Our purebred story started in 2007, when Justin was an inaugural recipient of the Grant Moffat Herd Builder Award, an award designed to give young cattle producers the opportunity to purchase a purebred heifer. Grant Moffat, Holmsyde Charoloais, was a purebred Charolais breeder from Forrest, Manitoba who devoted incredible amounts of his life to helping youth get involved with, and stay involved w
ith, the cattle industry. Grant went missing in 2006, and the funds raised by family, friends, and the surrounding community for search efforts were eventually used to fund the Grant Moffat Herd Builder Award. Justin is honoured to have been an inaugural recipient of the award, after Grant had helped him learn and grow tremendously in his early years of beef 4-H and local fairs. Our first 2 heifers were purchased from Poplar Park Farm- John and Susan Thompson and family- of Hamiota, MB. JT Muffin 57T was one of those first females, and she is still walking our pastures as one of our most impressive and favourite females. Her and her daughters influences can be seen throughout the herd. Building on those initial females, other females were introduced from Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Our Rose cow family originated from Uphill Rose 5Y, purchased as a heifer from Ross Gray of Hamiota, MB and her influence can be seen in our bull pen every year. MSA Lady Esther 42Y came from Jim and Birgit Martin of Gore Bay, ON and her daughters make up a tremendous series of females in our pastures. We started our embryo transfer program in 2015, purchasing embryo’s from Horseshoe Creek Farms and Shadybrook Shorthorns. A number of exciting females arose from those initial transfers, and we now have their first calf crop on the ground in 2017. The “Sparkle” family was one that was introduced through ET, and we look forward to many years of success with them! Watch for the first offspring of the Sparkle cow family in 2017! We utilize artificial insemination and embryo transfer to move our herd forward in the direction that we want, allowing us to introduce fresh genetics that we feel are the most sought after in the Shorthorn breed. Rigorous selection and culling for feet, udders, fertility, fleshing ability, and moderate performance allow us to breed what we consider to be optimal replacement females and strong herd sire prospects from our AI, ET, and natural breeding programs. Our purebred cows are managed with the commercial herd on minimal inputs and labour, allowing us to produce cattle that maintain themselves on forage and have excellent fertility allowing them to bring in a calf every 365 days. Bulls and females are for sale by private treaty off the farm, and are available for viewing year round. While we are a smaller operation and we do work off the farm as well, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality bulls and females possible that always satisfy their needs. Commercial and purebred breeders alike have sampled, trusted, and proven our genetics in their herds! Contact any time with any questions or inquires! Justin Kristjansson
Ron and Barb Kristjansson