Happy 7th Birthday Rousey!
You are my heart dog. The dog that made me fall in love with training, behaviour and how to make your days the best ever!
Because of Rousey, I found my 2nd career as a dog trainer. I love dog behaviour, watching her learn and most of all, I LOVE when I see her in nature.
Whether, the activity is swimming, running through the forest or watching your silly boxer antics.
Although your face is getting frosty, you are not showing any signs of slowing down. Please keep it that way.
I love you Rousey.
#heartdog #boxers #birthday #7thbirthday #boxerdogs #dogsandmoms
My dog filling his cup!
On walks, Diesel is really slow. He wants to sniff, eat grass, pee on small fern bushes and trees, and roll around. Out of all the behaviours, rolling around on the grass is the one I enjoy most.
Diesel really loves to roll around on grass and roll down small hills. He does this on every single walk and I love how happy he is when he is finished.
We never rush him, and if he wants to do it over and over again, we let him and why not? He loves it.
#dogtraining #snackleadernotpackleader #positivedogtraining #positivereinforcement #woofitup #fredericton #oromocto #dogsoffredericton #dogsofnewbrunswick #fillmycup #alapahabluebloodbulldog #bulldogs #funnydogs #enrichment
Healthy dog play!
Here are my two dogs playing that is fair, taking turns and breaks! They are parallel and bouncy and when Diesel gets a bit vocal (Rousey doesn't like this), she stops, turns her head away and Diesel stops too.
Diesel doesn't mind when Rousey puts her paws on his back - as a lot of dogs do not like this.
They take short breaks, sneeze and shake off through the play and both are having a grand old time.
If your dogs play too intensely, don't always get along, reach out. I can help.
#dogtraining #snackleadernotpackleader #positivedogtraining #positivereinforcement #woofitup #fredericton #oromocto #dogsoffredericton #dogsofnewbrunswick #dogsplaying #fairplay #goodtime
Puzzles for feeding your dog?
Hell ya! Use anything that isn't a bowl to feed your dog! Well, you can use a bowl if you want, but why?
✅ Puzzles offer mental enrichment and a great way to bond - I love seeing when my dogs figure out something and I cheerlead them on!
✅ Some puzzles can be used as lick mats and licking for dogs is self soothing
✅ Slows down feeding
✅ Encourages problem solving
✅ Suitable for all dogs, breeds and ages
Let me know if you use puzzles for your dogs and other benefits you see!
#dogtraining #snackleadernotpackleader #positivedogtraining #positivereinforcement #woofitup #fredericton #oromocto #dogsoffredericton #dogsofnewbrunswick #puzzles #win #fun #enrichment #problemsolving
Do you ask your dog for consent?
I do! Rousey loves to be scratched on her eyelids and paws. She is an odd one, that is for sure!
In this video, I ask her, "Do you want me to itch you?" (By the way, this is what I used to say to my kids when they were younger. It's a long story, and I know it is not proper grammar.)
I had been scratching her eye for about one minute before I started recording, so in the end, I guess she was done until she asked me to scratch her paw. The cue for this one is, "Do you want me to clean your feet? " HAHA, I guess I am a weird one too.
Anyhoo, ask your dog before you touch, pet, kiss or hug your dog. Once you start to ask, you will be surprised by their answer.
Dogs do not always want to be touched, kissed, picked up, petted, hugged, etc. Most dogs tolerate these things, but dogs tell us if we are willing to listen.
#dogtraining #snackleadernotpackleader #positivedogtraining #positivereinforcement #woofitup #fredericton #oromocto #dogsoffredericton #dogsofnewbrunswick #ask #consent #noisno #yesisyes #funny #weird
Who Let The Dogs Out?
Remember this song? Ha ha - Diesel really loves it and knows the words. Just joking.
I have this on page to remind you there is more to life for your dog than training!
Relationship building is half the battle to a content dog. Of course, meeting their needs is just as important, but man, I love the silly relationship I have with both my dogs.
What silly and weird things do you do with your dog(s)?
#dogtraining #snackleadernotpackleader #positivedogtraining #positivereinforcement #woofitup #fredericton #oromocto #dogsoffredericton #dogsofnewbrunswick #funwithdogs #enrichment #laugh #songs #wholetthedogsout
This is just for fun - no other reason.
This is enrichment - do you agree?
👉 I am meeting their needs with this awesome scent work game - finding frogs. A bonus - the mental stimulation in this one activity is off the charts!
👉 Each time we have a delivery of wood, there is always, and I mean always a frog or two under the pile.
👉 As I am moving wood that I placed against the house (apparently it is a no no - lol), I moved it all to about 5' from the house and it took me a bit longer as they dogs were checking under each piece of wood - just in case there was a frog!
Both of my dogs are very curious and this makes them, and frankly me super happy!
What out of the box enrichment do you do to meet your dogs needs?
I'd love to know!
#dogtraining #snackleadernotpackleader #positivedogtraining #positivereinforcement #woofitup #fredericton #oromocto #dogsoffredericton #dogsofnewbrunswick #win #woodpile #frogs #meetingneeds #enrichment
Do you have trouble giving your dog medication?
If your dog doesn't have dairy allergies, get some shredded cheese, put the pill into it, roll the cheese into a ball, and feed it.
I do ask her if you want your meds, and she and, of course, Diesel come running. His is much smaller because, well, he isn't the one who needs the pill.
Make pill-taking fun! There are loads more creative ways to deliver meds, but I always think, start easy and see if your dog will take it.
#dogtraining #snackleadernotpackleader #positivedogtraining #positivereinforcement #woofitup #fredericton #oromocto #dogsoffredericton #dogsofnewbrunswick #meds #win #pilldelivery #creative
Bath time made easy!
Love how easy it is to bathe both my dogs. Rousey will jump into the bath and Diesel needs a 'boost'.
She doesn't need a lick mat to stay in the bath, I just think she likes it - so why not?
Does you dog jump in the bath so easily?