The Pet Funeral Home

The Pet Funeral Home Here when you need us! The Pet Funeral Home, through professional consultation, is modelled on the services available to human family members.

You can expect your pet to be treated with dignity and compassion.


It is after several family deaths and illnesses that we are compelled to announce The Pet Funeral Home has permanently closed. I’m sorry for the inconvenience this has caused many of our loyal clients.


We are pleased to introduce an often-requested service to the Fredericton, NB area. KindHearted Pet Euthanasia provides for In-Home euthanasia for your pets.
At KindHearted Pet Euthanasia, we understand that saying goodbye to a beloved pet is an incredibly emotional and difficult journey. Our mission is to provide a peaceful and painless transition for your furry family member.
In-Home Comfort: We come to you, ensuring your pet’s final moments are spent in the familiar and loving surroundings of their home.
We offer guidance and support to help you through this challenging process with empathy and kindness.
We promise to honour the unconditional love and companionship your pet has provided. Your pet’s comfort and dignity are our top priorities, and we’re here to make this difficult time as gentle as possible.
Visit our website at to learn more about our services and how to begin the process of arranging an in-home euthanasia for your beloved pet.

Text us at: 506-461-9318

Thank you for allowing us to be part of your pet’s journey.

Our street is completely obliterated and now the earth is being excavated in our parking area.Due to safety concerns for...

Our street is completely obliterated and now the earth is being excavated in our parking area.
Due to safety concerns for our clients The Pet Funeral Home will not be accepting any new clients until further notice.

Run & play at Rainbow Bridge Dexter.

Run & play at Rainbow Bridge Dexter.

Ginny Woodworth. In Loving Memory

Ginny Woodworth. In Loving Memory

Ezekiel Bones Woodworth, aka Buddy, Bones, and Bonezie,> It's with great sadness that we announce, after seventeen excit...

Ezekiel Bones Woodworth, aka Buddy, Bones, and Bonezie,
> It's with great sadness that we announce, after seventeen exciting years, seven blessed months, and twenty-three heart-wrenching days, our dear little Chocolate Point Siamese passed away on Sunday, August 13th, 2023 at 2:33 pm at home with his family by his side, in a circle of love.

> Bones was born on January 21st, 2006. A little "Frederictonian," the runt in the litter, with big ears, which he would later grow into, and an even bigger heart, which he showed to those who were fortunate enough to call him "friend." Bones was a "once-in-a-lifetime cat," and his pawprints are forever impressed upon our hearts.
Much more than a cat, he was a best friend to one and family to us all.

> As a kitten, he bore a striking resemblance to a little bat and would often be mistaken for a Chihuahua! However, what he lacked in size and fur, Bones grew to become the dog we never had in the way he would play fetch with rocks and strings. In the summer, he would often drag long stocks of grass across the yard, wanting to play. Besides his relentless perseverance to get up onto the table, like a revolving door, he had lots of tricks up his sleeve to get into trouble. He also did real tricks like giving "high-fives," "standing," "spinning," "holding hands," "fetching," and looking at named things, namely "Yoni" and "sitting," all on demand or if he wanted something. Bones would often do tricks at random for treats. He had a treat puzzle that he enjoyed playing with, though he did try to cheat by taking shortcuts for the treats. He lived for treats and parcels, always assuming they were for him, and he was usually always right. Bones got more coupons and parcels than anyone else. He loved rolling on the catnip outside in the garden and picking pants, which was the result of a failed attempt to teach him to "sic 'em." He never got the run-and-chase part, just the "picking pants" part!

> Pencils, paintbrushes, and his little toy bone were his favourite toys to carry and chase around; in his younger days, he carried any tools he could carry. Carpenters had to watch their screwdrivers or whatever was light enough for this little opportunist to walk away with. Bones deliberately rolled all over homework, throwing pencils onto the floor in his quest for her attention, which he loved. He developed a love for sleeping in his countless cat beds and one cat tepee, going for car rides, it didn't matter who's car.

> Bones enjoyed all of his outings; he went trick-or-treating a couple of times and wore his skeleton costume, he went shopping at the pet store, he went looking at Christmas lights, he went to Yoni's school twice for show and tell along with his brother Yadon. He went to skateboard parks with Jesse, he loved walks in the park and was not at all afraid of the dogs, he'd walk right up to them. Bones always got attention wherever he went and he loved it. The last few years of his life found him loving to go to Tim Hortons to get a Tim-Bit, which I termed "Going for a little Dough-Boy," or a piece of chicken. If he was outside, when our car pulled into the driveway, he would run, so excitedly to the car.

> He entered and won many ribbons and prizes at the Chickadee Cat Club in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

> Another favourite of his was watching movies; literally, Bones sat and watched whatever was put on for him. Yoni had a projector in her room that she would put movies on for her and Bones to watch at night.

> Bones loved his toys, especially his "Woody," "Ellie," and his little donkey. He even loved Thanksgiving and Christmas, mainly because he loved turkey and sitting on the couch watching us open presents, he was the only cat that stayed for the entire gift opening. He waited for his stocking, which he loved because it was always full of treats and toys! He had several Christmas outfits, coats, matching AE sweaters, and little kitty socks, but no favourites. He once tried out for Pine Grove's reindeer tryouts for Santa's sleigh and was accepted!
Of his snacks, his very favourites were: party mix, temptation, delectables lickable treats, Lil Soups, freeze-dried chicken, turkey, roast chicken, fish, donuts, matzah, digestive cookies, ice cream, cheese, yogurt, hot dogs, pizza crust, tuna, eggs, cake, steak, roast, pepperoni, deli meat, cat milk, whip cream, waffles, and pancakes.

> He waited at the door to check our bags for treats when we came home, and he always found them!

> In later years, Bonezie's favourite sleeping location was usually Yoni's lap. However, in his younger years, he forced himself into the center of his four cat brothers, whether they wanted him there or not. "No" wasn't part of Bones' vocabulary.

> Bones loved sleeping on the couch, in later years he slept directly on Yoni's head, tapping and howling to wake her up. Did I mention he was "tricky?" Well, if this method failed to wake Yoni, Bones knew that "peeing" on her would do it "hands down," and he used this "card" as a last resort, but he did, use it!

> Bones sat on back of the couch, where the treat bag was kept, he would get our attention by sitting on the bag and reaching us with his paw.

> Bones loved guests, especially those who hated cats; he always went to see them, lay on their lap, stared at them, and if he had the chance, would try to get in their car.

> Bones loved being the center of attention, he enjoyed being cuddled, brushed and he enjoyed hide and seek. He also had the rare talent of never landing on his feet, whether he was three inches or three feet off the floor. He faithfully always fell on any other side, just never upright.

> Bones knew no limits and was a very intelligent cat. He liked to listen in on conversations and always looked as though he understood what we were talking about. He would "smile," as only a cat can, looking at the people having the conversation. Bones loved life, for a cat who struggled to survive as a kitten and had poor teeth due to genetics.

> Bones developed heart failure and, in the last month of his life, kidney failure. He never gave up his determined spirit. It was as though he knew that he was a very important part of our lives.

> Bones graced our lives at a time when a terminal illness threatened our family, and during this difficult time. Bones' entrance into our lives blessed our healing process and filled our hearts with fun kitten things.

> His loss is mourned by his furry, and not-so-furry friends and family, who miss him dearly.

Bones leaves behind his loving human family and his three fury brothers: Yan, Jake, and Boo, not forgetting his friends "Bunny" "Chickie" and "Nosey Noggin."

> Rest in peace dear little Bonezie. We are so lucky to have had you in our lives for as long as we did🖤

> This is not a final "Goodbye, but rather a fond "Farewell" with the joyful expectation of seeing your little brown face and blue eyes once again.

My name is Boss. The time has come that I must move on to Rainbow Bridge and say Good bye to my human 😞

My name is Boss. The time has come that I must move on to Rainbow Bridge and say Good bye to my human 😞


🐾Join us for our 1st Dawg Days of Summer 2k Dog Walk at
Killarney Lake on August 20, from 11:30am to 3:30pm.

🥳🐕There will be other rescues and organizations from around the Greater Fredericton area joining us for an afternoon of community and connection!🐕🥳

🐾Join us😎Register here >> to form a team, join a team or walk individually (having a dog is not mandatory to join) 🎖Download a pledge sheet here:

👇What's happening👇Donations will be accepted at each booth👇

👟2k Walk around the beautiful Killarney Lake - Official welcome at 12pm, participants can walk between 12 - 3.
🎤Mc'd by Fredericton's Move 106.9
🍕Free Pizza from Papa John's & an Interactive Game Booth!
🪨Find Painted Rocks throughout the Trail Walk for PRIZES
🐶Dog Yoga with Carolyn Stevens from 2:00pm - 3:30pm
🌳Tree's Pet Care Services
🐕‍🦺Pamper Your Pooch with Tailspin Grooming
🖌Abstract Canvas Dog Art with Happy Smiles Studio from 1:00pm - 3:30pm
🦮Dog Demos with Paws on Hubbard
🐶ElderDog Canada: Fredericton Pawd
🐕‍🦺Global Pet Foods
🦮River Valley Obedience
👟Meet local celebrities/influencers that are walking with us🐾

😎Register here to form a team, join a team or walk individually (having a dog is not mandatory to join):

We would like to thank our sponsors: Fredericton's Move, Colbr Consulting, Papa Johns, Trees Pet Care, Global Pet Foods NB & Print & Swagshop

Thank you for sharing this Wendy.

Thank you for sharing this Wendy.

Rainbow Bridge: Setting the Record Straight

Most anyone who has loved and lost a dog has most certainly heard of the poem, Rainbow Bridge, a tribute to pets that have passed. The poem has touched the lives of millions of pet lovers around the world.

Most often, it has been shared, posted or inscribed with "Author Unknown" attached to it. Paul Koudounaris, an art historian and a founding member of The Order of the Good Death, was on a mission to find the poem's true auther.

Through his research, Koudounaris found records of 15 separate claims filed under the title "Rainbow Bridge" with the United States Copyright Office, dating as far back as 1995. He compiled a list of 25 names he found that had any connection to the poem. Then, he found the name Edna Clyne from Scotland, in an online chat group. A little Googling led him to the name Edna Clyne-Rekhy, whose authorship of a book about her late husband and their dog made him jot her name onto the list — the only woman and the only non-American.

"What initially would have seemed like the most unlikely candidate in the end turned out to be the most intriguing candidate and, of course, the actual author," said Koudounaris. When Koudounaris contacted 82-year-old Ms. Clyne-Rekhy, she had no idea that the poem she had written more than 60 years ago to honor her childhood dog had brought comfort to so many people.

Major, a Labrador Retriever, was Edna's first dog. "Major was a very special dog," said Edna. “Sometimes I would just sit and talk to him, and I felt that he could understand every word I said.” Her mother used to ask how Edna had trained Major to be so gentle and obedient, and she still laughs about the question, explaining that she had never trained him at all, it was natural between them.

Major died in 1959, when Edna was 19 years old. The day after he passed, Edna found a notebook and pulled a piece of paper from it. As she began writing, she felt as if Major was guiding her pen.

"Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge," the poem begins. When she was finished, she wrote "Rainbow Bridge" at the top of the piece of paper, then showed it to her mother, who responded, "My darling girl, you are very special." Afterwards, she put the piece of paper away and didn't show it to anyone else for a long time.

Years later, she showed the poem to her husband, Jack Rekhy, who suggested she publish it. But, Edna didn't want to, telling him it was something private between herself and Major.

Eventually, Edna typed up a few copies and handed them out to close friends - but she did not add her name on those copies. As more and more people shared the poem, it became cut off from its source.

By the early 1990s it had crossed the Atlantic. In February 1994, a woman from Grand Rapids, Michigan, sent a copy of Rainbow Bridge that they had received from their local humane society to the advice column Dear Abby. It was published with a comment from Abigail Van Buren (Dear Abby), "I'm sure that many readers will be as moved as I when they read it. I confess, I shed a tear or two. Regrettably, you did not include the name of the author. If anyone in my reading audience can verify authorship, please let me know." The letter provoked an overwhelming reponse with mailbags full of letters from pet owners who had been touched by the poem.

When Koudounaris reached Edna, she was surprised he found her, and the reason why. She told him everything, inluding that the original poem sat in a box in her attic marked, "If you can't find it, it's in here."

Edna confessed to Koudounaris that when she took the poem out of the box to take photos of it for him that she began to cry. The memory of Major in the poem still carries that much emotional power for Edna.

"More than anything though, she is simply flattered that something she wrote so long ago has resonated with such a vast number of people—the fact that it has comforted so many is the greatest possible homage to her love for Major," Koudounaris said. "She knew nothing about the inscribed tablets in pet cemeteries. She had also never heard the abbreviation ATB. I had to explain that it meant 'At The Bridge', and that there are entire mourning groups based around those three letters, which signify the pets waiting to meet their owners at a place she invented for Major."

"As a concept, what nineteen-year-old Edna envisioned is a kind of limbo where deceased pets are returned to their most hale form and cavort in newfound youth in an Elysian setting," wrote Koudounaris. "But it is not paradise itself. Rather, it is a kind of way station where the spirit of an animal waits for the arrival of its earthly human companion, so that they may cross the Bridge together, to achieve true and eternal paradise in each other’s company, and to thereafter never again be parted."

Koudounaris asked one question of Edna that took her aback during their discussions. What advice could she share for someone suffering from the loss of a pet?

"Her response was then immediate – get another pet," wrote Koudounaris. "She said that the relationship with a new pet will never be the same as the relationship with the old one, but it can be equally special and loving in different ways."

Shown: A recent photograph of Edna with her dogs Zannussi and Missy. Courtesy of Edna Clyne-Rekhy

Curlew Hills Memory Gardens
The Order of the Good Death


Happy Friday! 🕺 It’s the final Friday in July and we’re set to begin work on our last major project for this year. Take a peek at your weekly construction update below!

🛠 Work on Riverside Drive begins Monday! This is the first phase of a major flood mitigation, and water & sewer infrastructure renewal project. You can expect a full closure of Riverside Drive to all through traffic between Watters Drive and the Barker’s Point Bypass until mid-October. Traffic detours around Greenwood Drive and Route 8.

🥳 Live on Hargrove? Your neighbourhood water and sewer renewal project is complete! Thanks so much for your patience these past few months.

🦺 MRDC is currently working on the Route 8 overpass close to the Hanwell Road / Prospect intersection. Southbound traffic is down to one-lane for the next little while.

🌊 Our Water Flushing campaign is on-going! Check to see if we’re flushing in your neighbourhood this week here :

You can find more information about all of our projects on our website here: or feel free to leave your question in a comment box below. Have a great weekend!☀

Such an inspiring little boy. ❤️

Such an inspiring little boy. ❤️


Attention NBSPCA 👇🏼do your dam job!

Our thoughts and prayers are with the driver and Fredericton Animal Hospital. No one was hurt but many are effected.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the driver and Fredericton Animal Hospital. No one was hurt but many are effected.

This afternoon We said Goodbye to Our Juicy Gums, our Pretty Lady Sweet Marisol!! She came to live with us at 4 years ol...

This afternoon We said Goodbye to Our Juicy Gums, our Pretty Lady Sweet Marisol!! She came to live with us at 4 years old. I showed her to Grand champion Alter(she hated cat shows) and she retired and stayed home enjoying all the fun and love we had to give her. I will miss her dancing on me most nights and spraying me with her saliva( was missing some teeth) she would of been 13 this coming Nov. She was a fighter and I think fought the good fight with this rare Cancer. I want to thank her care team Dr. Nicole Sabrina Mann and all the great Gals SouthPaw Animal Hospital for alway being there. Thank you Debrah Moore at The Pet Funeral Home for looking after her on this last part of her journey. I will miss you sweet girl. Until we meet again.

It is with an extremely heavy heart that I write this.After 14 and a half wonderful years by my side, Mr.Squiggles (aka ...

It is with an extremely heavy heart that I write this.
After 14 and a half wonderful years by my side, Mr.
Squiggles (aka Squiggy) has now passed - peacefully at home, in the arms of his momma
He was such a charismatic boy.
More "people", than cat; and as such, he loved his "people food" (he was also quick to yell at you for it, or get in your face).
But regardless of this, he really was the best boy.
Always so full of love and cuddles.
If you coughed, he'd meow in concern.
If you cried, he'd be there to wipe away your tears. We went through anything and everything together.
You will be so greatly missed bub.
I love you eternally. 💚💔❤️‍🩹 xo xo xo


Stitch was adopted from the SPCA and into our family in 2004, our kids were just very young then (4 yrs and the other was 10 months old). She endured many hours being played with,being picked up carried around and even dressed up in doll clothes and if she wasnt fast enough to get away, she would be put into a doll stroller, but not once did she really seem to mind. She was always there to cuddle or pet, and was often found asleep in someones bed, its where she found it most comfortable. Anyone who came over to visit always knew she was there as she would make her presence known by walking up to you and if you sat down, she would climb you and make you pet her head. Last week was the hardest when we had to say goodbye to her, we always joked about her being so old and how it seemed like she would live forever, she lived a great life, we will never forget you stitchy. You were the best cat in the world❤️

Oh sweet Mya, you have lived a long good life. When we rescued you, we instantly fell in love with you and your brother....

Oh sweet Mya, you have lived a long good life. When we rescued you, we instantly fell in love with you and your brother. You were a good little dog, who was timid with people but never hurt no one. Your partner in crime Gracie is missing you. I will forever miss you, and that cute little tongue you always had sticking out the side of your mouth. My heart is broken, but I am glad you are not suffering anymore. Forever my little Mya girl. I love you so much.

I was just a pup when we first met. I LOVED you from the start.You picked me up and took me home and placed me in your h...

I was just a pup when we first met. I LOVED you from the start.
You picked me up and took me home and placed me in your heart.
Good times we had together, we shared all life could throw.
But years passed all too quickly, my time has come to go.
I know how much you miss me, I know your heart is sore.
I see the tears that fall when I'm not waiting at the door.
You always did your best for me. Your love was plain to see.
For even though it broke your heart.
You set my spirit free.
So please be brave without me.
One day we'll meet once more.
For when you are called to Heaven, I will be waiting at the door


Nail Trim Clinic this Saturday!😻

All proceeds go to helping spay and neuter pets in Costa Rica in November 2022. A few members of our team will be working with other clinics in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.

In the upcoming weeks we will be hosting nail trim clinics from 9am to 1pm. September 17th are the current scheduled dates.

10$ per pet, additional donations welcome.

Dogs, Cats and Exotics welcome!

Nail trim clinics will not be by appointment, it will be walk-in only. Please expect possible wait times.

NOTE: we will NOT be open for regular appointments or medication and food pick up. Nail trims only.

***Any animals that require medication for anxiety must have had it prior to the nail trim.***

***If the experience is too stressful for the pet, we will cancel for their own comfort.***


Join us this Saturday the 17th at our Riverview location for an adopt-a-thon with Carma - Cat Rescue Maritimes Moncton Chapter

Stop by to meet cats & kittens looking for their forever homes 🐱🏡

Wallie FowlerWallie , also know affectionately as Wallie Love, joined our family in 2018. A small kitten found us when s...

Wallie Fowler
Wallie , also know affectionately as Wallie Love, joined our family in 2018. A small kitten found us when she was looking for a family to love. She spent her days playing with her sister Whisker and laying on her favorite bean bag chair.
She brought so much love to her family and will be sadly missed and forever loved.

The Fowlers


150 Riverside Drive
Fredericton, NB

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 4pm
Tuesday 10am - 4pm
Wednesday 10am - 4pm
Thursday 10am - 4pm
Friday 10am - 4pm


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