May 20. 2010- April 19, 2024
AKA Duvy, Lovey Duvy, Bud, Buddy, Bud boy, Arctic Char and Dovid
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Davka, the kindest dog in the world who always listened and never, well, almost never, did anything wrong.
Davka loved his family and his family loved him. When my mom was alive she used to say: "that Juno is a vilde chaya (wild animal) but Dovid (as she called him) is a gentleman.
And a gentleman he was. Kind, mild mannered, patient, Davka ingratiated himself with everyone he met. This paragon of virtue did ,however, have one fault- he had no ethics and when no one was watching, he often stole things off of the counter and once even out of a pot that was on the stove.
Although he himself did not care for the show ring, he produced 7 champions who did.
1. Ch. Valmara's Believe It Or Not (Tashi)
2. Ch. Valmara's The One and Only (Solo)
3. Ch. Valmara's Price Above Rubies (Ruby)
4. Ch. Valmara's Ba-La Kabbalah (Bali)
5. Ch. Valmara's Music of the Night (Lyla)
6. Ch. Valmara's Song of the Sea (Teva)
7. and a male champion out of Giselle Burse's bitch)
Many people have asked me how he got his name. Davka is a Hebrew slang word that does not exist in English. Hence-- Lost in Translation-- it means something like "on purpose or deliberately or out of spite." For example, if you tell a 5 year year old: "Do not touch the cake and then as soon as you turn your back the kid davka goes and touches it."
So why was my puppy called Davka? Davka was the only white in a litter of blacks. (Sire: Ch. Ivy Lane Black Choral (Cosby) and Ch. Valmara's Hip Hip Hurray (Madam). When the pups were about 4 or 5 weeks, I turned to Jack and said: "I don't know what's with that white puppy. When I come into the room all of the blacks happily run to me, but that white one, davka goes the other way. And so, my Davka was named.
In a few weeks, Davka's daughter Teva will be having puppies sired by Nicholas (Ch. Classique Ivy Lane Moonstruck) In a way, it is a lovely coincidence that Nicholas is owned by Donna Crispi, the same person who owned Davka's sire Cosby. I have every confidence that my Davka will davka return as one of these puppies.