Not gonna lie I am super late at posting this cause, well, I am just finding a moment now to finally sit down, reflect and put my thoughts into words....
Once again a huge THANK YOU to Penny. She once again ran a fantastic show. There were a ton of great competitors, the prizes were above and beyond and the weather was... putting it nicely scorching hot! It's definitely a show we look forward to attending each year and will continue to looking forward to attending
Highlights from the show:
Conor brought home yet another halter ribbon to add to his collection! Holding his own in the show pen against the open competitors.
Our three Leadliners Mia, Remie and Avayah looked awfully cute on their mighty steeds! All getting spoiled with ribbons and prizes!
Alexis got to compete on Layla in her very first show and had some great rides in the pen! Can't wait to see what this team brings to the next show!
Abby and Vikki rocked it in HUS yet again! They also had some great goes in their other classes! It's been great watching them grow over the shows seasons.
Emma and Prada made their show ring debut having some great goes in their classes! Looking forward to watching this team in the pen again soon!
Lastly there was Britt and Vikki who brought home the Hi Point Rookie Division award! This was their final show together before Vikki retired from the FPH lesson program and needless to say they went out with a bang!
I am so proud of all of you guys! You all held your own in the ring and I couldn't have asked for a more amazing group of riders to be part of the FPH program! Looking forward to many more shows with you all.
I would also like to thank Jan and Brian for all of their help with legit everything. Trailering, grooming, tacking, feeding, watering, holding horses etc. I don't know what I would have done without you! Also thank you to all the the parents, friends and family that came with us to the show and supported all of the riders! With out you our riders would not be where they are today. This sport really does take a village ❤️
Thank you all once again