NouLAB is a New Brunswick's Social Innovation Lab. The Early Childhood Education Lab is exploring ways to help support working Early Childhood Educators in Atlantic Canada obtain their professional credentials (see the ECE Lab website for more information).
Team NB wanted to focus on reducing one stressor for ECEs pursuing training for credentials while working. One of the challenges that came up repeatedly throughout the lab was time: a lack of time to study, a lack of time to rest, and a lack of time to spend with family.
One of the barriers to ELCCs providing study leave is a lack of reliable substitutes. As such, the idea that Team NB are exploring is a Study Leave Support Program for Working ECEs.
We are hoping to: find up to three ELCCs who have a seasoned practitioner currently enrolled in an upcoming NBCC ECE course;
- recruit and onboard three super substitutes to work with a single ELCC, to
- cover one shift per week to provide study leave for each seasoned practitioner.
If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected]
Paul and Jason chat about the upcoming Visual Thinking Workshop (
Paul and Jason chat about the upcoming Visual Thinking workshop on December 10th - Link here:
Disclaimer: Due to a technical problem, we weren't able to share the third camera filming Paul's drawing.
Former une équipe à l'Académie NouLAB
Chantal Ouellette nous partage son expérience NouLAB et comment le laboratoire lui a permis de former une équipe plus solide.
Pour plus d'information sur l'Académie NouLAB et le Laboratoire sur l'immigration économique, allez sur
L'académie NouLAB permet à des équipes de tester un prototype et recevoir de la rétroaction pour l'améliorer. Voici le témoignage d'Yves Doucet, participant lors de l'édition 2018.
Visitez pour en apprendre davantage sur l'Académie NouLAB et sa prochaine édition
Some more great content by Storyworkmedia about the Capacity for Courage program, a prototype of the ongoing Economic Immigration Lab. This is a clip about the Global Minds program at George Street Middle School In Fredericton. The facilitation done by students is most impressive! Kathy Whynot Heather Jordan Keats
Diversity Program at Barnhill Memorial School in Saint John, NB
A sneak peak into the Capacity for Courage prototype. Barnhill Memorial School in Saint John is doing really interesting and fun programming with their students on diversity. Kudos to Laura Taylor!
More videos can be seen at the Capacity for Courage Youtube site:
Video work by [email protected]
Working across divides // Travailler au-delà des divergences
Julia Feltham of the hosting team talks about the importance of working across divides and working together to address the problems we are facing as a society.
Julia Feltham, membre de l’équipe, nous parle de l’importance de travailler au-delà des divergences et de travailler ensemble pour explorer les problématiques auxquelles notre société fait face.
Art of hosting est une occasion parfaite pour dialoguer // Why Art of Hosting is a timely opportunity
Jason, membre de l’équipe, nous parle de l’importance du moment opportun d’aborder le travail societal que nous devons avoir et comment ce Art of Hosting est l’occasion parfaite pour avoir cette discussion ensemble.
Jason, part of the Hosting team, speaks to us about the timely opportunity to work on the social challenges we find ourselves in and how Art of Hosting is the perfect practice to guide this collective discussion.
Using Art of Hosting in your work // L’Art of Hosting dans un contexte professionnel
Joanna Brown of the hosting team talks about the ways in which she uses Art of Hosting practices in her work. AoH taught her how to host herself, gave her a toolbox of methodologies and encouraged her to establish the purpose of any conversation.
Joanna Brown, membre de l’équipe organisatrice, nous parle comment elle utilise le Art of Hosting dans sa pratique professionnelle. AOH lui a permis de mieux jouer son rôle de facilitatrice, intégrer de nouveaux outils à son travail.
C'est quoi, l'Art of Hosting? What is Art of Hosting?
Jason Doiron, member of the organizing team, talks about how Art of Hosting could be useful in working with groups. Jason Doiron, membre de l’équipe organisatrice, nous parle de l’utilité du Art of Hosting dans un contexte de travail de groupe. Info:
Amanda Hachey describes her experience with Art of Hosting and what participants can expect to learn from the training. Earlybird deadline is fast approaching this Saturday! Register at Amanda Hachey nous partage son expérience avec Art of hosting et ce à quoi les participants peuvent s’attendre à la formation. Le prix réduit est disponible jusqu’à ce samedi!
NouLAB presents at RSD7!
Rose walks us through the various methodologies that we draw from at NouLAB, as well as our theory of systems change.