them and the local economy. Support small business owners whenever you can!

*online option may not be available but you also won’t have to go into a busy department store



Naked or not 😂 hats off to this young lad and his quick thinking!

Naked or not 😂 hats off to this young lad and his quick thinking!

Macon Martin, 16, is being called a hero after his quick thinking saved the lives of 14 Clydesdale horses The family home, located about 60 miles east of


BlogsBarn LoungeBarn Rats Over Mean Girls: Life Lessons from Growing Up in a Barn April 4, 2019 Photo courtesy of PonyMomAmmy BY PONYMOMAMMY I feel like I am constantly trying to justify the expense of the horses to my husband. I get it. It’s not cheap, and it doesn’t ever end. My go-to defense ...

I’ve been slacking a bit on posting spring clip photos so here is the handsome Newton looking as fresh as ever. Would yo...

I’ve been slacking a bit on posting spring clip photos so here is the handsome Newton looking as fresh as ever. Would you believe he is 25!? Very thankful to work with such great horses, owners and barn owners!


Spring is in full swing and it’s so close I think I might be able to smell it... or maybe that’s my allergies 🤔
Text, call or DM to book your spring clip in!
We have some evenings and weekends still available for grabs 😄

A well put friendly reminder! Your horses skin, and my equipment thank you ☺️

A well put friendly reminder! Your horses skin, and my equipment thank you ☺️

Little reminder for everyone...
PLEASE! bath your horses the day prior to clipping if possible.
It's better for them to get a bath and perhaps be cold for a short while when they're drying than it is to me to tear their hair out for over an hour, and that's what can happen with dirty horses. It doesn't matter how sharp the blades are or how powerful the clipper is, they're not designed to go through dirt, grease, or arena surface.
Clipping dirty horses can be very uncomfortable for the horse and is also very bad for my equipment, not to mention can force me to leave a less than perfect clip!
I want to be able to give u the best possible finish on your horses haircut, help me along a little bit will u please?


Hey guys!
Facebook is giving me a hard time on my business page. I receive message notifications but the messages tab won’t load for me on the computer or my phone! I promise I’m not ignoring you and I’m just as frustrated!

If you’re someone who’s trying to get in touch with me please text or call me at 613-807-8051!

I have sent the issue to Facebooks attention but you never know when they’ll resolve it!!
Thank you & my apologizes!


Embrun, ON





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