Greater Sudbury, Ontario - Lost Dogs, Cats & Pets - PawBoost

Greater Sudbury, Ontario - Lost Dogs, Cats & Pets - PawBoost Do you have a lost pet in Great Sudbury? We also share found dogs, found cats, found birds, and other found pets to this page.

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Re-Post - STILL MISSING AS OF Mar 03, 2025"Update: Reward will be offered as well .Update : Today Sunday March 2nd , 202...

Re-Post - STILL MISSING AS OF Mar 03, 2025

"Update: Reward will be offered as well .

Update : Today Sunday March 2nd , 2025 marks 5 months since our boy jetty went missing . Last week I ( Holly) was given information that is not 100% but so far solid enough to look into . I was informed that someone had picked up our boy and they were kind to our jetty. I was also informed that Jetty may have past away around the Christmas holidays and that he past of natural causes and was then brought to a vets . If this is the case and you know of the individual or individuals who may have taken care of our boy pls reach out we want to first of all thank them and learn of what occurred with our Jetty the last few months of his life if this turns out to be true . In the meantime we haven’t given up but this is at least some guidance and a possibility of what may have occurred to our sweet boy . PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if u know anything pls call or txt me at day or night thank you . We LOVE U JETTY now forever and Always .❤️🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛❤️❤️🐈‍⬛❤️🐈‍⬛."

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Jetty was LOST on October 2, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3C 1E8 near Whitaker , Albinson

Message from Owner: As of December 5 th Jetty has been missing for 59 days and to date over 450 flyers have been delivered we won’t give up ! Just to let everyone know i have posted in the Greater Sudbury area Lost & Found PETS as well as the Greater Sudbury Animal Shelter

Sunday October 6th, 2024
o everyone. My name is Holly and my mom’s name is Judy.
On Wednesday October 2nd, 2024, my mom had a lot of activity in her hse as relatives were transporting furniture from my grandmother’s hse ( my mom’s mom past January 2024), we thought my mom’s 15 yr old cat Jetty was hiding under her bed as he always does when there is multiple people in the ( which is rare) , sadly we think he may have been spooked and somehow ended up outside. We are devasted. We have checked the hse multiple times to see if he got stuck or could be hiding to no avail. We are asking our amazing community for help to bring Jetty regardless of the outcome. We just want our boy back . Below is a description of Jetty along with a photo from when he was a baby and one from this year to give you a good idea of what he looks like.
We thank you all in advance for your kindness and support.
My mom has a heart condition, and this is causing a lot of stress for her, and she misses Jetty terribly. We will continue to remain positive. Please do not hesitate to call either of us at, cells are ( Judy) and Holly is.
My mom lives on Arnley Street in the West End near the Caruso Club.
Missing Cat Named
All Black with a little white on his chest
Age: 15 yrs old and Neutered.
Front paws declawed ( BE GENTLE HERE, this was 15 yrs ago and we have sine been well educated on declawing which no longer happened to any of our cats afterwards, my mom is in her 70’s please let’s try to keep comments positive thankyou).
He may or may not come to you for Temptations Treats.
Lost: West end Area, Arnley Street near the Caruso Club
He looks thin but is not hes very long.
May answer to Jetty or Jet Jet.
Reward offered if found either way we just want Jetty with his family.
Please contact Judy at or or Holly at
Thank you Everyone for your help

Description: Black with a little white on his chest and neutered as well declawed in the front paws ( pls be gentle here this was 15 yrs ago and my mom has since been well educated on the effects of declawing and now helps others to understand as well ). We love our boy and miss him terribly we have had him since birth . Please help us bring Jetty .

For more info or to contact Jetty's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Polly was LOST on November 2, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3C near Baikie stre...

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Polly was LOST on November 2, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3C near Baikie street

Message from Owner: Hello everyone, this is my sisters cat she’s been missing about a month now she’s an indoor cat so I’m hoping someone has her because I’m not sure how she’d be doing during the winter! We really miss her and wish she would be returned to us (if someone has her) we’re trying to stay positive but with winter here it’s a little hard if anyone has seen her please let us know

Description: Brown,grey and black tabby, she’s 6 years old not fixed friendly but cautious she’s a small indoor cat.

For more info or to contact Polly's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Jetty was LOST on October 2, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3C 1E8 near Whitaker...

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Jetty was LOST on October 2, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3C 1E8 near Whitaker , Albinson

Message from Owner: As of December 5 th Jetty has been missing for 59 days and to date over 450 flyers have been delivered we won’t give up ! Just to let everyone know i have posted in the Greater Sudbury area Lost & Found PETS as well as the Greater Sudbury Animal Shelter

Sunday October 6th, 2024
o everyone. My name is Holly and my mom’s name is Judy.
On Wednesday October 2nd, 2024, my mom had a lot of activity in her hse as relatives were transporting furniture from my grandmother’s hse ( my mom’s mom past January 2024), we thought my mom’s 15 yr old cat Jetty was hiding under her bed as he always does when there is multiple people in the ( which is rare) , sadly we think he may have been spooked and somehow ended up outside. We are devasted. We have checked the hse multiple times to see if he got stuck or could be hiding to no avail. We are asking our amazing community for help to bring Jetty regardless of the outcome. We just want our boy back . Below is a description of Jetty along with a photo from when he was a baby and one from this year to give you a good idea of what he looks like.
We thank you all in advance for your kindness and support.
My mom has a heart condition, and this is causing a lot of stress for her, and she misses Jetty terribly. We will continue to remain positive. Please do not hesitate to call either of us at, cells are ( Judy) and Holly is.
My mom lives on Arnley Street in the West End near the Caruso Club.
Missing Cat Named
All Black with a little white on his chest
Age: 15 yrs old and Neutered.
Front paws declawed ( BE GENTLE HERE, this was 15 yrs ago and we have sine been well educated on declawing which no longer happened to any of our cats afterwards, my mom is in her 70’s please let’s try to keep comments positive thankyou).
He may or may not come to you for Temptations Treats.
Lost: West end Area, Arnley Street near the Caruso Club
He looks thin but is not hes very long.
May answer to Jetty or Jet Jet.
Reward offered if found either way we just want Jetty with his family.
Please contact Judy at or or Holly at
Thank you Everyone for your help

Description: Black with a little white on his chest and neutered as well declawed in the front paws ( pls be gentle here this was 15 yrs ago and my mom has since been well educated on the effects of declawing and now helps others to understand as well ). We love our boy and miss him terribly we have had him since birth . Please help us bring Jetty .

For more info or to contact Jetty's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word for this lost dog. Gracie was LOST on December 4, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3C 2X2 near Sudbur...

Please spread the word for this lost dog. Gracie was LOST on December 4, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3C 2X2 near Sudbury ont

Message from Owner: My baby girl Gracie has been missing for two weeks

Description: Sharpei female named ĝracie

For more info or to contact Gracie's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word for this lost dog. Maeve was LOST on October 29, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3A 2A4 near Lansing...

Please spread the word for this lost dog. Maeve was LOST on October 29, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3A 2A4 near Lansing

Description: Australian Sheppard mix

For more info or to contact Maeve's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word so we can reunite this found cat with its family! FOUND on October 29, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, O...

Please spread the word so we can reunite this found cat with its family! FOUND on October 29, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3C near hardware on montage st in Sudbury

Description: Multi coloured kitten

Do you have information? Contact finder here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Sherlock was LOST on October 10, 2023 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3B 3M4 near Seco...

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Sherlock was LOST on October 10, 2023 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3B 3M4 near Second Avenue

Message from Owner: Reward if returned. We miss him alot and haven't stopped searching for him . He is our support animal and have had him since he was 5 weeks old. He's got a medical condition and requires his . He is fixed. He is an indoor outdoor cat. His little hoomans and I miss him tremendously also his other Furr brother Oreo is constantly looking and awaiting his return. Please contact me at if you have any information or if you have him. We are not angry but we want our baby back. He is part of our family and we will never stop looking for him.

Description: Black spot on nose, white and grey, beige spot under neck. Had a tyedye collar on (yellow,teal,green,blue)

For more info or to contact Sherlock's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

UPDATE: REUNITED!! Zeus (zuzu) is home safe & sound after 2 days, 16 hours :)"Thank you for all the tips we found him wi...

UPDATE: REUNITED!! Zeus (zuzu) is home safe & sound after 2 days, 16 hours :)

"Thank you for all the tips we found him within 4 hours. He was right near the house in bushes. I don’t if it’s a good thing but he’s scared of outside now so I don’t think he would like to go out again."
-Zeus (zuzu)'s Owner
Please spread the word for this lost cat. Zeus (zuzu) was LOST on October 3, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3E 6L2 near Mist Hollow Dr

Message from Owner: Please help me find my Zuzu! Please reach out, please🤍

Description: A tan orange cat, with white spotting and pink paws, has microchip and is neutered.

For more info or to contact Zeus (zuzu)'s owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word so we can reunite this found dog with its family! FOUND on September 29, 2024 in Greater Sudbury,...

Please spread the word so we can reunite this found dog with its family! FOUND on September 29, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON near Notre Dame ave in Hanmer

Message from Finder: Please call if you know this dog.


Do you have information? Contact finder here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Winter was LOST on September 18, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3N 1J2 near Val-...

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Winter was LOST on September 18, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3N 1J2 near Val-Caron Street Ontario

Message from Owner: Please help finding him
705 -691-5510

Description: Large cat mix colours

For more info or to contact Winter's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Piper was LOST on August 13, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3N 1M6 near Vera 111...

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Piper was LOST on August 13, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3N 1M6 near Vera 1111 street Sudbury, valcaron

Message from Owner: Piper is terrified by now and she is probably hungry. We want her back .

Description: A grey cat lost last seen in Vera 1111 street she knows her name is piper

For more info or to contact Piper's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

UPDATE: REUNITED!! Gunner is home safe & sound after 4 days, 0 hours :)"Gunner is safe at the Vets now being taken care ...

UPDATE: REUNITED!! Gunner is home safe & sound after 4 days, 0 hours :)

"Gunner is safe at the Vets now being taken care of. Once we have an update I will update everyone
Thank you so much for all the help "
-Gunner's Owner
Please spread the word for this lost dog. Gunner was LOST on August 7, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3N near Anton Ave also seen running down highway past the bingo towards valley view rd.

Message from Owner: Australian Cattle Dog Red he is very shy and timid he wont go to males but loves females get down to his level and call Gun Gun or Gunner. We are from Sault Ste Marie Ontario we just adopted him out to a lovely family just 2 miles away from where he was spotted he has been missing since July 29th and last seen on Aug 7


For more info or to contact Gunner's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Tigger was LOST on July 23, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3P 1L2 near Cortina P...

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Tigger was LOST on July 23, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3P 1L2 near Cortina Pizza, Hanmer

Message from Owner: Indoor Cat
Scared of loud noises and is probably hiding somewhere nearby

Description: Tortoises cat
Black/Orange colouring

For more info or to contact Tigger's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Jasper was LOST on July 9, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3C near Haig street Su...

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Jasper was LOST on July 9, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3C near Haig street Sudbury

Message from Owner: Jasper is very missed by his owner. If anyone spots him or is able to get him please contact.

Description: Very large grey striped cat, very vocal and affectionate. Loves treats and people may approach you when seen. Tries to enter s and public transit, follows people around.

For more info or to contact Jasper's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Scoob was LOST on July 8, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3C near Frood and Burto...

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Scoob was LOST on July 8, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3C near Frood and Burton

Description: Grey, neutered, short haired

For more info or to contact Scoob's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

UPDATE: REUNITED!! Catcat/ Heyhey is home safe & sound after 10 hours, 42 minutes :)Please spread the word for this lost...

UPDATE: REUNITED!! Catcat/ Heyhey is home safe & sound after 10 hours, 42 minutes :)

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Catcat/ Heyhey was LOST on July 11, 2024 in Greater Sudbury, ON P3B near Missing from Second Ave. N.

Description: Black cat with yellow eyes

For more info or to contact Catcat/ Heyhey's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:


Greater Sudbury, ON


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