Our little buddy Walter spent the day with our friends at the HBSPCA today, his neuter went great, he was vaccinated, microchipped and began his parasite treatment program, and he's off to a foster home this evening where he will have some time to recover, get his bearings and settle into indoor living.
We're so happy to have you Walter, and we look forward to being able to help you to find your purrfect Forever Family one day soon! <3
<3 Pride adoptee Aria, one of the little ladies we rescued from a hoarding case who needed all of her teeth removed at only 5 years old, has now been in her Forever Home for one full year - she continues to thrive and to have fun with her family! This bright, beautiful snow white girl left such a huge impression on our hearts<3
A truly stunning and one of a kind tortie girl who had been living outside as a Community Cat, 1 year old Leslie was rescued, fully vetted and is now urgently in need of a kind, patient and loving foster home where she can gain confidence before being made available for adoption.
Food/litter will be provided for Leslie's daily care, she just needs a whole lot of loving to overcome her fears and someone to pamper and spoil her into the confident beauty we know she really is!
If you meet the following criteria, please submit a foster application today at http://priderescue.ca/
Foster home should be located in the Hamilton/Dundas/Burlington area
You should have your own transportation
You must have a safe and comfortable room isolated away from other household pets (at least to start, since Leslie LOVES other cats)
You must have the patience to work with a shy kitty to foster her trust and confidence
The sweetest of all guys, and just living it up like a kitten in his foster home, Cooper is ready and waiting for a family of his own to shower in his ample affection, and to play all the fun games with... could YOU be that awesome family?
Meet Cooper!
2 1/2 yrs Neutered/Male
Cooper is an adorable, short and compact fellow, just over 2 1/2 yrs old, who had lived all his life outdoors as a community cat before becoming friendly and seeking out his opportunity for a loving, indoor home. Found to have many broken teeth, likely from trying to eat frozen food outside in the cold months, he required extensive dental care and is now missing most of his teeth, but he's recovered beautifully, and he is such a playful, sweet and silly boy with an enormous amount of love to share. He's a little shy at first, but it's very short lived - he is easily won over with tasty snacks, gentle petting and play time, and he quickly warms up into a very loving and sweet cat who loves nothing more than cuddles and affection. With a quick and ready purr, happy kneading paws and such a bright, happy good nature, Cooper is a little ray of sunshine in a plush black coat! Eager to have fun, anything is a toy,, he loves to romp around and have fun with his toys - very much indulging the kitten he didnt get to be while he was fighting to survive on the streets. So happy indoors, loving warm soft beds, waiting laps, gentle cuddles and a steady supply of yummy food, Cooper does require canned food due to his lack of teeth, but can also eat small sized kibble with ease now that he is almost fully healed from the extensive dental surgery. Very much a lap cat once established in a new setting, this sweet, loving and gentle boy has so much gratitude to heap on a lucky family! A bundle of warm sweetness and cuddles, Cooper is so eager to find a Forever Family he can form a lasting loving bond with! Good with another cat, or on his own in a home where someone is home a lot of the time to give him plenty
You'll recall our pal Cooper, a community cat turned friendly, who required extensive dental care due to broken teeth from his time on the streets.... now almost fully recovered from his dental surgery (he still has some sutures in his mouth dissolving) this boy is super playful and full of fun!
We love him, and we know there is an awesome Forever Family out there who will love him too!! <3
Beautiful Nala has come such a long way since being trapped, thought to be feral and in need of assistance as she struggled on the streets... quickly gaining weight with a steady and healthy food supply, cleaning up beautifully now that she is safe and sound inside out of the damp and cold, and endlessly happy to be treated with love and affection!
Nala is only about a year old, she is a tiny little cat with a giant purring motor, a chatty nature, and so much love to share... she's going to make a great fit for a more mature, adult home, where she would love to join an existing cat with whom she can bond and a share a friendship with.
Nala is just waiting for her chance to spoil a family with all her love and devotion... maybe that will be you?
Apply to adopt Nala today at http://priderescue.ca/ and fill YOUR home and heart with all the love and purrs this brave and sweet little survivor has to offer!
<3 Oh happy day! After many months of fending for himself out on the street, after a long wait due to a lack of available foster homes, Riley aka Scar, has finally landed in a safe place! Riley has been ADOPTED this afternoon, and has left for a Forever Home where he will be the only cat, King of the Castle, and showered in so much love! <3
<3 More fun with Liam! <3
Meet Liam!
5 yrs Neutered/Male
A truly stunning big Tom cat with exceptionally beautiful eyes, Liam took huge steps to trust people after living all or most of his life as a community cat when he was injured, unable to bare weight on one of his legs and very much needed help. He has grown into a truly beautiful cat during his time indoors being treated for his injuries - so far as to lap sit, demand cuddles, sleep on the bed, he is SO full of love, and he is urgently in need of a Forever Home, unable to stay with his caretaker because he is not good with her other pets. Liam is sure to be a bit shy at first, as he adjusts to new people, but this sweet boy will come around quickly in a quiet, mature home where he can be the only pet in a quiet setting - he LOVES attention and affection, he LOVES to play with teaser toys, and he does not want to ever face another day or night on the streets fending for himself. Liam has adjusted remarkably well to indoor living, he has come to know the full home of his caregiver (while also being kept apart from the other pets as much as possible to avoid any aggression) and he feels safe and secure in a home with all its noises, appliances, the TV and all the other things community cats need to get to know and understand if and when they choose to come indoors, so he has come a very long way to already being a pampered pet. Liam is fully litter trained, he does not spray, he has excellent manners in the home for a mature Tom being neutered and rescued as a fully mature adult, and he has such an incredible amount of love and gratitude to shower on someone who wants to share their life with him. Handsome, so devoted and loyal, Liam is looking for all the love and care he has never been lucky enough to know, and he is so eager to show his appreciate in cuddles, purrs and all his love. Are you looking for the utter devotion of a cat companion who intimately knows the incredible hardship and suffering of fendin
In early September steps were taken to secure a community cat who was not weight bearing on one of his legs, he, at that time, was affectionately called Hop-Along by his caretaker, and there were concerns that his leg was broken or fractured. Thankfully, he was able to be secured and he was taken to one of our feral-friendly vet clinics for x-rays and treatment - thankfully, the leg was not broken, but he had an abscess so deep it had gotten into the bone, resulting in a great deal of pain and swelling, so we had him neutered, vaccinated, and he was put on a very long 4 week script of powerful antibiotics to recover from his injuries... he has completed his course of treatment, has fully healed with almost no sign of the horrible injury he was suffering with, outside of a bit of a lump (calcification of the bone) at the site of his injury. He is fully 100% mobile, active, agile and not even slowed by all he has faced.
He has also come around into a BEAUTIFUL cat, and he urgently needs a FOREVER HOME!
Meet Liam!
5 yrs Neutered/Male
A truly stunning big Tom cat with exceptionally beautiful eyes, Liam took huge steps to trust people after living all or most of his life as a community cat when he was injured, unable to bare weight on one of his legs and very much needed help. He has grown into a truly beautiful cat during his time indoors being treated for his injuries - so far as to lap sit, demand cuddles, sleep on the bed, he is SO full of love, and he is urgently in need of a Forever Home, unable to stay with his caretaker because he is not good with her other pets. Liam is sure to be a bit shy at first, as he adjusts to new people, but this sweet boy will come around quickly in a quiet, mature home where he can be the only pet in a quiet setting - he LOVES attention and affection, he LOVES to play with teaser toys, and he does not want to ever face another day or night on the streets fending for himself. Liam has adjusted remarka
<3 Pride adoptee Iris is being showered in plenty of love, and enjoying lots of play time in her Forever Home! After being dumped in a box at Wild Waterworks, this sure is a step into love and luxury for this most deserving little girl! <3