Please help us welcome one of our newest rescues, Diamond 💎
This beautiful lady came to us with the help of . She is a rez dog with a unique deformity/injury to her front leg.
This beautiful girl is the kindest, most gentle girl ever. She just wants belly rubs and lots and lots of toys. All of them. Brought to her bed for her to admire 😂
She is about 9 months old and currently 45lbs but is chunky!
In regards to her wonky leg, she will need to have it removed. She tries to use it to dig and will stand on it as well, which has caused trauma to the joint(the part that's ripped open). Tomorrow afternoon, our amazing vet team will be removing the leg so that she can begin working on being a full tri-pod, not a 3.5 😂
Diamond is overweight as well, so we will be working on that. It's so important that she maintains a lean body condition so there is no extra pressure added to her joints.
She has been spayed already, so once she recovers from her amputation and undergoes some weight loss, we will begin looking for her perfect home.
So please help us give the biggest welcome to Diamond ❤️