In Loving Memory Of Miss Furgie...
In Memory of Furgie
Furgie came into our lives on January 31, 2019 when she and seventeen of her friends were rescued from a hoarding situation in Fredericton. Initially quite timid, Furgie soon learned that we were there to love and take care of her and we watched as she blossomed into a friendly, sweet and affectionate girl.
In July 2020 we discovered Furgie had become diabetic. Thus began four years of twice daily insulin injections and regular blood sugar tests. She didn't mind, though, and we never once heard her complain. Furgie also required daily stool softeners as her diabetes left her experiencing bouts of constipation. And again, no complaints from this girl; in fact, she would get excited watching us get it ready and would happily accept it when offered to her!
In May 2021, she met Gaia, a newly surrendered cat who was also diabetic, and the two became fast friends, never too far from one another and often curling up in the same bed for naps. She was soon joined by three more diabetic kitties, Josie, Lawrence and Blurry (since adopted), and she immediately accepted each one of them as her new friends.
On June 5, 2024, we noticed that Furgie had become quiet and lethargic, and she had no appetite. Furgie never turned down a meal, so we knew that she was not feeling well and we booked her an appointment with her favourite vet. The results of this appointment left everyone brokenhearted: Furgie had free fluid in her abdomen and severe dilation of her stomach, which was making it difficult to breathe. We said goodbye to our beloved Furgie on the afternoon of June 6th.
Furgie was an easy-going girl who enjoyed the simple things of life: good food, being brushed, and finding a warm lap to curl up on. We are going to miss how she would scold us for taking too long to get her food ready; we could never get it ready fast enough! We are going to miss seeing her and Gaia curled up together for a good cat nap. We are going to miss calling her by some of our favourite nicknames: Furg, Furgeson and Furgilicious.
We are grateful to have been Furgie's family for the past five years. We are going to miss you, sweet Furgie. We love you.