Riverwood Ranch Fun Roping Day
Riverwood Practice Rope Day was an absolute hoot! From learning the basics on the ground, to introducing how to trail and the moving onto the Heel-o-matic everyone had a riot! Thank you so much to Larry Johnston for coming out to help! Keep your eyes peeled on the calender for more dates! #riverwoodranch #cowboysh*t #roping
Best Part of Cold Weather is Horse Theory Lessons….. and stressful “name that body part” horse activities. 😂😂 Both child and Adult theory lessons this week consisted of body parts, tack, confirmation faults and parasites! #riverwoodranch #equinelife #ridinglesson
Dreaming of these ranching days…… not the -35C days of ranching. Looking forward to this cold snap being over. #riverwoodranch #cowboysh*t #everybodywantstobeacowboy
Was a Wild New Year’s Eve Party at Riverwood Ranch!!!! Beyond excited to try out our new dust suppressant for the indoor arena. This goes along way in creating a healthier environment for both horses and riders, while also making the arena way easier to keep clean. The arena will be ready for haul ins, events and lessons, “dust free” this winter!!! #riverwoodranch #ridingarenas
Fall Round Up is complete for 2024. All the cattle are shipped home! What a season #riverwoodranch
One of the best parts of my job is teaching kids about ranching. Learning our cattle calls is always a favourite ❤️
Exciting Morning at the Ranch making our Clinic and Event schedule for the 2024 season! So many fun things to look forward too! Beginner and advanced trail clinics, obstacle and ground work clinics and even a trailer loading and driving clinic!!!! We will be at the stony plain tack sale this Saturday to share all the news! Come for a visit or stay tuned to our social media for dates being posted soon. Let’s get riding!!!! #riverwoodranch #horseclinic
Obstacle Clinic and Playday was a Massive success this weekend! Thanks to everyone who came out and had some fun with us. Can’t wait to get more dates posted soon. #riverwoodranch
So excited for Obstacle and desensitization Clinic tomorrow and our Playday Sunday! Come out and join the fun!!!!