Are things feeling a little asymmetrical? Here are some of the things that osteopathy can help with:
▪️ Difficulty fully engaging hind end, poor impulsion, difficulty with collection
▪️ Trouble with one canter lead
▪️ Resistance to bend in one direction
▪️ Lameness or stiffness
▪️ Shifting lameness
▪️ Back or neck pain
▪️ Asymmetry in the body (movement, posture, or muscling)
▪️ Poor topline (muscle imbalance)
▪️ Arthritis
▪️ Changes in mobility after trauma or surgery
▪️ Soft Tissue conditions (inflammation or strain of tendons, ligaments, muscles)
▪️ Behavioural issues (head tossing, aversion to touch, brushing, saddling, girthiness)
▪️ Riding issues (refusing jumps, aversion to leg pressure, crow hopping, bucking)
▪️ and more!
Contact us if you have any questions on how we could help your horse's specific issues. We're always happy to help!