Rivendale Equestrian

Rivendale Equestrian Rivendale Equestrian offers horse boarding & lessons for the beginner rider to Dressage.

Beginner Riding
Dressage & Lunge Lessons
Horse Happiness Sessions

- Passionate about teaching riders & horses at all levels
- Specializing in Draft breeds
- OE Certified Instructor
- OE Dressage Official
- Fully Insured

I know, I know, it’s only the beginning of September! But I’m such an autumn girl I had to get at least one pumpkin and ...

I know, I know, it’s only the beginning of September! But I’m such an autumn girl I had to get at least one pumpkin and a mum out early 🎃

I never thought I’d see western tack in my barn but I have to admit Scottie sure does look quite dapper!

I never thought I’d see western tack in my barn but I have to admit Scottie sure does look quite dapper!

For those who don’t already know, I love cats just as much as I love horses. Last year a stray cat had some kittens on t...

For those who don’t already know, I love cats just as much as I love horses.

Last year a stray cat had some kittens on the property, by the time I found them they were very feral. But I managed to tame two of them into semi feral barn cats, Gigi & Flirt. They are now fully tamed and are a loving part of our barn family.

Unfortunately before they were tamed one of the females had a litter of four kittens. Thank goodness they are both spayed now!

Being the sucker that I am, these four kittens have now wormed their way into my hearts and will also be staying with us as barn kitties; Pip, Ceiling, Friar & Maximus!

(All four of which are coming up to the age where they can be fixed so no more kittens)

Not only will the whole property be rodent free as they are all amazing hunters but their adorableness brings all of us at our farm much joy.

With all that said, I was mostly looking for a way to introduce our feline family so I may spam all of you with their cuteness 😉

I hope you enjoy the kitten photo dump and get ready for more in the future!

I spent many years being scared of hacking or riding outdoors. Even though I’ve had plenty of mishaps while riding indoo...

I spent many years being scared of hacking or riding outdoors.

Even though I’ve had plenty of mishaps while riding indoors, it always felt more safe & controlled. Since being at a facility that doesn’t have an indoor arena I had to face my fears and learn to transition to doing all of my riding and training outdoors.

Overcoming the mental barrier was one of the toughest moments in my riding career. But now that I have grown past that fear, I am insanely grateful to have pushed through, it has made me a more aware and confident rider.

Not only is riding outdoors good for the rider, but it is great for the horse. Riding on different terrain, elevation changes, becoming used to different sights and sounds are all beneficial for the horses physical and mental growth. Plus it’s just a beautiful experience and is a great way to cool down after a lovely ride!

We have certainly been blessed with some gorgeous days lately.

We have certainly been blessed with some gorgeous days lately.


Based off of the debris I find in the trough when cleaning I’ve known for some time at least one of the horses enjoys dipping their hooves in the trough. I haven’t witnessed who the culprit was until today, I thought it was Scottie but was surprised to find it’s Miss Ari who likes to dip her toes in 🤣

After a couple weeks of gruelling temperatures & humidity, the weather gods have finally blessed us with a break from th...

After a couple weeks of gruelling temperatures & humidity, the weather gods have finally blessed us with a break from the heat and everyone got to enjoy bringing the horses back into work.

Even though the horses only had a week or so off, it’s still important we take our time and not expect them to perform at peak level instantly.

Yesterday’s riders all focused on long and low stretching and suppling exercises while on contact in the walk. We ended the night with a hack around the track. What a beautiful evening!

I have noticed a rising trend in the expectations of newer riders over the last couple years, and unless something chang...

I have noticed a rising trend in the expectations of newer riders over the last couple years, and unless something changes I fear this sport may one day cease to exist.

There seems to be an assumption that riding will be easy and you will be cantering and jumping in no time. That grooming and tacking won’t take physical effort or that you will remain perfectly clean during the process.

I don’t even necessarily blame newer riders for showing up with these expectations.

Unfortunately our current society holds social media, movies and tv shows as a source of information. All three of those media glorify equestrian sport into this magical element where you will be dressed in fancy clothing at all times, instantly tame a horse just by “bonding” with it and will be jumping and winning shows within 6 months of riding.

Unfortunately all of these things are not true.

Horses are hard both physically and mentally, on the ground and in the saddle. It takes many, many years and thousands of hours to become proficient in the saddle. It takes just as long to obtain the knowledge and practical skills required to care for horses.

Using myself as an example, when I was a new rider I didn’t just show up for my lesson once a week for years on end and get to where I am today, oh no.

After about 2 months into my riding career with a lesson once a week I realized I was hooked. So I asked the owner of the lesson program how I could progress faster and I will never forget what D told me, “There is no replacement for saddle time or being around the horses.”

The next thing I knew I was taking lessons 3 times a week, having my butt kicked on lunge line for months on end. I wasn’t even allowed to think about the idea of cantering for the first year of my riding career. Even after my first year I was only able to learn to canter once I could trot without stirrups confidently.

Not only was I riding 3x per week, I was volunteering for her competitive program up to 7 days a week. I would take any and every opportunity I was offered. Need a groom at a show? Count me in. Going to a clinic? I’ll be there. Need someone to hold a horse while we clean and redress their wound? Let me grab the lead rope. Five horses need braiding the morning before we leave for an event? I’ll be there at 4am to get it done.

I worked my butt off. 12 - 14 hour days at the barn on my days off, at minimum 4 hours a day on days I did have my day job. It was an experience that I will always be grateful for and D was absolutely right. There truly is no replacement for time spent in the saddle or on the ground with the horses. Those several years along with volunteering/working for other trainers and paying for as many lessons as I could possibly afford is what gave me the skills I have today. And I still have much to learn!

To help combat the rising trend with newer riders, I have spent the last couple months updating my lesson program. As of Sept 1st 2024, I no longer wish to offer riding lessons, instead I will be offering Equestrian Lessons.

Although riding will be the forefront of the program, I will be placing equal importance on the essential unmounted skills each equestrian should have. Even when the weather is beautiful there will be days we don’t ride.

This allows me to prioritize helping you become a well rounded equestrian who can not only ride, but can provide a safe and healthy life for horses. This is a skillset that takes many years of dedication to develop. Having a "riding is a bonus” mentality allows us to take into consideration our horses thoughts, feelings, and needs each day. In combination, this enables us the opportunity to teach our students proficiency in important skills such as:

-Handling and Groundwork
-Lunging & Long Lining
-Tack Fit & Maintenance
-Horse Anatomy and Health
-Equine Emergency & Basic First Aid
-Nutrition & Diet
-Equine Wear (blankets, boots, leg wraps, etc.)

During your riding I place importance on being an understanding partner of the horse, learning how to use your body effectively, and how to achieve independent balance and feel. I also include regular lunge lessons to help achieve this goal at all levels.

I know these changes may not be for everyone and I am ok with that. Although I am only one person and am not able to change equestrian sport on a large scale, I can help make it better and bring it back to focusing on the horse in my own little slice of paradise ❤

📸 Gotta give photo credit to one of my boarders H, she takes way better photos than I do!

It’s been a busy couple of weeks here at the farm  with us expanding our boarding operation, summer lessons fully booked...

It’s been a busy couple of weeks here at the farm with us expanding our boarding operation, summer lessons fully booked and some upcoming program improvements in the works. We’ll share more soon but enjoy this “photo dump” of what the horses have been up to and what’s been happening around the farm as of late 😊

Rivendale Equestrian is proud to be expanding and is offering an additional 3 outdoor board spots for mares or geldings ...

Rivendale Equestrian is proud to be expanding and is offering an additional 3 outdoor board spots for mares or geldings as of August 1st.

We are not a big modern facility or a fancy show barn, but we do have a quiet atmosphere with only two other amazing adult boarders, big pastures, outdoor riding spaces, homegrown hay and over a decade of experience in care. The owner lives on site and we take pride in treating your horse with love and care each day.

We are conveniently located in Hagersville on HWY 6 between Hagersville & Caledonia.

We are close to:
& surrounding areas

We offer two outdoor board options:

Outdoor Board WITH grain $400 plus hst per month
Outdoor Board WITHOUT grain $300 plus hst

Outdoor Board Includes:

-24/7 turnout in mixed herd in grass paddocks in our medium or large grass paddocks.

- Free choice hay will be provided 24/7 year round using round bales with hay nets.

-Clean water will be provided 24/7 with troughs scrubbed, cleaned and disinfected as required. This is at bare minimum once per week. Outdoor troughs will be heated in winter months.

—Indoor stall available if your horse requires stall rest due to injury or in an emergency. All we ask is that you pay for the shavings.

-Blanketing, fly spray, fly masks & booting services included and will be changed/swapped/removed/sprayed twice a day.

-Full use of the facility and its amenities.

-Wellness check provided twice daily to ensure horse is not injured. If horse is injured owner is contacted immediately and facility is happy to offer minor wound care if owner can’t be present.

-Individual tack locker.

-Emergency medical supplies for boarder use.

-Vet and farrier booking & holding included if facility providers are used.

-Supplements & medication fed if provided by owner. Comfortable and experienced in providing oral medications and IM injections.

-Herd health program in place.

-For board option with grain; grain fed 2x daily. Purina grain, beet pulp, hay pellets, bran & salt are provided by the facility at the owners request. All grain is throughly soaked. If being fed outside, each horse will be fed in a safe location under supervision to ensure the horse eats their entire meal & feels safe while eating.

Current Facility Amenities
- Matted 10x10 stalls with windows
- Bedded using softwood shavings & one or two hay nets per stall
- Large roomy aisle
- Stall available to outdoor boarders for emergencies
- Indoor wash stall with hot & cold water
- Indoor crossties available to all boarders
- Individual tack lockers
- Shared boarder calendar for appointment booking
- EC certified coach on site or bring your own (must have insurance)
- 1/2 mile grass track
- Sand lunging ring
- Grass riding arena
- Hacking on property along with a small forest with trail
- Hay grown on property
- Trailer parking available
- Owner is EC certified and lives on property with over a decade of horse care experience

Upcoming Facility Amenities
- Wood fenced sand round pen
- Outdoor crossties
- Outdoor sand riding arena

If you have any questions or would like to book a tour please pm, text 289-456-3981 or email [email protected]

The other day someone shared an observation they made about me, with me. What they said wasn’t relevant, but they did ma...

The other day someone shared an observation they made about me, with me.

What they said wasn’t relevant, but they did make me aware of a positive part of my personality I hadn’t really been aware of before. Which was a very kind thing to do.

Then it occurred to me that is one of the things that make horses so special. They constantly help you unlock parts of you that you may not have even known existed. Not only that, they provide you a safe space to allow that part of you to blossom.

For me, that was patience. Before my journey with horses I was a very reactive and impatient person. Working with horses helped me realize that I was capable of controlling my emotions and the path to patience; all through the unconditional love and friendship with my horse.

I am sure if all of you look at back at the horses who have stolen your hearts, they will have all helped you realize your hidden talents and full potential as well. They truly are magical creatures.

One of my favourite things about riding is the obligatory mental serenity it provides. Much like the practise of meditat...

One of my favourite things about riding is the obligatory mental serenity it provides.

Much like the practise of meditation, riding requires you to cast all of the fleeting thoughts in your mind away & truly live in the present.

Allowing your body to surrender in its stresses so you can truly move with your horse. Your mind and emotions remaining calm and clear so you can be a supportive partner. And your heart becomes full of joy.

Super proud of this pair working through some sticky spots as we get back into the swing of things after winter hibernat...

Super proud of this pair working through some sticky spots as we get back into the swing of things after winter hibernation. A focus on maintaining rhythm and allowing the exercises to help achieve suppleness resulted in having a great ride on a gorgeous spring day.

Of course assistant coach, Flirt the Tabby Cat, had to share her thoughts with the bestest boy Ralph.

I’d like to talk about complacency.I spend a lot of time teaching my students to always be aware of your horse, learning...

I’d like to talk about complacency.

I spend a lot of time teaching my students to always be aware of your horse, learning how to read and understand their body language, groundwork skills and general safety.

I know some of my students eventually become irritated with my constant reminders and lessons on those points. But I’d like everyone to understand my constant “nagging” towards complacency is to help train you to subconsciously always have your, and your horses, safety in mind.

Last night I was reminded how even brief periods of complacency can end negatively.

I was late to arrive to the barn to prepare for the evenings lessons and allowed myself to become complacent, getting lost in my mind making to do lists and rushing to turn the horses inside. A horse spooked at a wild goose and I was stepped on badly enough I had to cancel my evenings worth of lessons due to pain / swelling in my foot.

Thankfully my toe was just dislocated and not broken. Other than some bruising and pain while walking I’m alright.

But my point being as much as horses are very loving animals that we consider our family, they are still very big, dangerous, flight response based animals who deserve our constant diligence and respect.

It doesn’t take much and it doesn’t take long to result in an accident that could have been prevented. Continue to train groundwork skills and practice safe handling daily so both you and your horse can be on point when needed and never take your safety for granted. Always be in the present moment when working with horses. And if you’re not, horses will humble you time and time again.

With spring finally feeling like it’s here to stay, all the horses are starting to get their spring baths 🚿 Time to wash...

With spring finally feeling like it’s here to stay, all the horses are starting to get their spring baths 🚿 Time to wash away the winter swamp monsters!

Dedication. The ultimate sign of a true equestrian. Despite her busy work schedule, her social life, family life, person...

Dedication. The ultimate sign of a true equestrian. Despite her busy work schedule, her social life, family life, personal dramas, responsibilities and all the other components of life, this young woman still makes the time to go above and beyond in her two mares care❤️

To most of the world, today is considered a day of jest & jokes. But to myself, Tim & my horses, today marks the anniver...

To most of the world, today is considered a day of jest & jokes. But to myself, Tim & my horses, today marks the anniversary of our first year operating as an independent facility.

I’ve spent much time over the last few weeks trying to decide how to commemorate this day. After many drafts and much rumination I realized that in the end, what I want to express most is gratitude.

Although I wish I could sit and thank every single person it would be impossible, as it would result in me spending the next year writing a full novel to include every person who has been a positive influence. BUT I want to thank each and every person who has shown support for my business. To all of my lesson students & their families, to all of my current & past boarders, to everyone who has spoken a kind word about our facility or commented on its progress. Running this operation has been both “easier” and harder than we could have anticipated and all of your patronage and support means more than we can express.

Although I am thankful for everyone. There are a three individuals who I would like to dedicate our first years journey to:

To Carol, despite managing through some tough tenants over the years, you trusted me. Even though you barely knew me, even though we were dealing with some unideal external drama, you still found it in your heart to place faith in me. And for that, I will forever be honoured. I promise to continue working hard to bring your property back to its former glory as it rightfully deserves.

To my first boarder, I know you don’t appreciate the limelight so I will refrain from sharing your name, but I know you will see this and I know you will know who you are. Much like Carol, you not only put faith in me, you trusted me with the care of your very first horse during a difficult transition as we took over the farm. Your kindness, undying faith in my care & all the help you and your family have provided to us, will never be forgotten. And for as long as I exist, you and your horses will always have a place at our farm.

And last but not least, to my love Tim. When I first met Tim, he had never been near a horse. Most non-horsey men who get sucked into the life of a horse girl learn to feed, hold or maybe lead their horse. Not only has Tim learned how to handle the horses, he will groom them, love on them and care for them. He has thrown himself into building our business and bringing skills to the table I simply don’t have. He is an amazing woodworker and has been building us all so many amazing things for use on the farm, our tack lockers, custom stall doors, feed room, fencing to name a few and so many more useful projects are to come. He has supported me through the tough days when I come inside and cry; and he has been there to laugh and smile with me on the good days. He has done everything to help me live my “Disney Princess Life” of cats and horses following me around all day and I know that he will be by my side every day in our future continuing to help me build our dream further.

Here’s to a great second year in the making!

With all the love in my heart,

I don’t have anything insightful or educational to say today, I just really wanted to share this adorable photo I took o...

I don’t have anything insightful or educational to say today, I just really wanted to share this adorable photo I took on Monday of our handsome boy Ralph & his happy rider 😊


Let’s talk rider fitness! We all know rider fitness is just as important as horse fitness but rarely any of us put the same effort into our bodies that we do for our horses. At Rivendale Equestrian we are partnering with Iron Horse Fitness to change that!

Certified personal trainer Katie will be hosting a drop in style class at Rivendale Equestrian to help teach you no fuss exercises for all fitness levels that you can do at home which will improve your riding. Enjoy learning these uncomplicated exercises outside on our beautiful horse farm.

What will that look like? Let Katie & one of our students Bailey show you with the 4D Lunge.

This exercise is great for strengthening the riders lower leg stability.

Three things you need for lower leg stability:

1. Strong glutes
2. Core strength and stability
3. Strong and mobile hips

The 4D lunge is one of our favourite exercises in order to help the rider develop a stable lower leg as it touches on all of these.

The muscles worked in the 4D lunge include the quadriceps, hip abductors, hip flexors, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and core muscles.

Try this one out at home or join us for a session to have a personal trainer lend you a hand.

Stay tuned for updates as to when these drop in classes will begin! (We are just waiting for lovely Mother Nature to bless us with spring before announcing dates)

The best helper 😍

The best helper 😍

Drinking buddies 🥂

Drinking buddies 🥂

We only have 6 spots left!Saddle up this spring and learn to ride with our expert coaches and experienced lesson horses ...

We only have 6 spots left!

Saddle up this spring and learn to ride with our expert coaches and experienced lesson horses at Rivendale Equestrian.

With our convenient location right in the heart of Haldimand County, affordable prices & payment plans it has never been easier to accomplish your equestrian dreams.

We offer beginner english lessons to the advanced dressage rider for riders ages 6 & up.

Private Lessons: $660 plus hst
Group Lessons: $480 plus hst
*payment plans available*

Online Registration Form: https://fs6.formsite.com/pKsYbn/wbarowemlw/index

Learn More on Our Website:

Have questions? We would love to answer them. Please email, pm or text for fastest responses.

Email: [email protected]
Call or text: 289-456-3981


I’m so proud of Lisa and her amazing mare Rio!

They have been working very hard on developing a more consistent connection and all of their dedication is paying off 😍

Ensuring your horse has an understanding of maintaining rhythm and pairing that with naturally suppling exercises & transition work, will aid your horse to develop the flexibility, strength & stamina needed to offer connection.

Looking forward to watching this lovely pair grow!

Ps. For those questioning the indoor arena, I also travel to teach! If you are within an hour of Haldimand County (willing to travel further for multiple riders) and are in need of a coach I would be happy to help. Please feel free to pm me.

Winter photo dump 😍The weather this year has not been the friend of someone who does not have an indoor arena yet. But t...

Winter photo dump 😍

The weather this year has not been the friend of someone who does not have an indoor arena yet. But this sport teaches us patience, discipline & perseverance.

Thank you to everyone who has (and continues) to support our program as we develop and grow, and an even bigger thank you to those who have stuck with us this winter and have been so kind as we manage lessons during the temperamental weather.

I knew when I began this journey of operating my own facility that it wouldn’t be easy. There are so many days that leave me feeling extremely blessed to spend my time surrounded by amazing people and horses. But there are many tough days that leave me feeling broken and in tears.

But like most things in life, the harder they are to achieve the more rewarding the results and the tough days won’t stop me!

These photos of happy equestrians enjoying their lessons over this winter are my inspiration for continuing to march forward each day 😊

I’ll never get over how gorgeous she is 😍

I’ll never get over how gorgeous she is 😍

All of the horses and myself wish everyone a very happy holiday season! Each and every single one of you have helped bui...

All of the horses and myself wish everyone a very happy holiday season!

Each and every single one of you have helped build us to what we are today and we couldn’t be more grateful. 🥰

We have big plans for 2024 and will continue to work hard to provide our riders & horses the best experience possible.

We hope you have a magical holiday season and will see you when lessons return on Jan 6th.

Pretty sure  99% of the reason I wanted to operate my own facility was so I could make the horses their grain twice a da...

Pretty sure 99% of the reason I wanted to operate my own facility was so I could make the horses their grain twice a day.

For some reason I find great satisfaction in the routine of creating meals for these loving animals with their own little recipes, taking the time to perfectly soak & thoroughly mix them all.

Along with adding some extra love (bran mash or more hay cubes for those horses that don’t get bran) in to help warm up the ponies on a cold day. ❄️🐴+🔥🥣=🥰🔥🐴

Apparently puddle water is superior to the trough water their human slave works so hard to keep fresh and clean 🥲

Apparently puddle water is superior to the trough water their human slave works so hard to keep fresh and clean 🥲


Last night was a scary night but thankfully ended with a positive outcome.

For all of my students, or anyone else who is at a novice stage with horses, this is the reason why I and many other coaches stress the importance of groundwork and stable management lessons. For those who are more experienced, you can never stop improving your groundwork / care skills.

If a horse is having a medical emergency, early detection is key. Some issues are more obvious to identify and some are very subtle. Learning for the first time or keeping yourself fresh & educated on subjects such as handling, feeding, first aid & identifying ailments are all skills more important than riding will ever be and they are the skills that make you a true equestrian.

Last night my beloved mare Nellie, severely choked.

Thankfully the choke was identified very early and our vet was notified of the choke just in case their assistance was needed.

Unfortunately Nells was not able to clear the choke on her own & our vet came out.

The blockage was removed using a nasogastric tube and Nells is expected to make a full recovery. She was a very brave girl & handled the process with grace.

This is an event I would normally keep to myself as it has left me in a vulnerable place emotionally but I saw the valuable learning opportunity and I feel is important to share.

The video I posted is to help offer a visual to anyone who has not seen choke in a horse before. Discharge from the nose, neck stretching, retching, frequent attempts at swallowing, coughing, a bulge in the left side of the neck are some of the signs of choke.

Thank you so much to Dr. Laura Frost, her husband Warren, their tech Amanda and everyone else at the Halton Equine Veterinary Services team for always providing the most amazing veterinary care.

Nellie is doing very well this morning but will be closely monitored over the next while. We ask anyone visiting the barn to not feed her anything at all, not even a treat, while she heals.

Tip of the day: A good horseman starts on the ground, not in the saddle.

This took way too long, but it’s finally up and we are in love 😍Thank you so much to Ryleigh, Andrea, Miles & Brad Daw f...

This took way too long, but it’s finally up and we are in love 😍

Thank you so much to Ryleigh, Andrea, Miles & Brad Daw for gifting it to us. We will forever feel blessed by your families friendship & kindness.


4633 Highway 6
Hagersville, ON


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