What a great day @seaporttreasure in Port Medway!!! 🌟 Thank you all for showing up and supporting so many amazing local small businesses!! 💕
It was so great talking to each and every one of you … new customers AND returning customers too!!! 🐾 🐶
Ready for you at @sundaymakersmarket at The Peg, Masstown!!
We are here from 10-2 today! I can’t wait to see you 😊
Market packing is a real game of Tetris 😂
I’m packing and unpacking a few times this weekend!!
Today - May 4th: Waverley Legion 12-4
Tomorrow - May 5th: The Peg, Masstown 10-2
#tailwaggersadventuregear #novascotiapups
#novascotiadogs #puppylove #madeinnovascotia #biothanecollar #biothaneleash #waterproof #stinkproof
#maritimemakers #happypups #handmadehalifax
#handmadewithlove #dogsofnovascotia #madeinns #eastcoastmakers #handmadeinnovascotia #nsdogs #nsdogshops #hfxdogs #hfxdogsofinstagram
#dogsofnovascotia #happypups
I love seeing everyone on market days and I absolutely LOVE seeing pup pictures!!!
#tailwaggersadventuregear #novascotiapups
#novascotiadogs #puppylove #madeinnovascotia #biothanecollar #biothaneleash #waterproof #stinkproof
#maritimemakers #happypups #handmadehalifax
#handmadewithlove #dogsofnovascotia #madeinns #eastcoastmakers #handmadeinnovascotia #nsdogs #nsdogshops #hfxdogs #hfxdogsofinstagram
#dogsofnovascotia #happypups