Find Your Balance Dog Training

Find Your Balance Dog Training Hello everybody! I train and rehabilitate dogs.

I deal with everything from puppies to adult dogs and basic obedience to behavioral issues. If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] or leave a comment on my timeline and THANK YOU so much for stopping by! :)


Eddy is making wonderful progress with his off leash ecollar recall training! In the past, Eddy’s owners struggled with getting him to come when called so we’re working hard to build a reliable recall so that Eddy will have the skills to come swiftly and happily every time they recall him 💙. So well done, Eddy!


Eddy and I had a great week covering all the basics including the place command. One of the most valuable skills Eddy has learned this week through our work is how to tune into me and seek information/direction from me just because he wants to! You’ll see in the video that Eddy is attentive and following my instructions without food bribes or over excitement but rather choosing to give me his attention and great effort because he really likes this kind of work. This is the type of mutual communication and connection that is so incredibly rewarding to have with our dogs 💙. So well done Eddy!

Please give a big warm welcome to Eddy the cattle dog!  Like most cattle dogs, Eddy is a guy of extremes… he’s going all...

Please give a big warm welcome to Eddy the cattle dog! Like most cattle dogs, Eddy is a guy of extremes… he’s going all out or he’s flat out! 🤣 Eddy’s biggest struggle is a lack of impulse control in adrenalized situations and around other dogs. He can get intense quick which means doing what cattle dogs dog best, taking over by making naughty choices. Oh Eddy, tisk tisk! 🫣 So our handsome friend is joining us for training to learn about calm coexistence with others, impulse control, polite manners and respectful behaviours, and of course all of his basic obedience commands on and off leash including a much needed off leash recall. Please stay tuned as Eddy progresses through training and watch him transform from rowdy rascal to lovely gentlemen over the next 4 weeks ☺️. Welcome Eddy were so happy to have you! 💙


The thing about Royce is that if you don’t know how to motivate him properly, then you might as well try hauling Nova Scotia into New Brunswick cuz he ain’t moving! One might call this ‘stubborn’ or ‘resistant’ maybe ‘lazy’ 🤣 but I think of it as simply ‘unmotivated’. Without the right motivation to do this thing (get into the tub) or to not do the that thing (don’t push on the crate), Royce just did… well, Royce things! 🤣So, over the past three weeks, Royce and I have been working on his motivation within our daily routine and training exercises to complete tasks, practice polite manners and to follow commands. One of the first examples of this that I shared with you was Royce’s grooming routine in the tub and trimming his nails. As you’ll see in the video, Royce is now very nicely motivated to jump into the tub on command and stay put while I wash and dry him and he’s also nicely motivated to relax on the cot while I trim his nails without pulling away. I gotta say, the grooming routine along with everything else we do with this handsome giant is a tremendous amount of fun when he’s on board! 😍


Skillful consistent practice AND accountability makes incredible progress! But wait, what is accountability and when does it end? Accountability is a fair leader (the handler) who ensures their dog does what is asked of him every time. And as responsible leaders, it’s our job to make certain that the things we are asking the dog to do are fair and reasonable and that we’ve trained him to understand and do them. Accountability never ends, it’s a life long need! We all need someone helping us back on track when we go astray and luckily for our dogs who need accountability daily that someone is YOU, the handler who helps him succeed in all things 💙.


Lucy and I had a busy week building her place command, implied down and sit stays, impulse control and of course a much needed off leash recall! This incredibly sweet and clever little labby is doing an amazing job learning her Ecollar obedience and more importantly she’s adopting a more calm and self controlled mindset through our work. What I love most about the progression of clips that I’ve included in this video, is that you can actually see Lucy deliberately thinking about her movements and what we’re doing and choosing to prioritize our work instead of frantically blasting around nilly w***y the way she used to 🤣. So VERY proud of this gal!! 🩷 Well done Lucy!!! 👏


The lovely labby girl Lucy is smashing goals in just 24 hours! When Lucy arrived for training she was a pulling, jumping, barking hurricane to walk as you’ll see in the first half of the video. So, I got to work straight away showing her how to do all the calm and polite stuff instead of the wild stuff. Lucy and I have a lot of work to do over the next few weeks in creating these calmer/politer behaviour patterns but you’ll see her beautiful beginnings in the second half of the video. So well done Lucy! 🩷

Please give a warm welcome to Lucy the 1.5 year old Labrador Retriever!  Lucy is an energetic gal who’s in a rush to do ...

Please give a warm welcome to Lucy the 1.5 year old Labrador Retriever! Lucy is an energetic gal who’s in a rush to do everything and be everywhere at all times 🤣. Lucy struggles a lot with containing her exuberance so she often finds herself pulling like a freight train, running off and not coming back when called, jumping and bouncing on people, barking at other dogs/people/or nothing at all 🤣, rushing through doors and gates, chewing stuff up and being an all round wiggly worm for her folks. Welp, you’re in luck Lucy because dealing with these shenanigans is right up our alley!
We’re thrilled that the lovely Lucy is joining us for training to learn all about impulse control, polite manners, all of her obedience commands on and off leash and all things calm/cool/and collected 😌. Welcome Lucy! 🩷


How do you move a big dog when he doesn’t want to? Well, unless you have some way of communicating your expectations and then motivating him for effort, you don’t! Royce is a guy that needs a good bath to stay fresh and looking his best which means there is a lot of tub time in his future. But one small problem, the first time I tried to bath Royce he absolutely would not get into the tub. So we went to work breaking it down to show him step by step how to get his big body over the side and into the tub using our Ecollar communication training and check out the results!! This is the concept/process I’m applying to all of Royce’s ‘put on the breaks moments’ to get him motivated and build his confidence. The big man can now get his tub time without his handler breaking their back trying to lift him 🙌. It seems like such a small moment for me to be so excited about but I really wanted to share it because this refusal by Royce to make effort in the face of something new or uncertain has potential to really limit his experiences and inclusion and we want this amazing gentle sweetheart of a dog to be included in everything! ❤️


Working on some follow command with Royce as we meander around the yard and the dogs. Royce often lags behind or gets distracted by an interesting smell so I’m using our ecollar communication to speed him and keep him by my side when he needs some help to stay focused and on track. As handlers, it’s our job to guide our dogs into success and correct mistakes and having great communication thanks to our ecollar training makes it all possible! 💙

Please give a big welcome to Sunny the Golden Irish puppy! Sunny is joining us for training to learn all the things that...

Please give a big welcome to Sunny the Golden Irish puppy! Sunny is joining us for training to learn all the things that a very good little puppy should know including crate training, independence and confidence, thresholds, polite manners around other dogs and people, and the puppy version of our obedience commands: heel on leash, sit, down, intro to place and intro to recalls! Please stay tuned for another hefty dose of puppy cuteness this week as Sunny makes his way through puppy training!
💙☀️Welcome Sunny! ☀️💙


Big man Royce is absolutely smashing goals with his reliable off leash ecollar recall training!! 💙 Things usually (but not always!) start off pretty slow 🐢 with the giant breeds but once they see the pattern and gain some confidence and coordination they are on point! 🐇


Royce and I began building his off leash recall this morning thanks to our earlier work with boundaries, guidance and the place command! In the video, we’ll see the first stages where I’m guiding Royce through the recall using the long line and ecollar guidance and of course some food reward for a job well done. Royce is such a character who’s NEVER in a hurry for anything 🐢🤣 but you can really see the wheels turning in his mind here as he makes great effort to understand what I’m showing him and then completes that task on command. So well done, big buddy! 💙


Handsome Royce is already making great progress learning how to trust his handlers guidance and follow commands instead of putting on the breaks and saying ‘no way puny human!’ 😂 in situations where he feels uncertain or unmotivated. In the video, we’ll see a lovely progression in our basic place command exercise starting with Royce refusing to step on the place cot to Royce happily completing place-down on command. Sound up for chat! 🔊

Please give a big warm welcome to Royce the 1 year old American bully! Royce is the gentlest giant who already knows how...

Please give a big warm welcome to Royce the 1 year old American bully! Royce is the gentlest giant who already knows how to use his hefty weight to his advantage when he doesn’t want to do something or when he really wants to do something… he just parks it or pushes it 😂. This hunk of sweetness already walks so well on prong collar and leash thanks to some excellent work by his owners 🙌 so we’ll be adding the Ecollar training to help motivate Royce in those slo-mo and parked moments! During training Royce will also be learning about crate training, all of his basic obedience commands on and off leash, coexistence with the other dogs and people and all things polite and well mannered. Welcome Royce! 💙

Please give a big welcome to Juniper the lab mix puppy! Juniper is joining us for training to learn all the things that ...

Please give a big welcome to Juniper the lab mix puppy! Juniper is joining us for training to learn all the things that a very good little puppy should know including crate training, independence and confidence, thresholds, polite manners around other dogs and people, and the puppy version of our obedience commands: heel on leash, sit, down, intro to place and intro to recalls! Please stay tuned for a hefty dose of cuteness as she makes her way through puppy training over the next week! 🩷


When approaching a valuable threshold like the car door, crate door, house door, gate to the yard, the bottom/top of the stairs, pause and hold the dog accountable for waiting calmly. If the dog becomes excited or tries to rush through, then correct the over excitement and the misstep, close the door and repeat until you have a polite dog who is tuned in and waiting on you for the next step.
If the dog politely and calmly stops and waits, then invite them to follow you with a ‘Let’s go’ through the door. In the video, Maverick shows us how it’s done at the car door! So well done, golden boy 💙

Happy Canada Day! ❤️🇨🇦❤️

Happy Canada Day! ❤️🇨🇦❤️


Maverick is smashing goals with his off leash ecollar recalls! Look at him prioritizing his recalls over all the dogs and distractions today👏. So proud of this reformed wild man! 🤣💙


The very essence of great leadership is most clearly demonstrated during the daily structured leash walk when the handler confidently leads and the dog calmly and politely follows. The structured leash walk is an important daily ritual that focus on calm and respectful connection between handler and dog. Sound up for chat about the walk!


One of the most difficult tasks we can ask of some dogs (erm every silly young dog ever 🤣) is to be calm and sit still on command. And it’s always in the most unexpected moments that we need this kind of impulse control and obedience to commands most. That’s why we make impulse control training exercises, like practicing place command, a cornerstone of our daily habits. Well behaved dogs are built upon a consistent routine of practicing the right stuff in the right way every day (no exceptions, no excuses!) so that when those unexpected moments do happen upon us, we can rely our daily work to navigate them successfully and calmly ☺️.


Dog training is about empowering one dog owner at a time with the knowledge, the skills and the tools to succeed in daily life/real life 💗.

Check out 6 month old Miss Stella showing off her shiny new skills during some recall practice from a few days ago before this heatwave 🥵 started! Stay cool everyone!! 😎


With the basics now under his belt, Maverick and I have begun building his recall starting with our come-place-down exercise. This golden boy is smashing goals and stay cool today! 😎


We all like doing what we’re good at, the stuff that comes easily. And we all *initially* resist doing the stuff that is hard for us. Until someone lends us a hand and shows us how to do that hard stuff, makes us consistently practice doing the hard stuff until it becomes easy and second nature stuff.
So, If you have a dog that is really good at being wild and crazy, that’s what comes easy to him and he’ll find being calm and using impulse control extremely difficult. So what we need to do with these guys, as you’ll see Maverick beautifully demonstrating in the video, is teach them how to practice impulse control, how to be calm, how to follow commands, how to respect boundaries, how to relax and then make him practice those skills everyday until he is ‘patterned’ to be calm and no longer choosing the crazy 🤪.

Please give a big warm welcome to Maverick the 1.5 year old Golden Retriever!  Maverick is a SUPER energetic guy who str...

Please give a big warm welcome to Maverick the 1.5 year old Golden Retriever! Maverick is a SUPER energetic guy who struggles with his overexcitement, pulls like a whole dogsled team on leash, goes crazy for dogs, escapes out doors and doesn’t come back when called, and barks and protests like a crazy man in the crate. Whew! Looks like I’ve got some work to do with this handsome youngster! 😅 So please stay tuned as Mav learns about impulse control, all things calm and polite, following his handlers guidance, crate training, and of course all of his obedience commands on and off leash! So happy to have you with us, big buddy! Welcome Maverick! 🤗


When it comes to kids and dogs, safety must always be our top priority and both our dogs and our kids need to learn respectful and appropriate behaviour when in each others company. We don’t want our dogs bumping into or knocking over or harassing our kiddos and we also don’t want our kids pulling on ears, tails, the dogs toys or food or harassing the dog in any way. Likewise, on the walk, it’s super important that the dog is first trained to heel politely on leash with her handler (no pulling, no sniffing, no reactivity, no marking, no shenanigans) before joining the family walk with the stroller and we want the dog to heel behind the stroller so that she can’t bump into it or pester/disturb the child and so that she also doesn’t get bumped/rolled on by the stroller or grabbed by tiny hands. In the video, you’ll see a polite and attentive Stella following her commands and her training without causing chaos. You’ll also see how I’m holding the leash, the remote, the stroller, etc. so that I can keep both Stella and the stroller safe while we enjoy a great outing and walk together! It takes a lot of coordination and also dividing your focus on the child in the stroller, the dog, and traffic/people/dogs around you when walking the dog along with a stroller so I always recommend that folks work on walking the dog alone first and getting super proficient with the techniques, the tools and the rules of the structured walk before adding a challenge like the stroller. Small consistent successes lead to the biggest accomplishments and rewards! 💗


Adorable Molly mouse bringing the razzle dazzle into your life that you didn’t know you needed today ✨


Learning how to work our young dogs through the distractions and challenges of every day life while teaching her to practice polite manners and calm behaviour opens up a lifetime of opportunities and inclusion! 💗


In the video,helpful Hudson demonstrates beautifully how to stop marking when taking your dog for a structured leash walk!


Little chat about the follow command as Molly mouse and I practice in the yard and around the other dogs now that she’s in the third and final phase of Ecollar training. So well done Molly! 💗


Hammonds Plains, NS


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We are a Dog Training service that offers Training and Behaviour Modification for any dog, any problem! Please see our website (listed below) for a full description of our services and rates or to drop us a line to ask questions or to just say hello! We look forward to hearing from you soon :)

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