In the photo seen here is a very large mat that has come off of one of my clients as aone solid pelt!
Long hair on a pet can be adorable as ever, but unfortunately without proper and regular maintenance , the hair can easily turn into a Mat!
Matting can lead to numerous issues to your pet! Matting can hide any topical injuries and or infections at the skin, it can also hide pests such a fleas, lice and ticks!
Matting is very painful on a dog as it restricts blood flow to your pets skin. Matt removal can take a very long time with a lot of pulling. Once the mats are removed, the skin underneath can be bruised. While attempting to remove the mats the potential of a cut or knick is much greater!
Bruising can cause your pet much discomfort and irritation to the skin. From there the pet can feel the need to hide away and or scratch themselves! Heavy scratching (especially around the head, face and ears) can result in what is called a Hematoma! Hematomas are when the flesh area (particularly the ears) are scratched or shaken so hard the blood vessels inside skin, like the ear flap, rupture, causing a pool of blood to fill inside the ear leather! This will swell your pets ear and result in a hefty vet bill to surgically correct your dogs ears!
Also, when your pet needs to be shaved so closely, it can actually allow the pets skin to become sunburnt !
The best way to prevent matting is regular grooming (every 4-6 weeks) and regular brushing in between groomings! If you need or choose to bath your pet at home, be prepared to dry and fully brush out your pet to prevent the hair from bunching up and matting!
Be sure to brush to the skin with a good Slicker brush and a metal comb! You should be able to run the comb from the skin , through the hair without being caught! This means your dog is completely brushed through.
Be sure to ask your groomer on your next visit if your at home tools are doing the job! Brushing should be done every 2 days minimum to allow your pet to have the style and comfort you desire!
When a groomer and client work together , it will result in the best experience possible for your pet!