We have some beautiful 3 1/2” - 4” peacock cichlids in stock. Message me for pricing!
There is nothing thing more rewarding then watching a copperband butterfly eat out of the water column for the first time! 😍
Two spot gobies or signal gobies are a nano goby and can live in as small as a 10 gallon tank. They sift the sand for food but will eat vitamin enriched brine or mysis shrimp. Here are a couple of them doing their thing!
Three brand new friends in the coral beds! New fish will be ready to go on Thursday! 😁
This Black Snowflake Clownfish is loving life! I had the Ultra Green BTA floating in a basket and had to sink it with a couple of rocks because the clownfish kept snuggling with the bulge of the anemonies foot sticking out the side of the basket. LOL 😂
Breeding pair of blue zebra angles for sale! $50.00
I also have vinegar eels in stock for fry food. $10.00
Female half moon bettas in stock. Woohooo!