And a couple hours later it became too warm in the Pup Hut and some of the babies squeezed out to sleep at the entrance. My Wyze Cam provides hours of entertainment each morning while I drink my coffee!
I always put half a dog crate in my puppy pen as the puppies love a "Den" plus mom can have some relief from pesty puppies by getting up on top of the crate. I put a crate mat on top and Sparky sleeps there often. But last night the natives were restless and one in particular was determined it was going to try to get up to mom. Sparky, being the good mom she is, got down to sort out the crying baby and then decided to spend the night in the denniwthbthe babies. This is the bottom half of the largest dog Vari Kennel crates... A 700 made for Great Danes and breeds that size. But it still looked like a clown 🤡 car when Sparky and all 7 puppies stuffed themselves inside! It must have been so warm and cozy in there! 🤣 🤣
The babies are 4 weeks old this weekend and are real little dogs now. They bark and growl and wrestle and drag their toys around. We disassembled the whelping box and made a playroom for them instead. They were starting to object to be confined to the whelping box. Sparky has a bed on top of the Pup Hut so she can escape from the babies when they get too persistent about nursing. They all seem pretty darn happy with the new digs. And Wings is happy that she can now see directly into the playroom as I took down the curtain between her kennel and the puppies area.
The babies are 3 weeks old today. They bark and wrestle (in slow motion! 🤣) and stay awake for longer periods of time and are so adorable!!
And just like that they suddenly turn from fat sleepy slugs into walking, barking, playing little dogs! They are so cute. They wag tails, they try to bite my clothes and they bark and growl and play with each other. But still only stay awake for short periods of time and Sparky still does all the feeding and clean up. It's the best age! 🤣 🤣 17 days old already!
13 days old and all but two have their eyes open. They are starting to play now. So cute!
Why do puppies twitch while sleeping you may ask. This twitching actually has a functional purpose - "activated sleep" helps build muscle and form the connections that will allow the puppies to develop motor coordination.
They are starting to walk now. Not very well but soon they will get the hang of it!
11 days old and getting bigger and more mobile by the day!