To our beloved dog Rogue who passed away and will be forever in our hearts 💗
You were many firsts for us; you came from our first litter and Juno's first too, first dog to truly show us that not all owners love their dogs and taught us one of the hardest lessons, the first dog we had that was all the way Peter's and the connection was truly amazing.
When we got you back so long ago we knew we needed to do better and would never allow you to leave our family ever again. It was hard at first with new people as you never trusted anyone else and had your guard up. We just loved you more and just comforted you and you did the same for us. It took time but you learned that if we said they were okay then you grew to be calm and relaxed with new people. The love you had for your mother and hers for you was so incredible and brought us all joy and laughter everyday you spent together. Using Juno as your personal heated bed daily, making your rounds around the farm and always lapping the other dogs at least a couple times over. You guarded our children and cared for them as they were your own but also knew when to settle them down in your kindhearted way. You were so brave with the heart of gold and laid by my side on some of our darkest days.
I will never forget when we brought home Vinny and you and your mom decided that they didn't want to have this goofy pup following you guys around and left him in the bush. I know you felt bad after and helped us find him but think you taught him that he was no match for your athletic ability. I remember Henry's first winter and we had so much snow that our pond was completely covered level with the land and you ran out in a snow storm to stretch your legs and didn't see it and broke through. That was a scary moment in my life, I had baby Henry in the truck and drove down as a quickly as I could (about 1/2 a km) and jumped out into the pond to pull you to safety. Of course Luna thought I was in trouble so she jumped in after me
Enchanting Juno passed away peacefully yesterday. She was the definition of unconditional love 💔