Puzzle Time🎉🎉🎉 #tacolito_barkery #ontariodogs #ontariodog #ontariodoggos #sudburydogs #sudburydog #torontodogs
We are very EXCITED to announce that we are now AVAILABLE at THE VALLEY MARKET in Hanmer.
Lianne and Jay are very nice to deal with and they own an amazing store filled with tons of local homemade food and other. A visite to their store worth the drive😉
Thanks for supporting local!
#thevalleymarkethanmer #tacolito_barkery #sudburydog #sudburydogs #madeinontario🇨🇦 #madeinontario #sudburyontario #sudburydog #valcaronontario #valcaron #sudburyhandmade
#tacolito_barkery #sudburydog #sudburydogs #ontariodogs #ontariodog
Taco LOVES the NEW Apple-Cheddar treats! Lol Even got a worm danse❤️ #tacolito_barkery #sudburydogs #sudburydog #madeinontario🇨🇦 #madeinontario #ontariodoggos #ontariodogs #ontariodog
And the WINNERS are….
CONGRATS to Luisa Rocca - Bruni, you just won the BASKET🎉🎉🎉
Because we were very happy to have reached OVER 80 likes, we GAVE a SECOND price!!! CONGRATS to Melodie Knorle, you just won our second price!
I‘m a bit camera shy😂😂 (not used to this social media thing 😂)!
I will contact the winners by Messenger.
Promo Promo Promo
We are very happy to announce that we are now available at Bleu Moon Grooming in the SouthEnd. Michelle, the owner, is AMAZING! Taco LOVES his SPA days and always comes back as un fluffy ball 😂❤️ To celebrate this news, you can GET 5% OFF on your PUP next groom!!!!You just have to use my PROMO CODE: TACO when booking!!! #tacolito_barkery #bluemoongrooming #sudburydogs #sudburydog
Poor Taco, always beside us hoping for more treats!!! #tacolito_barkery
We baked some Doggy Gingerbread last night, it smell soo good in the house!! #tacolito_barkery #sudburydogs #sudburydog #madeinsudbury #madeinontario🇨🇦 #madeinontario #torontodogs #torontodogmoms
Another happy customer!!!❤️❤️❤️
We loved receiving videos of your pup enjoying our treats!! Don’t hesitate to post them on our FB page or Instagram! Don’t forget the # 😉
The CHRISTMAS MIX is only for a limited time!! Place your order if you don’t want to miss it!!
We offer pickup, drop off location, delivery or shipping! We are also available at Long Lake General Store!!
#tacolito_barkery #sudburydogs #sudbury #sudburydog #homemadedogtreats #madeinontario🇨🇦 #madeinontario #torontodogs #madeincanada
Lulu showing off her skills so she can get a CANDY CANE❤️❤️
#tacolito_barkery #sudburydog #madeinontario🇨🇦 #sudburyontario #sudburydogs #homemadedogtreats #saultstemarie #northbay
Hi Everyone!
Here’s an update on our GIVEAWAY!! We are super excited to announce that we reached 60 likes!🎉🎉However, not all rules were followed! We will proceed with the draw on December 1! Make sur to SHARE THE POST if you want to enter the DRAW!! GOOD LUCK on to everyone!! #tacolito_barkery #sudburydogs #sudburydog #madeinontario🇨🇦 #northbay #saultstemarie #madeinontario